Louis MacNeice said:
MC5 - when you cut the end of that quote off, you did make a bad mistake re. the argument you were having. Now it may well be that from your experience you think that most abuse of the elderly takes place in their own homes, but that is not what the piece said. Why not go away and find some evience to support your claim (which I suspect is correct), rather than try to defend your misuse of the truncated quotation?
Louis MacNeice
Right, here's the full paragraph:
More than 700,000 elderly people are subjected to abuse in their own homes or privately run nursing homes, according to the results of a new study to be published this week
This was posted with a reference that it wasn't "good timing" at my suggestion that most abuse took place in older people's own homes rather than care homes.
I replied that: "The report doesn't take anything away from what I stated, that the majority of abuse affects those in their own homes."
Then I was accused of: "jumping the gun in saying that it [the report] finds that the majority of abuse takes place in private homes". I never said the report said that. That was an assertion based on my experience.
A further post from our distinquished guest taunted me by saying that I had "chose the wrong day to quit sniffing glue". How's that for deliberate "misuse" of the English language?
He went on to say that I claimed that the report backed up my points, namely that the majority of abuse takes place in the home. I never made such a claim. Again I said: "The report doesn't take anything away from what I stated..."
Next, I'm told by Butchers: "tearing up the adult protection system", if you'd read the bloody link that we're tlaking about you'd surely know that it exactly what the govt is considering doing as a direct result of the finding sof this report. That's a quote from the article..."
Erm, no such quote exists in the article.
Then I'm told that the report "doesn't mention anything like that" - this being a reference to older people subjected to abuse in their own homes. This is when I used the 'truncated quote' to demonstrate that the report had mentioned that.
Then all of a sudden I'm being accused of being "dishonest", which is rich coming from someone who said they were having no more to do with Urban, when they flounced out of here some time back, but who has now sneaked back in here under a different name.
I've also had abuse being hurled my way, along with another poster, by some comment stating that somehow we've "lost the plot". Ha! No fucking chance. This from a complete cretin too.
Then you add grist to the mill with your "you did make a bad mistake" and a supposed "misuse" of a "truncated quote".
Funny how you are silent on the crap spewed out by my protagonist innit?