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Privileged people calling less privileged people "stupid" doesn't seem to be working...

(my emphasis) What are you talking about? I'm not saying that at all.

I'm also not saying, and have not said, that Leave voters are "not racists" either. I think dividing people into some binary racists or non-racist state is utter rubbish, bar a few far hard core ideological racists.

You completely exaggerated and now have conceded you did in post #1008

Personally I think these threads are pretty circular. It'd be nice to see some solutions/resolutions/change factors explored... that never seems to happen.
No I am not. But to imagine that 'most' people are or were like your grandfather is meloncholy and mythologising it's attributing them characteristics that might not be true. B.I.G has been jumped on for doing the exact same thing only with the opposite characteristics.
I don't imagine most people are like him. But all people are more complex than just rascist or not rascist. Reality is more complex than that binary distinction.
You completely exaggerated and now have conceded you did in post #1008
And you completely misread my post, so now we both made mistakes. Still don't you think the dismissing over a third of the UK population as worthless is pretty disgusting?
I know he is saying BIG is doing this
Yes, I should have said 33+% rather than 50+% (the idiots are the 50+%). Do you really think that makes all the difference? That only wanting 20 million to vanish makes it any the less anti-humanist?

but by exaggerating he was doing the same thing.
EDIT: What does this even mean? It's nonsense. I'm not calling millions of people worthless.
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It plays with brilliant sarcasm to that low common denominator of prejudice of the former industrial working class who used to vote labour but many were , nevertheless racist.

LSE graduate on the TSSA video, lots more like this on FB, etc.
You can't have it both ways. You have been arguing that those very same people are not racists. Now you are arguing that they are and trying to say that's what B.I.G has said?

Personally I don't buy the whole 'working class solidarity that trumps racism' melancholy. It simply isn't true for many people not now and not in the past.
How many is many?
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