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Were you recruited to the Left? Have you recruited people to the Left? Is it even possible to be "recruited" to the Left?

I was involved in it for a bit as a teenager but don't recall if I ever actually joined. Remember going to some conference thing in London and singing the red flag, and sleeping in some community hall thing after getting pissed in the evening. Turns out sleeping on a wooden stage isn't the most comfortable night even when drunk.
Was that the Royal Albert Hall thing? It was a pretty good night. And no one ever joined as 'it wasn't a party, just a newspaper with supporters' nudge nuge. Plus a 10% of your take home pay salary monthly voluntary donation! ETA fucking trots.
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Was that the Royal Albert Hall thing? It was a pretty good night. And no one ever joined as 'it wasn't a party, just a newspaper with supporters' nudge nuge. Plus a 10% of your take home pay salary monthly voluntary donation! ETA fucking trots.
No, it was somewhere in east London iirc.
No, it was somewhere in east London iirc.

There was ‘The Centre’ which was where the press was plus a big hall. Fair few events there.

Despite being trots the event when they filled the Albert Hall was pretty unique and nit something many other groups managed in the 80s and 90s.
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got it from my parents. and i think my utter obsession with bob dylan from the age of around 14 to 20 really cememented it, breaking off into all the writers that he liked.
I followed my mum and dads politics. It was an easy choice formed by some lived experience, my parents struggles and Thatcherism. Both my mum and dad were left leaning. My dad had mates that worked in the print at Wapping. I was there with my dad and many of his mates to witness my second experience of state sanctioned violence being dished out to add to the tv news footage of miners i'd witnessed getting whacked over the peanut with truncheons only months before. A lot of my mates dads who i went to Millwall with were union reps and also hated Thatcher. I already knew her as thatcher the milk snatcher. My old mum who i rarely see angry or hear swear despised her. Anytime she appeared on the telly my mum would let rip with words i never thought she was capable off. :D That just cemented what i'd already decided for myself. That she was a complete stone cold evil cunt. So by the time i was 16 i fucking hated the tories for the misery and stress that they'd caused to people i knew. I also hated them for what they represented and the utter contempt that they had for the working classes.

I had a reason to be proud two year back when i found out my son hated them too. His mums a tory so was quite shocked to discover which way he leaned after he sent me a link to his facebook of him Djing at his first ever gig up in Bristol where he was at uni. I watched the bit of footage of him on the decks whilst having a proud dad moment cause i'd been teaching him on my set up from the age of 12. He said years before that he wanted to follow in my footsteps and bosh there he was playing at Dakota in Bristol. Being a bit nosey i had a scroll down his facebook page. I stop at a post with a picture of Boris Johnson only to read the most wonderful and venomous dismantling of Boris. Scroll down a bit more and he was calling Rees mogg allsorts of cunts. Then he laid into Matt Hancock. That was followed by an absolute scolding and shaming of the working class people who in his opinion should be ashamed of themselves for voting for a party that has shat on them all there lives all because they couldn't vote for Corbyn because of what right wing media brainwashed them with. There was other bits and pieces that he'd posted about how the tory cuts were affecting families along with stuff about the tories lining there pockets by handing out contracts to companies run by mates or people with connections to cabinet members or there families.

Gone on a bit of a ramble but there it is.
Sounds quite exciting and secret agent-y, though. :hmm:
Actually, I'm getting a bit worried now. What if there was some deep conditioning and they might still be able to activate me? Always wondered why the words 'transitional programme' get me reaching for a bundle of imaginary papers and screaming the word KINNOCK!
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Actually, I'm getting a bit worried now. What if there was some deep conditioning and they might still be able to activate me? Always wondered why the words 'transitional programme' get me reaching for a bundle of imaginary papers and screaming the work KINNOCK!

How about "package of measures"?
I got one of the ANL-organised coaches down to the Welling march from Leeds in my student days and they had swappies going down the coach aisle having a chat with everyone trapped in their seats and giving them leaflets, so recruitment attempts did happen. Stuff about the underlying causes of racism being capitalism etc., please give your details/come to meetings. Felt like a Jesus Army style cult. Have a vague memory that I hitched home.

My own politics informed just by growing up, working, just seeing how things are. Never really been involved in groups, participated more in the RTS/critical mass type stuff which never seemed to be about soul-collecting, it gained its own momentum just from being fun.

Also done a lot in DIY music stuff through playing in bands, that all seemed to find me rather than me seek it out, but the fucking beauty of self-organised gigs and the international support network around it is hugely inspiring, plus all the related community stuff, squat bars, bike workshops, all about building positive alternatives, a better ‘recruiting’ tactic than pamphlets and meetings imo.
I got one of the ANL-organised coaches down to the Welling march from Leeds in my student days and they had swappies going down the coach aisle having a chat with everyone trapped in their seats and giving them leaflets, so recruitment attempts did happen. Stuff about the underlying causes of racism being capitalism etc., please give your details/come to meetings. Felt like a Jesus Army style cult. Have a vague memory that I hitched home.

My own politics informed just by growing up, working, just seeing how things are. Never really been involved in groups, participated more in the RTS/critical mass type stuff which never seemed to be about soul-collecting, it gained its own momentum just from being fun.

Also done a lot in DIY music stuff through playing in bands, that all seemed to find me rather than me seek it out, but the fucking beauty of self-organised gigs and the international support network around it is hugely inspiring, plus all the related community stuff, squat bars, bike workshops, all about building positive alternatives, a better ‘recruiting’ tactic than pamphlets and meetings imo.
at the end of the welling do i was with a friend trying to get out of the area on one of the coaches. none of the numerous swappie coaches would take us.
at the end of the welling do i was with a friend trying to get out of the area on one of the coaches. none of the numerous swappie coaches would take us.
You were improperly dressed perhaps? The swappie uniform was black and dark grey IIRC. The coach i was on took stragglers home to the north btw, but scruffy anarchists just wont accept the dress code will they - such things are a matter of high principle after all ;) 🤣
Follow this link for a fine example of a properly attired anarchist: Pickman's model, in accordance with the usual anarchist protocols, is a raggy arsed scruff, so little wonder the comrades wouldn't allow him on their coach..

You call those properly attired anarchists? Pfft, this is what a properly attired anarchist looks like:
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