Workfare reforms: stake through this government's heart argues Jonathan Rutherford
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Poverty is the new political battle ground. In Liverpool on Tuesday Chris Grayling launched the Conservatives plans to tackle the social gulf between the rich and poor . Its policy document, 'Uniting Britain's Divided Cities' begins, ‘Britain today is a divided nation, where the poorest in our society are growing poorer while the fortunes of the richest are rising'. The Conservatives are taking on New Labour in its heartland and New Labour can no longer bluster outrage at this Tory hypocrisy.
It has triangulated too far to the right and made too many compromises of its own egalitarian tradition to point the blame at Margaret Thatcher and the 1980s. New Labour is now seen as the party of the establishment and the party of insecurity. Nowhere is this more in evidence than its plans for welfare reform.
Jonathan Rutherford, one of the few LP activists or academics to regulary write about the welfare reforms has written another excellent incisive and devastating indictment of NL welfare policy, it is on the Compass site and republished in Tribune
See also Dr Alison Ravetz’s work