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Pubs want to halve the two metre rule

I think if you spend hours in an enclosed space talking to somebody who has the virus, you're likely to get infected whether you are 1, 2, or 3 meters away - but it's madness for pubs in the country with one of the world's worst outbreaks to want to halve the recommended distance right from the beginning, they could at least start with 2 meters and see how it goes.
I saw a better model outside the big Wetherspoons at Camden Lock earlier where quite a few people had bought booze from the offie and were sitting at their tables drinking it.

They were doing this outside The Anglers in Walton at the weekend, it has tables bolted to the floor next to the Thames, so they can’t really stop you from sitting there.
I can't find the article now, annoyingly, but there was something the other day in The Guardian about some pubs re-opening (in June or July?) and only with outside seating and service from exterior bars on the pavement/at the exits. With seating distances enforced.

I don't at all think that this would work in practice though. Only a few larger pubs with big gardens/yards would qualify anyway.

I'm missing pubs like hell :mad: x 10,000, but pubs would be the worst places ever for expecting people to go along with any rules, especially after three or more pints.

I'd tolerate waiting to September or October, or even later -- whenever slightly looser rules might actually be acceptable and enforceable.
I guess it's the only way they're ever going to stand a chance of being viable... I think it could work in some pubs, but there's some I'd definitely avoid as there simply wouldn't be enough space to avoid getting close to people (and I'd take a mask and sanitiser to every pub and use when I felt necessary).


Will you go to pubs and wear masks? I dont doubt the necessity of either.
I totally understand why everyone here is saying they'd not be going back to pubs for a while but I'm going to buck the trend a bit.

I think I would go back if they open in July but only to places that you could reasonably socially distance and certainly wouldn't go into a crowded place, not because I would be scared but because I'd think they are not taking their responsibilities correctly. I'm not worried about me and have not been from the start. I'm pretty sure I've already had it and if I get it again so be it, I'm in a pretty low risk group and have no dependents.

Thing is I am seeing so many reports saying the virus is going to be around for a long time, possibly forever and we're just going to have to learn to live along side it and this is no way to live a life, for me anyway. If it was possible to say 100% that keep everything shut until the end of the year and then we'd effectively be virus free then I'd happily go along with it. To be honest though, who's to say we won't be in exactly the same position this time next year? Its not just pubs its many things and I don't want to live like this but equally I don't want to do something reckless.

All the way along I followed the official guidance because its obviously not about me its about everyone. I don't want to be responsible for making matters worse but also I am not a scientist and I'm not going to try and second guess science I don't understand. If the Government proceed with relaxing of Lock-down including pubs I think I will go along with that though I fully understand why so many are saying 'no way'.

Still, its all a long way off and a week is a very long time in this pandemic let alone months. Who knows what the landscape will look like in July / August?
What they need to do (at least for venues without sizeable beer gardens) is scrap bylaws where they exist about drinking on the street, so that folks can buy a beer and wander around outside rather than being crammed indoors or on the small area of pavement where the smokers usually huddle.
This would be fabulous. Note: There is a 12 min walk to nearest pub here. For some the noise would be horrendous.
If I was back in England I'd go to a couple of local pubs where I know everyone , old blokes pubs/boozers. Where there is a hard core of regular clients who have some respect locally and despite their appearance have no doubt been sticking to the rules of lockdown and who are just as conscious about their health as I am. Pubs with a tea time trade. I'd avoid like the plaque any of those pubs that attract a load of kids drinking Strongbow fruits and that are full of randomers.
Will you go to pubs and wear masks? I dont doubt the necessity of either.
I think some pubs with big beer gardens could do a decent job of social distancing (e.g. The Railway) if they kept the numbers down and managed to police it properly but I think the layout of others - like, sadly, the Albert - would make it very difficult to feel safe. I'd certainly stick on a mask if I was using the loo or if I felt people were getting too close. Personally I don't think we'll be drinking inside pubs for some considerable time.
What they need to do (at least for venues without sizeable beer gardens) is scrap bylaws where they exist about drinking on the street, so that folks can buy a beer and wander around outside rather than being crammed indoors or on the small area of pavement where the smokers usually huddle.
I dont picture it Epona - whereabouts on the street could people drink other than the small area of pavement outside?
Annoyingly I think Spoons has the model that will work;

Table service via the app.
Large, open hall so able to have many tables that are a safe distance apart.
No drinking at the bar.

true...though i would still be weary of staff breathing on my pint. social drinking in the park with cans/bottles seems the best option. nothing to do with pubs though
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If my experience of public transport in Turkey is anything to go by social distancing on buses isn't going to work very well either.
Actually, at the moment, it's working. Seats are marked and it's the law to wear masks on public transport. However, as schools/universities/cafes/restaurants etc etc are all closed, and over 65s are at home, buses are far emptier. It will be close to impossible once we return to some sort of normality.
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