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Racism towards Travellers in the UK

Orang Utan

Acceptable through usage
It’s oft said that it’s the last acceptable form of racism, though unfortunately there seems to be a resurgence of other forms recently due to the likes of Braverman and Farage.
This is an article published today in the Yorkshire Evening Post:
I still hear bigoted language being used about travellers unselfconsciously at work and in public quite often, something I wouldn’t hear when used about other groups.
Why is this?
It’s oft said that it’s the last acceptable form of racism, though unfortunately there seems to be a resurgence of other forms recently due to the likes of Braverman and Farage.
This is an article published today in the Yorkshire Evening Post:
I still hear bigoted language being used about travellers unselfconsciously at work and in public quite often, something I wouldn’t hear when used about other groups.
Why is this?
I think they're easy to push around and they're so visible and the travelling ones are transient so they are seen as being able to be got rid of. A lot of the criticism they face, well, things have been made difficult to impossible for them. Have you tried getting rid of rubbish if you're NFA? Where does it go then? You need to pay council tax to use the tip up here in W Yorkshire. We count as NFA, because we live onboard and cruise, but we are able to use CRT bins - although there aren't many at all, you have about 10 miles of canal between bins. It's a pain in the arse but at least I have somewhere I can use. When the bins are overflowing, because there aren't enough, we have non liveaboard boaters berating us, calling us animals, yeah well have they tried carrying around half a dozen full bin bags in a heatwave? They have no idea. So I have a lot of empathy, we get accused of the same things. I've had complete strangers tell me what I'm doing is wrong and declare that I'm dodging tax, so imagine the shit that land travellers get. Tried getting a job if you're a traveller? With no address? Or a travellers site address? And the prejudice and often sporadic education you had. Is there any wonder some end up being criminals? Half my neighbours on my old London mooring were Irish travellers, never known such a trustworthy group with strong morals. Lend money? You ALWAYS get it back, my dad tells the tale of lending a traveller some money, forgetting about it, then, wondering why he was being stalked by this mans family members for months afterwards - they were trying to repay him.
My old neighbours son put his kids through private school in order for them to lose the accent and not face the same prejudices that he did. To be able to get a job and not be a criminal like he was. If you met them you'd have no idea they were Irish travellers. That was his plan.
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I still hear bigoted language being used about travellers unselfconsciously at work and in public quite often, something I wouldn’t hear when used about other groups.
Why is this?

I'm no expert but I suspect the bigoted attitudes are formed by years of media grooming that 'travellers' are generally a nuisance to society who contribute little and infringe on the lives of 'normal hard working people' fueled in no small part by sensationalist reality TV like Big Fat Gypsy Weddings and the like.
Pikey, gyppos, "watch out the gyppo's have moved on the reccie" - all pubs immediately stop taking £50 notes. There's plenty of grief for travellers in UK. They are seen as different. To be scared of. And then they get insular. And move on. With cultural practices, especially regarding gender roles, continuing for generations.
and every single bit of crime gets blamed on them soon as they arrive. My neighbour said that on some towns, locals would sneak into their camp at night and try to poison their dogs.
Pikey, gyppos, "watch out the gyppo's have moved on the reccie" - all pubs immediately stop taking £50 notes. There's plenty of grief for travellers in UK. They are seen as different. To be scared of. And then they get insular. And move on. With cultural practices, especially regarding gender roles, continuing for generations.

Lots of generations:

1530 (22 Henry 8 c. 10) An act concerning outlandish people, calling themselves Egyptians

FORASMUCH as before this time divers and many outlandish people calling themselves Egyptians, using no craft nor feat of merchandise have come into this realm, and gone from shire to shire and place to place in great company, and used great, subtil, and crafty means to deceive the people, bearing them in hand that they by palmestry could tell men’s and women’s fortunes, and so many times by craft and subtilty have deceived the people of their money, and also have committed many heinous felonies and robberies, to the great hurt and deceit of the people that they have come among....
Lots of generations:

1530 (22 Henry 8 c. 10) An act concerning outlandish people, calling themselves Egyptians

FORASMUCH as before this time divers and many outlandish people calling themselves Egyptians, using no craft nor feat of merchandise have come into this realm, and gone from shire to shire and place to place in great company, and used great, subtil, and crafty means to deceive the people, bearing them in hand that they by palmestry could tell men’s and women’s fortunes, and so many times by craft and subtilty have deceived the people of their money, and also have committed many heinous felonies and robberies, to the great hurt and deceit of the people that they have come among....
Ah, so that’s why Philip Pullman calls the Oxford bargees Gyptians in His Dark Materials
What confused me was how an Irish person could be racist to an Irish traveller as they share an ethnicity. But it’s been pointed out they’re classed as their own ethnicity.
What confused me was how an Irish person could be racist to an Irish traveller as they share an ethnicity. But it’s been pointed out they’re classed as their own ethnicity.

They are othered and demonised by many in Ireland. Been that way for generations. Some of it subtle and some of it not.
And yet boaters like pinkmonkey don't face the same sort of discrimination (or to a lesser extent) as travellers. Even thick racists seem to be able to literally discriminate!
Oh, that's weird, only last week I was trying and mainly failing to explain to my daughter why racism is racism when it's directed at travellers. She has friends of lots of ethnicities and wouldn't dream of saying something to offend them. But there's a girl that she doesn't like who's a traveller. "But she looks like me! People confuse us!" Other than saying it's shit to criticise other people based on their culture, which goes right over her head, I'm at a bit of a loss and watching this thread with interest.
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