I don't respect the man just because he's PM, and I don't respect the man.Of course he does, he is the PM.
Jeremy Corbyn IMO would undoubtedly have handled this better. Listening to the scientists and the WHO would have been a good start. Not ducking FIVE cobra meetings to go on holiday with your latest girlfriend before returning home to tell everyone to shake hands and proceed to almost die as a result.Who could do a better job?
However the question is irrelevant. It's not necessary to point a better candidate in order to establish how shit the incumbent is.
The only practical positoin at this point is the removal of this government, which I conecde is deeply unlikely. However the Tories are never ever going to do things differently, nor will they ever get a grip on this. So unless the vacccines really do break the chain and there aren't a stream of new variants to contend with, we're fucked.What needs to be done differently?
Mismanagement is a few rough decisions. It isn't continually lining the pockets of your mates at the public's expense while nurses have to wear bin bags. It isn't filling care homes with covid patients. It isn't repeatedly failing to set up a working test system, the only defence against this pandemic. It isn't sending kids to schools to spread the damn virus while tweeting about how outrageous it is that some sixth formers want to remove a poster of a rich old lady. It isn't refusing to work with allies who offered help. It isn't pursuing a ruinous xenophobic political agenda while all the above is happening.Mismanagement was bound to happen no matter who was the PM at the start of the pandemic. As I said, we are in unprecedented times.
The Health and Social Care Act of 2012Which “previous policies” weakened the NHS? Please be specific.
Operation Cygnus was conducted in 2018 (or was it 2016) for precisely this eventNo one could have prepared the public for something that is unprecedented. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Boris Johnson has admitted that he has made mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, it is called being a human.
Boris hasn't admitted anything. It's just words, performative. He means none of it. He's a fucking self absorbed clown who ruffles his hair when things don't go his way. He expects everything and everyone to do his thinking and solve his problems for him. He doesn't care about other people. he is the worst person at the worst time to lead what is rapdily becoming the worst country.
And he's surrounded by other vile human beings.
Hi, nice to meet you