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Palestine solidarity demos in the UK

Just had a look at front of tabloids in local newsagents. 😡
Fortunately their readers are a dieing breed. Long gone are the days stories of samurai sword wielding hordes trained in Hackney @ camps were used to strike fear into potential attendees.

my cynical side wonders if there will be twunts out there determined to make sure there is trouble round the cenotaph on saturday.
Got the impression braverman and the met were frothing themselves up to banning Saturday's march, at least as of yesterday's reporting, which I will look for...

Edit: this Organisers of pro-Palestine march in London fear Met poised to impose ban

Article mentions a further meeting with the Met today. No mention on PSC site of the demo being cancelled,/banned (yet) though, equally, it isn't that prominent on the site.

Further edit: Ooops, as previously discussed. I should have read the last page.
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Glasgow events for this week, including more arms factory outreach:
Join us this week for the confirmed demonstrations:
Leaflet the arms factories- Wednesday 8th November- 7:00am @ Thales and BAE Govan
Candle light vigil- Wednesday 8th November - 6:00pm @ George square
Volunteer meeting- Thursday 9th November - 7:00pm @ The Ark 70 Coplaw st
Stand up for Palestine protest- Saturday 11th November - 1:00pm @ Buchanan steps

The Workers in Palestine group are calling for international days of action on the 9th-10th:
Not sure what's happening so far, but there's meant to be a national student walkout on then.

Two actionists arrested after they shut down the London offices of the French weapons firm Thales.

Mobilise in support at Fresh Wharf Custody, 24 Muirhead Quay, Barking, London, IG11 7BG
I think the fact that the solidarity demos are very much family affairs and entirely peaceful and non-painty is a strength. Good on direct action types for targetting arms dealers, etc, but I don't think the demos themselves are the right place for that. Their sheer numbers are their strength and the reasonableness of those in attendance makes it impossible to smear them without telling outright lies. Maybe I'm becoming soft, but imo the best response to the dribblings of the likes of Braverman is for the marches to go off without incident. We've already seen how one arrest out of 100,000+ in attendance last time was amplified.
I can see where you're coming from, but I also can't help thinking "like when we had those entirely peaceful, reasonable, massive marches against the Iraq War, and Blair went OK you've got a point I suppose I won't invade Iraq then?"
I can see where you're coming from, but I also can't help thinking "like when we had those entirely peaceful, reasonable, massive marches against the Iraq War, and Blair went OK you've got a point I suppose I won't invade Iraq then?"
The thing that has the most effect is pressure by the organised working class. Two train drivers in Scotland refused to drive a train that would supply a war ship that was going to participate in the invasion of Iraq. That had more impact than a large demonstration.

We need industrial action, direct action, and large peaceful demos.
I can see where you're coming from, but I also can't help thinking "like when we had those entirely peaceful, reasonable, massive marches against the Iraq War, and Blair went OK you've got a point I suppose I won't invade Iraq then?"
I naively thought we were making a difference on the day of the biggest march. So many people there who really didn't know how to march - cheer up, people, you're allowed to smile! Made no difference, of course. But at least it is on the historical record that 2 million people marched against that war.

I'm more realistic about what effect these marches will have. Anything short of a riot won't change government policy directly. But anything short of fully peaceful marches will give the government an excuse to rain down a hole slew of oppressive measures. I don't see any good coming from that. You can bet your arse that any Starmer government would leave all of those measures in place.
I think the fact that the solidarity demos are very much family affairs and entirely peaceful and non-painty is a strength. Good on direct action types for targetting arms dealers, etc, but I don't think the demos themselves are the right place for that. Their sheer numbers are their strength and the reasonableness of those in attendance makes it impossible to smear them without telling outright lies. Maybe I'm becoming soft, but imo the best response to the dribblings of the likes of Braverman is for the marches to go off without incident. We've already seen how one arrest out of 100,000+ in attendance last time was amplified.
That's not really in the hands of protesters tho is it.

Two actionists arrested after they shut down the London offices of the French weapons firm Thales.

Mobilise in support at Fresh Wharf Custody, 24 Muirhead Quay, Barking, London, IG11 7BG

Good work but why the fuck do they hang around to get arrested? Back in the day it was a bit more quickly do the damage then leg it.
Elbit's landlord's offices occupied in Manchester this morning:

Good work but why the fuck do they hang around to get arrested? Back in the day it was a bit more quickly do the damage then leg it.
I mean, I suppose there's graffiti/vandalism type stuff that you can do that with, and then occupation/blockade stuff that inevitably involves hanging around, looks like they might've just decided to do both at once? Suppose it comes with the risk of worse charges than just doing a blockade on its own, but takes longer to clear up as well.
Good work but why the fuck do they hang around to get arrested? Back in the day it was a bit more quickly do the damage then leg it.
One thought may be that they will be caught in any case so better to claim it was justified and willing to stand up for their actions from the off set.
i like this guy:

The fucking Express used a picture of the same guy to represent the dignity of the two minutes silence in contrast with the ‘hate March’ which the same guy participated in. Right wing media is generally ‘both siding’ it as per Sunak’s statement, still talking about a ‘hate March’. Despicable cunts.

Just a reminder that the big Palestine Action conspiracy trial starts tomorrow, scheduled for six weeks, sounds like a really important one to get down for if people can make it:
Eight actionists, including co-founders of Palestine Action, face trial for a range of actions during the first 6 months after our direct action network launched. The group face a variety of different charges, including conspiracy to blackmail, burgle and destroy Israel’s arms trade in Britain.
They are the first activists in nearly a decade to face charges of blackmail, and if convicted, the state will be able to argue that the co-founders of Palestine Action should be unable to campaign in any way on Palestine.
This trial involves actions against several Elbit sites in Britain, as well as their landlords and partners. The actionists will fight in court to prove Elbit is the guilty party, and their actions were justified and necessary.
the people in the photo are going in the wrong direction
Vigil for Palestine 🇵🇸
Please bring your children and join us in the solidarity stand with the victims of the aggression against Gaza.
💔The scenes are painful, sad, and heartbreaking.

🟣Things you can bring:
🧸Teddy Bears or Dolls
🍼Empty milk bottles
🇵🇸Palestinian flags

💌Attach a message to show solidarity with children in Gaza

🗓️On Saturday the 18th of Nov. 2023
⏰3.30 pm
Location: in front of the 10 Downing Street
Mentioned over on the other thread, but Na'amod are calling for a protest on Sunday:
On Sunday, 19th November, we are getting together for the LARGEST Jewish-led rally calling for a ceasefire in UK history.

It has never been more urgent for us to come together to stand in solidarity with all Palestinians and Israelis who have faced unconscionable violence in the past 5 weeks.

With antisemitism and islamophobia reaching frightening levels, this rally will also be a chance to stand together against attempts to stoke divisions here in the UK.

As we write, over 11,100 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli airstrikes and deprivation under siege — mothers, fathers, children, grandparents — entire families wiped out.

Na’amod wholeheartedly condemns Hamas’s massacres and hostage-taking but cannot accept that one series of war crimes can ever justify the perpetration of others.

1.7 million people – 70% of Gaza’s population – have been displaced from their homes, with no guarantee of return. Hospitals, which should be safe havens, have become sites of death, destruction and despair.

The loved ones of the 200+ hostages taken by Hamas are being ignored by a government that is placing a punitive military campaign ahead of the lives of its own citizens.

Hamas’s taking of civilian hostages from southern Israel was a war crime and on principle they should be unconditionally released, as should all Palestinians arbitrarily detained. We are backing the Israeli families’ practical demands for a hostage exchange that will hasten their return.

As of Nov. 1, the number of Palestinians arbitrarily detained had risen to 2,070, with mounting evidence of torture and mistreatment. In the West Bank, over 190 Palestinians have been killed by the IDF and settlers, and 15 communities forcibly displaced.

The UK has given Israel a carte blanche to continue its destructive path in Gaza and elsewhere. It is turning a blind eye to the nature of this Israeli government and its threats of ethnic cleansing and elimination, and the risks that this war will provide cover to realise these aims.

It is not too late to prevent this catastrophe from escalating yet further.

We cannot bomb our way to safety. The only hope is a future of freedom, equality, and dignity for all.
Victoria Embankment Gardens, 3.30 on the 19th.
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