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Russell Brand on Revolution

Amazon review of Russel's wooky-booky by Robert David Steele - an odd goat-starer type who used to be in the "company" - ( taps side of nose )

20 of 26 people found the following review helpful
Brilliant, Intricate, Non-Violent, and Optimistic, November 4, 2014

This review is from: Revolution (Hardcover)

In relation to the 2,000 plus non-fiction books I have reviewed here at Amazon, this book is brilliant. Normally I would consider giving it four stars for lacking an index and endnotes, obviously needed for the poorly educated morons that cannot grasp the many (many) direct references to top authors and thinkers. For crying out loud, Thomas Piketty, author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century is received by the author in his home and cited in this book, as are so many others. So a solid five stars for impact and self-made erudition.

Let me state very clearly that the publisher has sodomized this author by not including an index, a bibliography, or endnotes. As the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reviewing books across 98 distinct non-fiction categories, I am blown away by the clever, poetic, and pointed manner in which the author has integrated a vast (vast) range of reading and personal conversations into this book.

Here are a few meta-observations, followed by some detailed notes. I found this book absorbing and moving. Those that say the author does not offer specific solutions are clearly illiterates who have not actually read the book.

01 Poetry and philosophy. Will Durant's 1916 thesis, now available as Philosophy and the Social Problem: The Annotated Edition, fits easily with this author's panoramic book of both the problems and the possibilities.

02 If Russell Brand can be clean for 11 years, We the People can overturn our blind addictions to toxic corporations and absentee corrupt governments. There is a marvelous personal story woven throughout this book, the bottom line being that the author has chosen to be clean and deal with reality, something 80% of the public will not do -- their drugs of choice being slave wages, alcohol, gambling, and pornography.

03 We ALL want to be delivered from evil, including the 1%. I am charmed by a brief report from the author of his encounter with Lady Lynn Rothschild (who is originally from New Jersey) -- not mentioned in the book is the fact that she sponsored a May conference on Inclusive Capitalism, and together with the Mars Family (Mutuality Economics) and the "black sheep billionaires" (Redemptive Capitalism), represents the fraction of the 1% that "gets it" -- restore public agency or get a pitchfork up your ass.

04 Citing Fawzi Ibrahim, we have a choice: capitalism or the planet. Restoring community is how we cope. I am reminded of two books in particular, Lionel Tiger's The Manufacture of Evil: Ethics, Evolution and the Industrial System and Human scale.

05 Overall the author comes across as a loving conscious spirit who means no ill to the 1% but is sharply focused on achieving dignity and fairness for the 99%. He has completed his own Hero's Journey, has climbed out of the abyss, and is now a voice for public healing.


01 Control and hold accountable all corporations, scrapping the World Trade Organization (WTO) and creating the World Environmental Organization (WEO).

02 Re-localize food and farming (the UN just announced that this is the only sustainable agricultural solution)

03 Prioritize life over profit by rejecting Gross National Product (GNP) in favor of more community and life-affirming measures.

04 Individual debt jubilee.

05 Route around governments with autonomous community-based organizations

06 Get the money out of politics, participate instead of voting, move toward Liquid Democracy

07 Shift the energy paradigm to include shutting down all nuclear.

08 Make society, not economics, central to how we organize.

09 Open information, open eyes, open mind -- restore public power with transparency.

10 Demand 70% affordable housing from any development.

11 Direct most government funding to social enterprises.

12 Free Wi-Fi everywhere


01 This book is hilarious.

02 Among key intellectual influences worth noting are Joseph Campbell and Sir James Goldsmith. I would add two recommended books, Peter Linebaugh's Stop, Thief!: The Commons, Enclosures, and Resistance (Spectre) and Matt Taibbi's Griftopia: A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History.

03 What US Government paid in bank bail-outs would have provided $50,000 a year to each homeless person in the USA.

04 60,000 of the homeless in the USA are veterans (independent fact check shows no fewer than 50,000).

05 Our attitude toward homelessness (obliviousness) is symptomatic of our attitude toward genocide, war, and general political and economic corruption.

06 Pedophilia is politics and politics is pedophilia. This is a nuclear grenade. Buy the book. I will certify that it applies in the USA as much as it may apply in the UK and across Europe.

07 Among the many corporations that should be killed (put out of existence) are Apple, Boots, Coca Cola, Disney, Exxon, Goldman Sachs, General Motors, Monsanto, Pfizer, and Time Warner.

08 The author lionizes Daniel Pinchbeck, whom I also worship, he was the publisher of my book in the signature line, and is a cultural and spiritual guru of the first order.

09 Among the most interesting elements of the book for me were sections deconstructing the Lord's Prayer, dismantling "Manifest Destiny," and sections throughout the book on the intersection between science, religion, and consciousness. There are so many books I would like to recommend, here I must limit myself to two: Quantum Jumps: An Extraordinary Science of Happiness and Prosperity and Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution.

10 I have MANY books annotated in the margins of this book, I mention this to make the point that anyone who demeans this author's erudite and poetic essay -- never mind the crap publisher screwing over the details -- is simply not well-read. With my two remaining links I offer Theresa Amato's Grand Illusion: The Myth of Voter Choice in a Two-Party Tyranny and the UK's only utterly genius Philip Allot of Cambridge, The Health of Nations: Society and Law beyond the State.

The author concludes with a strong statement, very detailed, on the need to migrate toward community-based social enterprises and self-governance -- a Nobel Prize was awarded to Elino Ostrom for her book on Governing the Commons that made many of these points.

I am very happy to stand with the author on the substance of this book. It serves us all.

Robert David STEELE Vivas
he was better when he was in marine corps intelligence.
that's one hell of an oxymoron your toting there pardner.......I do worry about the quality : quantity trade off of his output...
the nato open source trilogy readily available online is interesting and useful, if a bit dated (it was written about 15 years ago and the internet's moved on somewhat since then). what he's written about revolution is simply bollocks. although i suppose brand's supporters like it.
Predictably, Daniel 'Anglosphere' Hannan penned a piece on Brand, in which he describes him as "anti-democratic".

Think about that for a moment. Russell Brand’s quarrel isn’t with the people who have more courage than him; it’s with parliamentary democracy itself. A chap might be making an honest living as, say, a “comedian and campaigner”; but the very fact of bothering to ask his countrymen for their votes would turn him into a shyster.

OK, Russell, so if you don’t like representative democracy, what’s your alternative? Anarchy? Fascism? Monarchical absolutism? An Islamic Caliphate? Because you can’t have a functioning democracy without politicians; and politicians, in every parliament, tend to group themselves officially or unofficially into parties.

Brand as a dictator? I can't see it. Hannan, like his chums, are scared of anything that contradicts their cosy view of untrammelled laissez-faire and its social consequences (which are ignored by Hannan et al). The article is hilarious. Hannan can't resist summoning up the ghosts of history's dictators in his conclusion.

Let me put the question again: what is the alternative? Dislike of party politics has been the justification for every autocrat in history: Cromwell, Bonaparte, Lenin, Mussolini, Franco. And it always starts in the same way, with the arguments now being put forward by Russell Brand.

What? No Pinochet? I wonder why? :D
Yes, she is great, but yet another one..

ah, bit more complicated

You know what - If someone's been to a nobby private school I usually mentally reduce the extent to which I'm impressed by their achievements by about 50%. But, given I don't reckon that MR's school was a hotbed of impressionism, and it isn't widely known for it's extra-curricular impressionism facilities, and doesn't employ Phil Cool as a visiting professor - I"m going to let this one go.

Cumberbatch and Damian Lewis on the other hand, can fuck right off.
Que meltdown

"Speaking about the results, Prospect’s editor, Bronwen Maddox, said: “This was voted for entirely by readers and does not represent Prospect’s views. Russell Brand has made an important contribution to conversation and ideas over the past year. We have an initial list of 50 people for readers to vote from and, given the platform Brand has been given on the BBC and the Guardian, we felt he should be included. It is a list that is very dependent on events over the past year, so it is not surprising, with the recent release of Revolution and all the conversation around it, that Brand appears on this list. But this was very much Thomas Piketty’s race – he was well beyond all the others in terms of votes.”

In the past, the magazine itself has not been altogether in favour of Brand’s personal revolution. In one review titled No, Russell Brand, You’re No Noam Chomsky, Brand is criticised for his “constant changes of tone from whimsical memoir to sombre pseudo-philosophic discourse”, with the book described as “unpleasantly jarring” and “gratingly predictable”.

Some of the profits from Brand’s book are now going to be funnelled into a cafe on the New Era estate in Hackney, where the activist successfully helped fight the planned eviction of the residents. Rather than a profit-making enterprise, the cafe – named the Trew Era Cafe – will go towards funding local community projects."


this cafe is going to be run by people in abstinence-based recovery. It’s a model which is not for profit, a fully self-supporting new economic enterprise.

“We’ll start more and more of these social enterprises. Eventually, we will trade with one another in our own currency. We are going to create our own systems, our own federations, our own currencies, our own authorities ... Politics is dead, this is the end of politics. What we are discussing now is what comes after. We have an opportunity to create something better and it will start with small enterprises such as this.”

hipster cult
Predictably, Daniel 'Anglosphere' Hannan penned a piece on Brand, in which he describes him as "anti-democratic".

Brand as a dictator? I can't see it. Hannan, like his chums, are scared of anything that contradicts their cosy view of untrammelled laissez-faire and its social consequences (which are ignored by Hannan et al). The article is hilarious. Hannan can't resist summoning up the ghosts of history's dictators in his conclusion.

What? No Pinochet? I wonder why? :D
There was half hour election twatfest following Newsnight last night. It was basically that post. You were played by Billy Bragg. There was also a senile Tory on actually called Lady Trumpington.
I read about Brand's "conversion" yesterday. I wonder whether it will bring Brand's followers over to the Labour camp or perhaps they are dyed in the wool anarchists who are not even registered. Miliband pulled a flanker there if he can achieve that.
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It's hard for me to get inside Brands mind-set but with Cameron calling him a joke, Brand, the self confessed self-centered bloke he is might have just thought feck it, i'll endorse a whole load of votes to his rival, just because I can. Not that I really give a rat's arse tbh.
It's hard for me to get inside Brands mind-set but with Cameron calling him a joke, Brand, the self confessed self-centered bloke he is might have just thought feck it, i'll endorse a whole load of votes to his rival, just because I can. Not that I really give a rat's arse tbh.
it's typical of the posturing dilettante. But seeing as Ihave only one dog in this race, hgere's hoping he gets a few freaks out for labour. Then I can watch PMQ's again which I have been unable to do the full distance of for five years
I'd like to stick Brand and Clarkson in a rocket... and just launch it somewhere in the general direction of Uranus... with no telecommunications.
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