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Palestine solidarity demos in the UK

im going to go to lewisham...what i like about the camden one is it nominally targets Starmer, though he's almost certainly not going to be in the office...it reminded me how Blair literally couldn't make a public appearance, likely still cant, because people would turn up to hector him for being a war butcher. it would be nice to see starmer follow in his footsteps and likewise be hounded
Some people in Croydon visited Steve Read's street today
The UK is backing in part historically because we 'gave' them Israel and in part politically because they can cause a Labour rift by forcing the Labour leadership to take the same line or else be buried under screams of antisemitism from the right wing press.

The US I suspect because of the power of Christian Nationalists from whom Israel is essential in the return of Christ, as long as all the Israelis convert, and also because of the 'only non Muslim country in the Middle East' thing.

In addition to this there are wider, febrile geopolitics at play. The United States hegemonic grip on the world is becoming frail and is being tested by its major adversaries. There is weakness and fear on show in the support it has given Ukraine, by providing enough support to prevent Kiev from falling (to save face) but carefully not enough to defeat Putin.

In China, Xi is looking down the barrel of rising internal economic problems and is arming its military on a scale to fight a major adversary. A dangerous combination. The CCP is encroaching on the US ability to influence nations and their resources via industrial scale espionage and projects like their Belt and Road Initiative. When there’s internal problems, an external Big Bad is a classic method of population control. The invasion of Taiwan is becoming a greater possibility. If China manages to obtain the technology, skills and the production capabilities of the enormous Taiwan semiconductor firm TSMC, it would tip the balance of power from the US to China. Why? Military doctrine states when fighting a larger state with greater resources its necessary to have better technology. At the core of many technologies are processors. China cannot produce the volume or quality of processors domestically that it requires. They are dependent on the US, who are banning the supply of top tier semiconductors to them. Its a fine balancing act as denying China to all processors will catalyse the development of their domestic programs, while giving too many will just be arming the CCP. Doesn’t the US and its allies produce their own chips? Nowhere near enough. While many of the major chips companies you’re familiar with are western companies, most of them are fabless i.e. they just do the designs, not the fabrication. “The West” relies disproportionately on this Taiwan firm TSMC to keep the upper hand.

So, among the myriad of other factors why the US has given Netanyahu a green light for genocide, is to show adversaries what happens if you tread on its toes. Palestinians are the whipping boys for the US military-industrial complex strategic foes (and conveniently at the same time transferring billions of dollars from government coffers to private pockets).
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Lots of people at the Wood Green one - about an hour of speeches, chants and music then a slow march down to Turnpike Lane and a few more speeches. A young crowd very enthused. Speeches talked a lot about unity of struggle across the many aspects of resistance to the elites. I was pleased I went.

Lots of hostility to our local MPs who are both Labour and on the wrong side of history. Biggest cheer of the day was for the councillor who announced they and two others had just left the Labour party over this.


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Saw some blokes with a Palestine flag when I arrived in Plymouth this evening so assume there was something happening here :)
That makes sense. I don't understand why the UK and US are backing Israel. We should just be calling for a ceasefire. There are lots of innocent people on both sides that need support, I don't understand why we pick a side.
Well, the two sides are not equivalent. The State of Israel was formed on the basis of the dispossession of a large part of the Arab population of Palestine, a process that continues on the West Bank and in East Jerusalem.

The United Nations decided in 1947 that Palestine should be divided into a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Arabs of Palestine rejected this plan. The State of Israel was founded in 1948, and neighbouring Arab states invaded. Israeli forces grabbed more land than was allocated under the UN plan, and many Palestinian Arab people were expelled from the land on which they were living, and not allowed to return.

The United Nations plan had said that 56% of the area of Palestine should become the State of Israel. It would have had a 45% Arab minority. The outcome of the war of 1948 was that the State of Israel consisted of 78% of what had been Palestine, and had an 18% Arab minority. It had more land than allocated by the United Nations, but with a smaller Arab population.

Modern Israeli historians such as Avi Shlaim, Benny Morris, and Ilan Pappé have shown that this ethnic cleansing was not an accidental by-product of the war between the newly-declared state and invading Arab states. It was planned. The Zionist leadership in Palestine realised that they could not create a state with a solidly Jewish majority in Palestine without expelling a large proportion of the native Arab population.

Many of the expelled Palestinian Arabs fled to an area that became known as the Gaza Strip. This was originally a part of Palestine occupied by Egyptian forces in the war of 1948, which was then occupied by the State of Israel in the war of 1967.

Eighty per cent of the people who live in the Gaza Strip are classed as refugees by the United Nations, because their families were expelled from what is now Israel in 1948. A long-term peace agreement will have to involve Palestinian Arab refugees being given the right to return to what is now Israel.

Hamas was formed to fight against the dispossession of the Palestinian Arab people. It was particularly popular with those living in refugee camps in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, who felt that Fatah, the largest party in the Palestinian Authority, had sacrificed their interests.

Hamas engaged rejected the Oslo Peace Accord of the early 1990s (which gave very little to the Palestinian Arab people) and engaged in bombings in Israel. The UK, USA, et al, said that it should try getting elected, instead of being violent, and in 2006 it won the elections to the Palestinian Authority. The reaction of the UK, the USA, et al was to impose sanctions, to force it out of the Palestinian Authority.

Tony Blair has since said that it was a mistake not to engage with Hamas.

Previous ceasefires in the Gaza Strip have come as a result of agreements between Hamas and the State of Israel brokered by third parties. Any ceasefire agreement would no doubt include a commitment to release the hostages.
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The United Nations decided in 1947 that Palestine should be divided into a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Arabs of Palestine rejected this plan. The State of Israel was founded in 1948, and neighbouring Arab states invaded. Israeli forces grabbed more land than was allocated under the UN plan, and many Palestinian Arab people were expelled from the land on which they were living, and not allowed to return.

Not disagreeing with the gist of what you are saying in your post.

A correction. Ilan Pappe and Rashid Khalidi have shown that the ethnic cleansing started before the mandate ended. And before other Arab states got involved.

The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians was not a reaction to other Arab states invading.

It was as Ilan Pappe argues organised and directed ethnic cleansing comparable as a war crime to what happened in the former Yugoslavia on 1990s

Plan Dilat and David Ben Gurion along with the Zionist paramilitary groups like Haganah had murdered Palestinians/ expelled Palestinians and blown up villages before Arab state involvement.

You are right to say that the UN partition meant that the Zionists found they would have a large number of Arabs in their state. Which they didn't like at all.

The other Arab State involvement was to little to late to help the Palestinians in serious way.
Not disagreeing with the gist of what you are saying in your post.

A correction. Ilan Pappe and Rashid Khalidi have shown that the ethnic cleansing started before the mandate ended. And before other Arab states got involved.

The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians was not a reaction to other Arab states invading.

It was as Ilan Pappe argues organised and directed ethnic cleansing comparable as a war crime to what happened in the former Yugoslavia on 1990s

Plan Dilat and David Ben Gurion along with the Zionist paramilitary groups like Haganah had murdered Palestinians/ expelled Palestinians and blown up villages before Arab state involvement.

You are right to say that the UN partition meant that the Zionists found they would have a large number of Arabs in their state. Which they didn't like at all.

The other Arab State involvement was to little to late to help the Palestinians in serious way.
Yes, thank you for the correction.
There was a pretty small one I passed in Stratford yesterday. Led by some teenage lad with a megaphone and his mates. Cops looking on. Fuck knows why they were needed. Nice bit of overtime I guess.
There was a pretty small one I passed in Stratford yesterday. Led by some teenage lad with a megaphone and his mates. Cops looking on. Fuck knows why they were needed. Nice bit of overtime I guess.

TBF, cops probably not a bad idea. Surprised there are no reports of Tommy rotters (not my phrase) on the rampage again, trying to disrupt marches. Thought they might ramp that up.
Lots of people at the Wood Green one - about an hour of speeches, chants and music then a slow march down to Turnpike Lane and a few more speeches. A young crowd very enthused. Speeches talked a lot about unity of struggle across the many aspects of resistance to the elites. I was pleased I went.

Lots of hostility to our local MPs who are both Labour and on the wrong side of history. Biggest cheer of the day was for the councillor who announced they and two others had just left the Labour party over this.

Do you remember which councillors have left the Labour party?
Considering its winter and the weather is not that good the turnouts on demos across country over past weeks imo have been big.

I know a few people who wanted to go but knew they could not cope with cold.
Do you remember which councillors have left the Labour party?

Looked this up. Wood Green is Haringey.

Here is background

What is interesting is that its not just the ceasefire. Starmer stance on ceasefire is the straw that broke the camels back.

Its a whole host of other issues related to the way Starmer has acted once he got the leadership.

This all reminds me of Iraq. Iraq was the last straw for a lot of members who finally left after Blair ignored them over Iraq.

Does this mean Labour will lose election? I dont think so. They treat us ( Labour voters) with contempt knowing the figures will mean they will still win

One of the criticism of those who left is that lack of respect for local democracy. An centralized authoritarian leadership.

None of this bodes well for Starmer when he gets elected under an austerity lite economic programme. Telling local Councils sorry he cant fund them.
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Thanks for that.

I know it's Haringey, which is where I live. I was wondering if I recognised the names of the councillors, but I don't.
I think these rallies are good but I also think they should be calling for the end of Hamas too. Palestinians cannot do that as they are fearing for their lives, if not from Israel attacks, but attacks from Hamas. At least in the UK we can safely protest the end of Hamas and to call for a ceasefire.

Didn't you get the message it wasn't rape and murder it was revolutionary justice.
why would I support this? A video of the rally at the Clock Tower on Sunday shows Hanin Barghouti, an elected women’s officer at the University of Sussex’s students’ union, telling a crowd of people that the attacks on Israel were “beautiful and inspiring to see”.
sew the storm reap the whirlwind

Hamas launched a massacre of civillians inculding rape and then seems suprised when its heavily armed neighbour hits back with all the latetest death tech at its disposal?
what excatly did they think was going to happen?
A call for a ceasefire is falling on deaf ears as Israel doesnt give a fuck about international views it learned a long time ago that it cant rely on international law or support.
NEVER AGAIN is not just motto
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