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Russell Brand on Revolution

Does he actually believe and talk about conspiracy theories then? I've not seen him do that (not seen loads of his stuff tbh just the news night interviews, stuff at E15, and that trews thing).

He definitely has in the past, not in the things I've seen recently which isn't everything by any means, but he did have Laurence Easeman on the panel of an event he organised very recently, I might ask Frogwoman to provide a decent link about Easeman and his dodgyness. Time will tell I guess, but atm he seems to be talking about capitalism rather than conspiracies, and it'll be great if it stays that way.
yeah, but what's the call to action going to be? Don't vaccinate your kids, don't drink tapwater and get paranoid about planes in the sky whilst shaking your fist at the reptilian overlords who constantly disrupt your plans for freedom with their devious schemes to murder everyone (whilst never actually seeming to get round to doing any actual global genocides)... or to build something that will work to improving the deal we currently have with capital in a small or big way.

Hopefully Brand will move away from the conspiraloon shit, cos it's a dead end politically and too heavily associated with racism and fascism. To be in that culture you must at least be tolerant of racism if not actually racist. I wonder if there was a time when you could believe in the moon landings being faked and the JFK grassy knoll stuff and not be racist or into global jewish conspiracy shit, but nowadays it's all wrapped up in that. Whenever it's popped up here in the past few years, some people (ButchersApron & Frogwoman mostly I think) have always shown how it's just one or at most two clicks from whatever dodgy source someone posts up to something openly anti-semitic.

He hasn't done or said any of that from what i have seen. do you have a source for any of that, so i can see for myself?

edit to add: you have kind of answered above whilst i was posting.
see I can forgive brand his substance abuse, we have all been there. Or some of us have anyway. It's the thing r/w press will use to crucify him. I can't forgive his sleaze though. It's a thing given space in his booky wook.

And thats while not really fine at least he is making atempts to deal with it. Wank four times a day is how you should deal with it lest lust cloud judgement.

Regardless of that and in recognition that nobody is perfect- he is beyond not perfect. Keystage 3 communism plated up by a very compromised source. It's just asking for any informed and thinking r/w voice to tear him apart and by extension valid points he makes.

I never realised that only perfect people could have a voice...
Ya learn something new every day here...
He hasn't done or said any of that from what i have seen. do you have a source for any of that, so i can see for myself?

edit to add: you have kind of answered above whilst i was posting.


Just caught your edit as I was about to post :) I've just found out I've got no breakfast and I'm very hungry so got to head out, frogwoman and smokedout can possibly provide some more stuff and I've not watched this vid but afaik it's Brand on David Icke's short lived tv channel:

quick google shows more. Links are definitely there in the recentish past.
Tapatalk was being stupid and posted to the wrong thread. Think I sorted it know
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Just caught your edit as I was about to post :) I've just found out I've got no breakfast and I'm very hungry so got to head out, frogwoman and smokedout can possibly provide some more stuff and I've not watched this vid but afaik it's Brand on David Icke's short lived tv channel:

quick google shows more. Links are definitely there in the recentish past.

Don't have any problem with anything he said on the video (i stopped when it got to the icke lecture as it isn't relevant to what we are talking about)
russell brand was talking his usual stuff, he made a joke about the illuminati and lizard people, then got back onto what he was there to talk about.

is it the spiritual stuff that is objectionable? i personally don't have a problem with spiritual stuff, in terms of the jesus cult of "do unto others etc" it's the basis of a good way to live without harming others, its morality which is something that is certainly part and parcel of politics and indeed our everyday life.

we are all human and as much as i want to reduce us to bags of chemicals whose sole purpose is to procreate, it is something i struggle with. we are able to question our existence and question our questioning. i'm not sure other animals can do that, i don't know if there is any evidence one way or the other. for me all that ties in to the human experience. I'm currently reading amongst other things ruby wax's sane new world. if her simplified version of how our brains see, interpret, function is close to true, well it is mind boggling the amount of information we process. I'll stop cos i think i'm wandering off on a tangent :)
Don't have any problem with anything he said on the video (i stopped when it got to the icke lecture as it isn't relevant to what we are talking about)
russell brand was talking his usual stuff, he made a joke about the illuminati and lizard people, then got back onto what he was there to talk about.

is it the spiritual stuff that is objectionable? i personally don't have a problem with spiritual stuff, in terms of the jesus cult of "do unto others etc" it's the basis of a good way to live without harming others, its morality which is something that is certainly part and parcel of politics and indeed our everyday life.

we are all human and as much as i want to reduce us to bags of chemicals whose sole purpose is to procreate, it is something i struggle with. we are able to question our existence and question our questioning. i'm not sure other animals can do that, i don't know if there is any evidence one way or the other. for me all that ties in to the human experience. I'm currently reading amongst other things ruby wax's sane new world. if her simplified version of how our brains see, interpret, function is close to true, well it is mind boggling the amount of information we process. I'll stop cos i think i'm wandering off on a tangent :)
Just talking to an anti-semite like icke and popularising and legitimatising his anti-semitism - which is what happened and is happening right now - is damaging enough in itself.
Don't have any problem with anything he said on the video (i stopped when it got to the icke lecture as it isn't relevant to what we are talking about)
russell brand was talking his usual stuff, he made a joke about the illuminati and lizard people, then got back onto what he was there to talk about.

is it the spiritual stuff that is objectionable? i personally don't have a problem with spiritual stuff, in terms of the jesus cult of "do unto others etc" it's the basis of a good way to live without harming others, its morality which is something that is certainly part and parcel of politics and indeed our everyday life.

we are all human and as much as i want to reduce us to bags of chemicals whose sole purpose is to procreate, it is something i struggle with. we are able to question our existence and question our questioning. i'm not sure other animals can do that, i don't know if there is any evidence one way or the other. for me all that ties in to the human experience. I'm currently reading amongst other things ruby wax's sane new world. if her simplified version of how our brains see, interpret, function is close to true, well it is mind boggling the amount of information we process. I'll stop cos i think i'm wandering off on a tangent :)

I was too hungry to watch the video before posting, so it might not have been what I thought it was, I'll have another look in a little bit if nobody else gets there first

edit: it's not what I thought it was, it's a video from brainfeed.ca which is a conspiraloon site "Break Free From The Slavery" goes it's tagline and oh look. illuminati, flouride etc.. etc.. can't be arsed to dig into the site. There's a few phrases that RB says that ring alarm bells but it doesn't sound full blown. Butcher's is right though of course, thoguht Brand isn't speaking to Icke in that video, I'm sure he has done.
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Here you are:

March 2013


"I like David Icke alot, I'm into his books, I'm into his theories..."

2m 15

"david icke is a pal of mine and I think he's great"

didn't listen further tbh, Icke was also on Brand's US show around the same time according to IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2700358/

so far i think russell brand is kind of making fun with his mates, icke is even aware that they are making fun of him. i don't hear him colluding with icke at all. if you listen to it, he says he agrees with icke in that we are being manipulated, being kept on a narrow bandwidth of consciousness. after icke finishes, he concludes by saying "lets put our wheelie bins out on the street wherever we like". he is making fun of icke. listen to it.
so far i think russell brand is kind of making fun with his mates, icke is even aware that they are making fun of him. i don't hear him colluding with icke at all. if you listen to it, he says he agrees with icke in that we are being manipulated, being kept on a narrow bandwidth of consciousness. after icke finishes, he concludes by saying "lets put our wheelie bins out on the street wherever we like". he is making fun of icke. listen to it.
There is years of him attending icke events, inviting him to work with him, taking his ideas seriously. It was even talked about on here years ago, including possibly funding ickes attempted antisemitic tv channel. It's all out there.
There is years of him attending icke events, inviting him to work with him, taking his ideas seriously. It was even talked about on here years ago, including possibly funding ickes attempted antisemitic tv channel. It's all out there.

if you have time listen to the show, rb is making fun of icke. you are talking about the past, we all make mistakes. fortunately for me, and presumably you, we get to make those mistakes outside of the public arena.
if you have time listen to the show, rb is making fun of icke. you are talking about the past, we all make mistakes. fortunately for me, and presumably you, we get to make those mistakes outside of the public arena.
I have listened to it - i think i even posted it up last year. Brand is a comedian - of course he's going to try and take the piss in interviews. That's what he does. He does it with everyone not just icke. The thing is though, you don't consider giving someone millions to set up a tv station, you don't sit through eight hour shows of theirs, you don't openly and repeatedly say that you like them, that you respect their ideas and that they should be taken seriously if you yourself are not taking those ideas seriously. And he plainly is. Not just then but right now, today. And in doing so he legitimises those views - including racist batshit nonsense. He needs to openly repudiate that stuff - but he's not going to because he has helped engineer a situation where he cannot take a step back or the whole thing will come tumbling down (that's how i think he's seeing things anyway).
....The thing is though, you don't consider giving someone millions to set up a tv station, you don't sit through eight hour shows of theirs, you don't openly and repeatedly say that you like them, that you respect their ideas and that they should be taken seriously if you yourself are not taking those ideas seriously. And he plainly is. Not just then but right now, today. And in doing so he legitimises those views - including racist batshit nonsense. He needs to openly repudiate that stuff - but he's not going to because he has helped engineer a situation where he cannot take a step back or the whole thing will come tumbling down (that's how i think he's seeing things anyway).

going to make guesses here cos i am not rb and don't know what he thinks. perhaps he considered giving millions cos he agrees that we are being manipulated by a global elite, you know the lobbying, the big companies that don't pay all the taxes they should, the corrupt self seeking politicians and we need to do something about it. whatever his reasons, he didn't give the millions. i'm sure you have considered taking certain actions that may be morally or legally questionable, but decided not to. i know i have. again, we don't make those decisions in the public arena.
yeah, but what's the call to action going to be? Don't vaccinate your kids, don't drink tapwater and get paranoid about planes in the sky whilst shaking your fist at the reptilian overlords who constantly disrupt your plans for freedom with their devious schemes to murder everyone (whilst never actually seeming to get round to doing any actual global genocides)... or to build something that will work to improving the deal we currently have with capital in a small or big way.

Hopefully Brand will move away from the conspiraloon shit, cos it's a dead end politically and too heavily associated with racism and fascism. To be in that culture you must at least be tolerant of racism if not actually racist. I wonder if there was a time when you could believe in the moon landings being faked and the JFK grassy knoll stuff and not be racist or into global jewish conspiracy shit, but nowadays it's all wrapped up in that. Whenever it's popped up here in the past few years, some people (ButchersApron & Frogwoman mostly I think) have always shown how it's just one or at most two clicks from whatever dodgy source someone posts up to something openly anti-semitic.[/
if you have time listen to the show, rb is making fun of icke. you are talking about the past, we all make mistakes. fortunately for me, and presumably you, we get to make those mistakes outside of the public arena.

Laurence Eastman, David Icke - thats probably as many conspira-anti Semites as RB needs to be associating with, at any level, before it starts to look like something other than carelessness tbh -
going to make guesses here cos i am not rb and don't know what he thinks. perhaps he considered giving millions cos he agrees that we are being manipulated by a global elite, you know the lobbying, the big companies that don't pay all the taxes they should, the corrupt self seeking politicians and we need to do something about it. whatever his reasons, he didn't give the millions. i'm sure you have considered taking certain actions that may be morally or legally questionable, but decided not to. i know i have. again, we don't make those decisions in the public arena.
I can honestly say i've never considered donating to or getting involved in an anti-semitic tv station or group or repeatedly bigged up the main man behind it for years on end. And if i had and had since moved on/grew up etc i would make damn sure everyone knew that i now rejected all that nonsense. I would make of point of criticising it repeatedly and publicly. Brand has ummed and ahhed about it in a devious shifty manner rather than just coming out and saying blimey i was a bit of mug wasn't i? (and let's be clear here, this wasn't Brand as a teenager, this was a grown man in his mid 30s) which i think pretty clearly harms him and has the potential to do wider damage to people and things entirely unconnected with this stuff that he chooses to get involved with.
I can honestly say i've never considered donating to or getting involved in an anti-semitic tv station or group or repeatedly bigged up the main man behind it for years on end. And if i had and had since moved on/grew up etc i would make damn sure everyone knew that i now rejected all that nonsense. I would make of point of criticising it repeatedly and publicly. Brand has ummed and ahhed about it in a devious shifty manner rather than just coming out and saying blimey i was a bit of mug wasn't i? (and let's be clear here, this wasn't Brand as a teenager, this was a grown man in his mid 30s) which i think pretty clearly harms him and has the potential to do wider damage to people and things entirely unconnected with this stuff that he chooses to get involved with.

Also doing untold damage by legitimising ickes antisemitism and bringing it to the mainstream
who is this eastman bloke? i've not heard of him before this thread. google search proved inconclusive.
Would it be acceptable to appear on nick griffins radio show and take the piss in a fun jokey way? Oh i was just joking so it's fine

rb on the icke tv video, didn't take the piss. rb on his own radio show did take the piss. to answer your question, it wouldn't be appropriate for you to appear on nick griffin radio in a jokey kind of way, as i understand you to be opposed to the views of nick griffin and don't see how that would fit my perception of your online persona.
I have never seen nor read anything of RB's oeuvre having been vaguely aware of him as a nitwit with a massive sense of his own importance...but even if he was saintly and virtuous, I would still query this whole campaign. I think that wealthy and connected people who genuinely wish to 'do good', fail by inserting themselves in the centre of campaigns which always raises the suspicion that this is really just self-aggrandisment and ego-pumping. The absolute focus on fame and celebrity as any driver of action or social justice just completely overrides the 'message'. As far as I can see, the sole focus of all this activity has been a sort of manic self-promotion which ultimately just causes more harm than good to any of these so-called social actions and mainly irritates the fuck out of me.
who is this eastman bloke? i've not heard of him before this thread. google search proved inconclusive.

rb on the icke tv video, didn't take the piss. rb on his own radio show did take the piss. to answer your question, it wouldn't be appropriate for you to appear on nick griffin radio in a jokey kind of way, as i understand you to be opposed to the views of nick griffin and don't see how that would fit my perception of your online persona.

Would it be acceptable to appear on his show at all? And big him up going this guy's my mate and his views should be listened to?
yeah, you ran that line already. He's probably just terribly cynical. After all, you seem to think so.

I doubt he's cynical. Thing is, he doesn't need to be. He's perfectly well-aware of how the media functions, and of what stimuli work. A moment's thought would have/will have told him how this all could go, so some people are asking themselves (rightly or wrongly) "who benefits?".
Would it be acceptable to appear on his show at all? And big him up going this guy's my mate and his views should be listened to?
rb does mention it at the end of the radio show, the things he agrees with, he certainly doesn't say everything icke says should be taken as gospel - that is my understanding of it.

if you are talking about you appearing on the nick griffin show, i can't imagine you bigging him up at all. it just doesn't fit with who you appear to be, so i would wonder what was going on, and had i the opportunity i would ask you why you did it. if you appeared on the nick griffin show and shown him to be the arse that he is , then yes it would be fitting with who i perceive you to be.

edited: dodgy spelling
rb does mention it at the end of the radio show, the things he agrees with, he certainly doesn't say everything icke says should be taken as gospel - that is my understanding of it.

if you are talking about you appearing on the nick griffin show, i can't imagine you bigging him up at all. it just doesn't fit with who you appear to be, so i would wonder what was going on, and had i the opportunity i would ask you why you did it. if you appeared on the nick griffin show and shown him to be the arse that he is , then yes it would be fitting with who i perceive you to be.

edited: dodgy spelling

Well i don't think it would be acceptable to appear on something like that at all. He's a man in his 30s and should know better.
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