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Plane crashes onto A27 at Shoreham Air Show

I'm on nowt right now.
You edited your post to turn a question into a statement, therefore changing the meaning of it.
I did no such thing. I simply only posted the relevant part of the sentence. That part was never a question, it was always a statement, followed by a question.

That suggests you don't regard caffeine as a 'proper' drug, whatever that means
It's quite obvious what I meant. When people talk about "drugs" they seldom mean widely consumed substances that most people would not class as "drugs" even if technically they are.
I did no such thing. I simply only posted the relevant part of the sentence. That part was never a question, it was always a statement, followed by a question.

It's quite obvious what I meant. When people talk about "drugs" they seldom mean widely consumed substances that most people would not class as "drugs" even if technically they are.
and do you have anything to say about the a27 air disaster or are you only here to witter on about a contentious edit?
Seriously, what are you on? Can I have some?

Full post:
So is caffeine a drug, are you going to lump that in as well?

The argument put forward in that article is that drugs are banned, so airshows should be. Please enlighten me as to where alcohol - a legal substance - fits into that?

I state caffeine is a drug. I then ask if the person would like to lump it into the argument as well. Simples
They could and should make things safer by simply stipulating no ex-mil types on the civil reg. That stupid fucking Vulcan business is a massive accident waiting to happen and should be stopped immediately.

Why is the Vulcan any more of an "accident waiting to happen" than any other old plane used for air shows and displays"?
They could and should make things safer by simply stipulating no ex-mil types on the civil reg. That stupid fucking Vulcan business is a massive accident waiting to happen and should be stopped immediately.

The Red Arrows use modern plans and are the best stunt pilots you could hope to get. They've had 16 accidents since 1969 many leading to fatalities.

Planes doing dangerous stunts are dangerous. Planes being flown safely are safe. The answer isn't the choice of plane its the type of activity.
Unfortunately the presense of danger (to others) is what draws people to such spectacles as much as the pretty planes.
People will be treasuring there i was there horror stories as well as feeling horrified by it.

Was it motorcycle enthusisats who made up the majority of the audience at Evil Kinevil jumps or people semi hoping that he was going to have a horrific smash up and impressed when the very real danger of death didn't surface?
The Red Arrows use modern plans and are the best stunt pilots you could hope to get. They've had 16 accidents since 1969 many leading to fatalities.

Planes doing dangerous stunts are dangerous. Planes being flown safely are safe. The answer isn't the choice of plane its the type of activity.
Unfortunately the presense of danger (to others) is what draws people to such spectacles as much as the pretty planes.
People will be treasuring there i was there horror stories as well as feeling horrified by it.

Was it motorcycle enthusisats who made up the majority of the audience at Evil Kinevil jumps or people semi hoping that he was going to have a horrific smash up and impressed when the very real danger of death didn't surface?

Modern planes? Just checked that and what they use is 40 years old. Still the B-52s are over 60 years old and still used today for slaughtering their "enemies of freedom"...
What is it then?

Let's take cannabis for a start, a drug that has proven links to mental illness.

And it's quite clear that the write of that article wasn't talking about alcohol, so I fail to see a) why it was brought up, and b) how that makes me "pedantic"?

The vast majority of people who take cananbis have a good time and nothing bad comes of it. Some don't enjoy it but nothing bad comes of it. A very small number have a bad or very bad time and shouldn't take it again.

And yes, it does have proven links to mental health problems, which is why GW Pharmaceuticals are developing anti-pyschotics, anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medicines from it. Personally I am very interested in the anti-depressants as my personal experience is that cannabis is a great anti-depressant for me (and many other people I know irl or online who self-medicate with cannabis for depression).
Tbf there is some evidence linking cannabis use in adolescence and the likelihood of developing depression and schizophrenia. I'm someone who can't touch the stuff because of the effect it has on my mental health. But I'd be as willing to support the continuing ban on it as advocate on a ban on sugar because of its danger to diabetics.
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On the subject of drugs, and aviation fuel so still marginally on topic, is it right that poppers is helicopter fuel or is that some cack someone told me once when I was full of E?
don't know how comparable these shows are to Farnborough, but no doubt about that one's militaristic pedigree : http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/jul/19/farnborough-air-show-shop-window-weapons
It's not what is was. There is a strong BAe undertow so most foreign defence don't bring their shiny new toys to ariel display. There's a lot of civilian stuff there too. Most the deals are done in the run up (same with all tradeshows) but announced there coz you have media attention. The weekend is different as the article correctly asserts - non trade or rather a different type of trade - aviation as entertainment, which is what Shoreham and the countless other weekend shows throughout the country are about.

Article also doesn't mention there is also another arms only fair held annualy close to the site
Why is the Vulcan any more of an "accident waiting to happen" than any other old plane used for air shows and displays"?

The Vulcan will be doing its thing over my house this coming weekend.

Should I be selling up and shipping out?
On the subject of drugs, and aviation fuel so still marginally on topic, is it right that poppers is helicopter fuel or is that some cack someone told me once when I was full of E?
Short answer is no. Long answer will depend on the helo but Still won't be amyl
my reading of that document leads me to answer your question with a 'very few' response.

Flexibility to the point of laissez faire seems strongly in evidence.

Fucking disgraceful. Who can know how the bereaved must feel as they learn the truth.
CAA spokesperson on C4 News appeared very conscious of possible litigation and refused to comment on why the Shoreham show was apparently allowed to contravene CAA guidance.
I did no such thing. I simply only posted the relevant part of the sentence. That part was never a question, it was always a statement, followed by a question.

It's quite obvious what I meant. When people talk about "drugs" they seldom mean widely consumed substances that most people would not class as "drugs" even if technically they are.
Maybe that's what you mean about drugs?

Anyway, you are comprehensively diamonding this thread, now.
The Vulcan will be doing its thing over my house this coming weekend.

Should I be selling up and shipping out?

Probably. Are they doing a demo of the Vulcan's nuclear bomb-dropping capability
The Vulcan will be doing its thing over my house this coming weekend.

Should I be selling up and shipping out?

That depends on whether they're doing the "nuclear-weapons-included" display or not.
Seriously, what are you on? Can I have some?

Full post:

I state caffeine is a drug. I then ask if the person would like to lump it into the argument as well. Simples
No you don't. You very clearly ask it as a question. You diminish yourself every time you peddle this off-topic lie and attempt to insult Urban's collective intelligence in so doing. In fact, that could almost go as a definition for "bungling", to sit alongside the newly-minted "diamonding".
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