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Palestine solidarity demos in the UK

I note Richard Edmonds is in three of those photos. He certainly didn't march past the cenotaph yesterday as he's been dead since 2020
My bad, but they've marched past the Cenotaph and laid a wreath every year since the end of the 1960s, and they will likely march again next Sunday.

There was an EDM tabled in 1992 that attracted 102 signatures, and which condemned their march past the Cenotaph. That's about as far as it went.
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There's a great deal of misinformation being put around on soc med regarding the planned Palestinian solidarity marches, one of which is the claim that protesters will march past the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday. Weirdly enough - perhaps not - the same people have said nothing about these cunts marching past the Cenotaph yesterday.

Is that Richard Edmunds on the left in the pics?

Edited to add: Dead fuck now
Given the wider context of the previous statements by the Home Secretary seeking to demonise all of those marching in support of the rights of the Palestinian people, it is clear that these further statements are motivated by a desire to suppress widespread public support for an end to Israel’s bombardment of the people of Gaza.

It's refreshing to see an uncompromising response from PSC.

And I agree with it

I've been very unwell last week so haven't been on marches in last weekend.

This demonisation, which isn't just the Home Security, is so annoying me I'm going to make effort to attend.

I'm wondering if the demonisation and Starmer and co rejection of ceasefire is actually contributing to people attending.

I object , not to the difference of opinion, but way those protesting have been treated by the establishment.
Manchester had Julia Mwaluke (Vice-President of UNISON) speaking, among others, which was a nice surprise. Would be interested to know how many train station sit-ins happened yesterday - I know there was one in Manchester which I missed because I was getting the train over to Leeds, and then I got off my train to find myself in the middle of a sit-in there too. Local organisers were saying they were thinking of not doing anything next weekend and concentrating on getting everyone down to London, but we'll see.

Interesting thinking how this moment compares to 2003, which feels like an obvious point of comparison - it feels to me like there's maybe more of an appetite for direct action now than there was then, but maybe I'm oversimplifying 2003? I suppose they had the schoolkid walkouts and things then, so it's not like everything was always just about listening to Lindsey German in Trafalgar Square then either.
Why isn't he displaying any numbers?
He'll be the cunt that;ll be swinging his stick and putting the boot in. It's a common move and tactic with the blue caps that deal with football mobs. First rule of fight club is scan for the fuckers with there numbers removed - the allocated thug of his unit-and steer clear of the cunts cause they're the ones that'll be looking to break bones. Was at an away game with Millwall last season and the groovy gang caught up with our little mob prior to the match. They circled us and marched us to the ground. All the way there was a female old bill blue cap, visor down and covered in spit as she screamed and roared whilst swinging a fucking baton the length of her arm at me and my mate. We're well seasoned and not daft so were being compliant. We were walking along and she kept screaming don't fucking stop and keep moving or i'll nick the pair of you whilst still swinging her stick at me and my mate. We were moving and never stopped once :D You get male coppers like that too. Screaming and stick being swung when fuck all is happening, They're the dangerous cunts because they're scared. You see it in some of there eyes that there arsehole is flapping and they'll lash out from pure fear.
Had a quick search for any coverage that'd list the actual number of train station occupations/sit-ins on Saturday, SWP are saying it was Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Nottingham and Leeds. Any more for any more?
That's just made up. 'The risk of violence and disorder from breakaway groups is growing'? I call bullshit. Fucking liar.
Well, following the Home Secretary's comments it probably is growing albeit from an extremely low base. A growth of minimal risk to slightly more than minimal is still a growth, especially when you factor in any far right elements being emboldened by her statements.
The idea that hundreds of thousands of people should be denied the right to express themselves due to a minimal risk of disorder from handfuls of people is grotesque.
Cheers. So the far right in the UK is pro-Israel now? How times change...
don't worry I got this prepare for the stupid:rolleyes:.
Jews are weak and control the world through the lies and manpulation hence ZOG and the one world order:eek:
Israelis are hard Corp have been tested in the fire and proved themselves to be a warrior race plus they beat up Muslims what's not to love?

if that makes no sense your obviously not a Nazi :D
Just had a look at front of tabloids in local newsagents. 😡
Most of them appear to be full-on intent on stoking up hatred and slavering for RW/Police violence against protesters.
The stupid, excessive, emotionally manipulative poppy cult (formerly a dignified- if a little hypocritical, from the establishment - annual remembrance ritual) is the ‘mark’ for the Trumpoid culture war sellers.
Simultaneously, Musk has unbanned Hatie Slopbins and “Tommy” the islamaphobe grifter from Xitter.
Doesn’t take a genius to see what is being prepared…
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