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Russell Brand on Revolution

There'll be some suggestible Brand fans out there now who, (for whatever reasons) want to follow what Brand says, finding themselves unable to do so as voter registration has now closed. All well thought through...obviously.:facepalm:
What a fucking nobjockey. Power is so alluring. One visit from a real politician in his kitchen and he's rolled over.
Mind you, lucky he didn't have Nick Griffin over for a cook-in.
well thats it isn't it?@ Ive met a number of labour pols over the years, and their minions. All secret reds just waiting for power and then they will enact the transistional program. Just fuck off you lying bastards
What a twat .

Katy perrys well shot of the chlamydia riven attention seeker . A man with no character or class whatsoever . The only good thing is he's exposed his twat followers and fans as twats . Who'll be moping about with their mouths open all confused now .
What a fucking nobjockey. Power is so alluring. One visit from a real politician in his kitchen and he's rolled over.
Mind you, lucky he didn't have Nick Griffin over for a cook-in.
given the way he annihilated Mark Collett a good few years ago (videos on youtube) it's unlikely.

Why are people surprised or upset by this btw? Did you think Brand was a committed socialist revolutionary or summat? He's nothing if not eclectic.
Brand always said he'd vote for someone if he thought they would actually change things, and always had the "politicians are all aliens" view in the backdrop of his public pronouncements. So it's not exactly surprising that he'd be amenable when someone like Miliband - who for all his TV awkwardness, is a professional persuader and very personable - comes in and shows he's human.

The thing which is amusing me is the volte-face from all those Labour ballot-botherers who spent months slagging Brand off as a politically illiterate moron but have suddenly decided he's pretty sharp, actually. A good guy really. A clever Tory would have a field day with the last six months of Guardian columns. As a non-voter, I'm just glad I no longer have to explain "no not like Russell Brand."
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Brand always said he'd vote for someone if he thought they would actually change things[..]

He also said Ed didn't have the tools for the job. He's a lefty version of Alex Jones really, he's found an audience he can milk for some cash and he's going for it.
given the way he annihilated Mark Collett a good few years ago (videos on youtube) it's unlikely.

Why are people surprised or upset by this btw? Did you think Brand was a committed socialist revolutionary or summat? He's nothing if not eclectic.

is anyone? all I see is people saying 'yup, knew it' or 'twat' which you can say about brand any day of the year
Excellent response from Johnny.

It’s hardly surprising that Eddie Izzard, Alan Partridge and now even Russell Brand all want us to vote Labour. They are the people the modern Labour Party represents after all. Millionaires who feel a bit guilty about poverty and stuff but don’t want to change things too much. At least not so much that it might make an impact on their own cosseted lives.

For Russell Brand – who called himself a revolutionary five minutes ago – to endorse this is both treason and boringly predicatble. It is astonishing and even quite funny that as soon as a rich person publicly denounces capitalism then the leader of a main political party dashes round their house and steers them gently back onto the path of neo-liberalism. But it is a tragedy as well, at least for those who may have felt inspired by Brand’s crude radicalism. His message, before Ed’s intervention, was essentially along the right lines. They are all fucking wankers and only in it for themselves. That includes Russell Brand as well it turns out. Never trust a hippy, especially a rich one.


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It’s hardly surprising that Eddie Izzard, Alan Partridge and now even Russell Brand all want us to vote Labour. They are the people the modern Labour Party represents after all. Millionaires who feel a bit guilty about poverty and stuff but don’t want to change things too much. At least not so much that it might make an impact on their own cosseted lives

Yeah but they've got some choices, have they not? They could just spend their millions and not really give a toss about what is going on around them. They could actively support a few crumbs being thrown from the table, as the Labour luvvies do. Or they could be like Sol Campbell and oppose the possibility of even the slightest crumb leaving that top table. He's got those crumbs in a death grip! "I've worked hard for that... how dare you punish my success". I mean, it was like spidey senses with that cunt. Not a word from him publicly about politics in his life then all of a sudden Labour mention the Mansion Tax and the next thing he might be Tory candidate for Mayor of London!
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