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Opposition to Islam is not Racism.

I'm not even gonna try back track and say I agree with some parts and not the others.............I agree with BNP policies on immigration

Now,I've answered all the bullshit questions you've put to me

As said i've answered every question you have asked me!!!Why will you not answer my question to you?Are you a coward or are you embaressed about your political views?

You answer my question otherwise I suggest its you who needs to fuck off with your tail between your legs

You still here.
FUCK OFF(at least it wasn't me who resorted to it first)

IM NOT A RACIST IM A REA...........oh fucking forget it
If you agree with this:
A massively-funded and permanent programme, using and doubling Britain ‘scurrent foreign aid budget, will aim to reduce, by voluntary resettlement to theirlands of ethnic origin, the proportion of ethnic minorities living in Britain , for as long as the majority of the electorate are willing to fund such expenditure. Since the chief impact of such a programme would be the assistance it would renderto Developing Countries in the Third World, this is described further in Section 16– Britain and the World.
Then you are a racist. And if you think it's in any way "realistic" then you're a fucking stupid racist as well :D
I'm not, I work in the field.

Massive house building programme in the sixties and not a situation with hundreds of thousands on the waiting lists and decades of a 'right to buy' policy. Nevermind the huge cost of owning a home.

which changes the fact not one iota that the typical council property tenants of 1960 are very different today.Indeed single mothers were housed in special hostels where men couldn't even visit them in 1960.
FUCK OFF(at least it wasn't me who resorted to it first)

IM NOT A RACIST IM A REA...........oh fucking forget it

you never explained the difference.

the "now fuck off" was rather arrogant though I have to say -implies mc5 owns the place.

You could answer my earlier questions?

1) Why aren't you registered to vote?

2) Why aren't you "politically active" (I appreciate that thats a bit of an ambiguous term)?

strangely some of the American ones did. The Michigan Militia ,for instance,believed the Irish to be 'pure Aryans' fighting against the 'Jewish masonic' British Royal family,after an arrest of some of their members they found Gaelic langauge courses and Irish republican literature.

I think there should be a law the protect US'er trying to learn a second language :)

A lot of their 'blood brothers' in mainland europe have tried to at various times - always a bit of a problem for euro wide 'unity' projects of the hard right

Could be more of an American Influence: Aryan Brotherhood.
Lots of films, publicity etc., in last few years.
Liberalism Makes Us Weak

I worked in construction, actually building council estates in the late 60's. My first wage as an apprentice was £3 (badco note) and I was expected to buy a book on building regs out of my own pocket.

These estates built, in the main, turned out to be thriving communities, with people employed, spending money in local shops, going to the local pub, or club, visiting community centres, each others houses etc.

Council estates today, I live on a small one, my Mother on a large one, are just not the same. They are riven with poverty and general decline, caused by decades of high levels of unemployment and lack of investment, housing large numbers of people with no hope.

I can't be bothered to again look through your comments on the unemployed, sick, disabled, one parent families, or those down trodden by this system that you've posted here, but there are many now being further left to rot on council estates in grinding poverty, with little in the way of community facilities, or even a 'community' to turn to.

I see this today. Tomorrow? Considering the present catastrophic crisis of Capitalism and the lack of any viable left alternative to it, I'm not very optimistic about the future.

I don't recognise at all the estates you experience most of the time. Maybe it's a northern phenomenon, but I doubt it?

Most of my comments have been for transitional demands for full employment, re-building of manufacturing industry in this country, schemes such as ploughshares housing for (for a better definition) mentally handicapped people setting up wholefood co-operatives to employ and integrate these people in society, White Lion Free School which educated young people with SEN, Autism & behavioural problems, schemes such as those used by WRP to give people training in 1970's.(I would also add anti-psychiatry initiatives in USA)

As you rightly point out the affects of mental health on long term unemployed is something that needs to be dealt with. The whole life style 'anarcho'; 'Why Work' concept being limited at best and in most cases bollox.

The definitions of mental health developed around Second World War being dangerous; individuals should see themselves and be perceived by others as challanged rather than being victims. And where possible should be given a sense of independence and dignity by working and/or contributing to society.
A care industry has developed that is self perpetuating, self sustaining & elitist. That is not only patronising but harmful to the mindset of communities and individuals within working class areas and sink estates, where large underclasses have developed with three to four generations of unemployment.

But this is not a subject for this thread.
which changes the fact not one iota that the typical council property tenants of 1960 are very different today.Indeed single mothers were housed in special hostels where men couldn't even visit them in 1960.

There were some specific housing built for women I agree, but the vast majority of single mothers I would argue were mainly housed, hidden in private sector housing during the 60's.

Today, single mothers are not as hidden as they were, forced to stay within a relationship, by economic necessity, stigma and violence. Today's young women are not prepared to put up with the shit that perhaps their Mothers, or Grandmothers used to.

What was more of an issue at the time, highlighted in the 1966 play 'Cathy Come Home', was homelessness and slum landlords, commonly termed as 'Rachmanism'.

For example, in 1968 my family moved from a slum property to a brand spanking new council house, with inside toilet and bathroom. It was these issues that became more prominent in public and political discussion at the time and led to the housing action charity "Shelter" being formed. Single Mothers were hardly discussed at all.

Contrary to your assertion, council tenants are not that different today than they were in the 60's. Most are families with children. Others are older people, whose children have grown up and moved away and there are of course single people, mostly housed in flats, tower blocks and the like.

People are people. Council tenants are council tenants.
you never explained the difference.

the "now fuck off" was rather arrogant though I have to say -implies mc5 owns the place.

Does it? I don't think that. Many have used those words to other posters. sometimes in jest, sometimes not.

Now fuck off. :D
'can't hear'? Do you have to read everyone else's comments out to yourself then? Do you run your finger along under them as you do so, too?

Poor mrs/not so old stoic
I don't think he gets it - now of course it is possible that he isn't addressing or making comments about me but I won't know because the twat is on ignore.
Loathe whaabism and anything to do with saudi funded Islam crock of shit not that
keen on iraninan backed shia islam either.
suffism seems relatively harmless but no little about it so maybe wrong.

managed a good troll attack against islamanutjobs once about going to iraq to fight the evil ones. were very supportive till I put in the post we must cleanse iraq of the evil sunnis:D got banned for some reason:rolleyes:
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