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Parents gather outside Birmingham school to protest against gay teacher

Talk of 'imposing values' again, and with no trace of irony. What is teaching kids about only one type of relationship if not an imposition of values?

As is so often the case, the more people try to dress up bigotry as reasonable and rational the more angry it makes me. Simply being ignorant I can understand, but when you've sat down and tried to bend the world out of shape so it fits in with something shit that you've already decided to believe, that's deliberate and knowing and there can be no excuse for it.
As is so often the case, the more people try to dress up bigotry as reasonable and rational the more angry it makes me. Simply being ignorant I can understand, but when you've sat down and tried to bend the world out of shape so it fits in with something shit that you've already decided to believe, that's deliberate and knowing and there can be no excuse for it.

There really is no excuse for dressing up bigotry as reasonable and rational!

SpookyFrank said:
Five'll get you ten these same parents don't give a shit about not being consulted on any other aspect of the curriculum.
Judging people based on their actions is not bigotry. As I'm sure you know, I was referring specifically to the parents who are protesting against lessons on basic acceptance and inclusivity. Try again, and this time think with your brain and then post.
Judging people based on their actions is not bigotry. As I'm sure you know, I was referring specifically to the parents who are protesting against lessons on basic acceptance and inclusivity. Try again, and this time think with your brain and then post.

Making unwarranted assumptions is.
There really is no excuse for dressing up bigotry as reasonable and rational!
Problem is that your relativism on this doesn't work. The only 'value' being imposed here is the idea that diversity exists and should be acknowledged, with a background assumption that there is nothing wrong with being gay. Maybe there is also within that class a discussion of men and women and what girls and boys can aspire to, with a background assumption that men and women are equal. Suppose that a group of parents objected to the idea of showing examples of women being engineers or doctors because according to their values a woman's place is in the home and girls should be brought up in a way that will make them obedient to their husbands. Would you take the same stance towards that issue? If not, why not? What is it about gender equality that is deserving of respect that sexuality equality does not have?
Problem is that your relativism on this doesn't work. The only 'value' being imposed here is the idea that diversity exists and should be acknowledged, with a background assumption that there is nothing wrong with being gay. Maybe there is also within that class a discussion of men and women and what girls and boys can aspire to, with a background assumption that men and women are equal. Suppose that a group of parents objected to the idea of showing examples of women being engineers or doctors because according to their values a woman's place is in the home and girls should be brought up in a way that will make them obedient to their husbands. Would you take the same stance towards that issue? If not, why not? What is it about gender equality that is deserving of respect that sexuality equality does not have?

My comments are about your bigotry, not that of the parents protesting.
When a kid is beaten up in the playground for being gay, who is the real victim?

tim, I know you don't see why and you may be puzzled by the bluntness of this judgement, but your position on this is contemptible.
My bigotry? :D Go on, show it to me.

I thought you were Spooky Frank responding, and I have already exposed his. You'll have to wait for this evening when I'll have time to sift through your posts. If memory serves me right, it won't be too difficult.
When a kid is beaten up in the playground for being gay, who is the real victim?

tim, I know you don't see why and you may be puzzled by the bluntness of this judgement, but your position on this is contemptible.

I'm not convinced that you've taken the effort to work out what my position is.

I think that the issues raised in the "No Outsiders" programme should be on the curriculum. My point was that the implementation of this programme in this school was clearly problematic. If it hadn't been there would not have been such a large number of parents objecting. The issue of their being Muslims is a red herring as I the kinds of objections raised are not particularly faith focused, but rather reflect small "c" concerns that can and do arise in other places and communties. Such attitudes are widespread in British society, bearing this in mind the focus on this being a Muslim issue is wrong and likely to boost Islamophobic attitudes. On these boards admittedly these are fused with the simplistic antireligious tropes, that certain posters come up with incessantly. On the issue of school violence being beaten up in the playground for being gay is unacceptable, but so is being beaten up for being a Muslim.

This consentration on the evil of "these Muslims" or "these religious types", when you're talking about a group of fairly ordinary British parents fuels Islamophobic attitudes and perhaps violence, which is why I think is contemptible.

Blanket condemnation is also not an approach that would lead to a solution of this problem, whether you like it or not these parents are stakeholders in the school. It can not effectively function without their consent. The size of the protest shows that they clearly don't have this. The school and the parents will have to work together to resolve this. The grandstanding approach you seem to favour may make you feel good but achieves nothing for the gay kids in the playground, or for Muslims gay or straight.

Homosexuality is much less accepted in Islam. At my kids primary there was serious misgivings about this ‘many shaped families’ message. Liberal ideology promotes multiculturalism but doesn’t have answers for when those cultures have different concepts of morality.
Ironically enough Pakistan is the number one consumer of gay pr0n in the world, or at least it was a couple of years ago.

What I do find confusing is that the most patriarchal societies in Muslim-majority countries (as in the ones that try to prevent any unsupervised mixing of the sexes) end up pushing young, hormonal men into a situation where they stand little or no chance of getting it on with women. Surely this just makes it more likely that people who are somewhere on the bi spectrum are going to experiment with other blokes? :confused:
No Outsiders Lessons
Nothing is more important than ensuring our children’s education continues uninterrupted. Yesterday, both parents and the trust held constructive discussions with the Regional Schools Commissioner, and as a result of these discussions we are eager to continue to work together with parents, over the coming days and weeks to find a solution that will support the children in our school to continue their education in a harmonious environment.

“Until a resolution has been reached , No Outsiders lessons will not be taught at Parkfield and we hope that children will not be removed from school to take part in protests.”
traditional muslim attitudes to gay sex.
Urban Dictionary: man love thursday

The term used to describe Middle Eastern men and their activities the night before Friday, the Muslim day of rest. In traditional Muslim countries women are not seen on the streets after dark so men rule the night. Anal sex for many Muslim men is not seen as homosexual. As the anus is used for pleasure. After their Thursday night adventures the men return home and act as if nothing ever happened.
While driving back to base we were visually accosted by the sight of a full blown man love Thursday.
#ass sex#chocolate star fish#in the closet#denial#sexism
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