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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

I hear Johnson managed to make an even bigger cunt of himself at PMQs today and was repeatedly ticked off by the speaker for being an evasive cunt.

Maybe he has cracked; that filmed cabinet rant form yesterday did have the feel of some one becoming even more unhinged.
You'd be tempted to give a couple of quotes like 'taking it on the chin' and 'superman of global free trade' with the dates he said them, and ask whether he feels at all guilty that he's directly responsible for 20,000+ deaths from delayed lockdown.
It was the sudden switch to ‘you supported the ira’ which was most impressive.
That was so, so desperate. That's probably the worst Johnson performance at PMQs ro date.
There are not enough words in the English language to describe how much I want a large batch of those stickers, for the purposes of liberal but strategic plastering:oops:
In time to come it will seem one of his best
the tragic thing is - you are probably right. I am certain there are Tory MPs right now holding their heads in their hands and maoning, "oh christ, we have another 4 years four months of this to get through".
Starmer is good at this, as we all epected he would be. Equally, it's hardly surprising that Mr wing-it Johnson is jaw-droppingly, headspinningly bad at it.
However, that alone is not enough to give Labour victory in the next GE, or to give Labour a policy pl,atform that makes a Labour victory worth giving a shit about (I hold my brath not).
There is one thing that Johnson and co are very, very good at; election campaigning.
the tragic thing is - you are probably right. I am certain there are Tory MPs right now holding their heads in their hands and maoning, "oh christ, we have another 4 years four months of this to get through".
Starmer is good at this, as we all epected he would be. Equally, it's hardly surprising that Mr wing-it Johnson is jaw-droppingly, headspinningly bad at it.
However, that alone is not enough to give Labour victory in the next GE, or to give Labour a policy pl,atform that makes a Labour victory worth giving a shit about (I hold my brath not).
There is one thing that Johnson and co are very, very good at; election campaigning.
Tory MPs could change how long they have to put up with Johnson by either killing themselves or killing him
After the tenth Tory MP had burned themselves to death opposite parliament the others might be disposed to beat Johnson to death
Johnson's pre-season pep-talk, today, hardly looks like the sort of boosterism that might stop them having such dark thoughts...

Johnson told MPs they were likely to face a challenging winter. “I know it’s been tough,” he said. “I’ve got to warn you going it’s about to get tougher. The waters are about to get choppier. But we are going to deal with it.”
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