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Opposition to Islam is not Racism.

Then you should be specific and get your grammar right before you get sarky.

You claimed all of the Nationalists who were white were Nazis.You used a small w hence nationalists who are white rather than White Nationalists.

Oooh, hark at little miss pedantic.

Are you suggesting that everyone in the Scottish Nationalist party are white? Could the Basque separatists be equally described as such?

It was pertinently clear that I was referring to white Nationalism and not the SNP or any of your other examples.

So you can blow those rolleyes back out of your big backside. :p
This is probably more to do with Council policy of placing 'at risk' persons at the head of the Queue for Council housing to replace the original purpose of giving housing to ordinary working people.

Families with children have a high priority over single people.

Children "at risk" not the children of "ordinary working people" in your eyes I take it?
Oooh, hark at little miss pedantic.

you opened up with your sarky comment 'get with the programme' insinuating it was me at fault

Are you suggesting that everyone in the Scottish Nationalist party are white?

Never suggested it but the vast majority of Scots Nationalists are white and they are NOT nazis

Could the Basque separatists be equally described as such?
see above

It was pertinently clear that I was referring to white Nationalism and not the SNP or any of your other examples.
no it wasn't you said quite clearly that all nationalists who are white are nazis .If you are unclear my mistake just admit it and move on .

So you can blow those rolleyes back out of your big backside. :p

so I'm little miss but have a big backside :):):)

look we are on the same side here so lets not develop a flame war -lets leave it at a misunderstanding and move on --ok :D
no it wasn't you said quite clearly that all nationalists who are white are nazis .If you are unclear my mistake just admit it and move on .

I didn't say that and I have verified what I meant. I did, however, leave the initial comment to be ambiguous to see if anyone was up for falling through the gaps today. You were.

so I'm little miss but have a big backside :):):)

look we are on the same side here so lets not develop a flame war -lets leave it at a misunderstanding and move on --ok :D

OK no flame war. Just testing if I can still wind people up. I can. ;)

Welcome to the boards. Or welcome back. Whichever it is.
Ive been opposed to the harsh authoritarian theology of Islam for decades, I aint Racist, if people are too thick to see that folk find dont like Religious control then that's their look out.
Being opposed to authoritarian theocracies is fine, but some groups who single out Islam for attack clearly do have a hidden racist agenda in mind.

Ironic then that one of these groups tried to forge links with separatist Muslim, organisations, praised one Louis Farrakhan and expressed support for Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran.

Writing in Nationalism Today in 1985, Griffin praised the black separatist Louis Farrakhan, saying, "white nationalists everywhere wish [Farrakhan] well, for we share a common struggle for the same ends: Racial Separation and Racial Freedom".

And you'll call me a prick for stating the reasons for this?

Ya big weirdo

I'm weird? :hmm:

You were prattling on about:

All these polish,turkish,fucking ingratefull bastard workers has,regardless of what you cunts say, has made me,my mate and my brother cheap fucking labour!!!!!!

I suggested you might want to look to your boss, who exploits you, your brother, your mates and every other worker who is employed there.
I suggested you might want to look to your boss, who exploits you, your brother, your mates and every other worker who is employed there.

No you didn't!!

You outed me,wrongfully,as a racist and drug adelled fuck wit because I dare to comment and give my beliefs on the state of this country yet for some reason you sir are allowed,without prejudice,to make a simular kind of statement regarding the shitness of the UK

Whats so special about you then?
I suggested you might want to look to your boss, who exploits you, your

And i replied to you the reasons I believe for this exploitation and was still wrongfully outed as a drug adelled,fuck witted,biggoted,BNP supporter
He's not a racist cunt.

Neither am I

Anybody can jump on an unedited typo and use it to there advantage to make another poster look like a twat

I have stated many times my support for the BNP policies on immigration and I have also stated that I would never vote BNP because they are a bunch of hate filled cunts

Guess MC5 decided not to quote that when he was browsing my posts

p.s feel free to look at my profile:rolleyes:
No you didn't!!

You outed me,wrongfully,as a racist and drug adelled fuck wit because I dare to comment and give my beliefs on the state of this country yet for some reason you sir are allowed,without prejudice,to make a simular kind of statement regarding the shitness of the UK

Whats so special about you then?

I can spot a wanker for miles. :)

Outed you wrongly did I? :hmm:

You've said yourself that you're a racist. You've posted an image emblazoned with NF on it. You've maligned people from Pakistan. In one post you thought an air rifle might be a weapon used against someone from that part of the world, or did you mean Asians generally like?

Not drug addled? :hmm:

You've bragged on the drugs forum about the copious amounts of drugs you consume and get caught at work with mates carrying cannabis. You fortunately have none on you, so you say, :hmm: but in an area with a lighter where hazardous, flammable material is stored. Then you have the gall to attack the Unions when in fact it's your stupidity that got you to this point.

You might first want to look at the state of yourself, before judging the state of the country. :D
You might first want to look at the state of yourself, before judging the state of the country. :D

Think i'm a wanker you are entitled to your opinion based on what you can gather from my posts.....I'm not offended

Back to my question,what gives you the right to comment?

And whats the air rifle comment

Just to add,you quoted me in a matter of minutes before I had had the chance to edit a typo in my post which made me look like I admitted to being a racist..............I'M NOT A RACIST I'M A REALIST I'M NOT A NAZI I'M A NATIONALIST:)Dgo on lads get typing grrrrr)
Neither am I

Anybody can jump on an unedited typo and use it to there advantage to make another poster look like a twat

I have stated many times my support for the BNP policies on immigration...

Not a racist? You're doing a good job of one.

Typo? That's a refreshingly new get out clause. :D

Nevertheless, the BNP policy on immigration is to repatriate all black people, "voluntary" they say :hmm: and only let whites in.

If you do agree with this then you are indeed a racist fuckwit? :)
Think i'm a wanker you are entitled to your opinion based on what you can gather from my posts.....I'm not offended

Back to my question,what gives you the right to comment?

And whats the air rifle comment

Here it is.

I have every right to comment, as you do, but expect robust challenges here, particularly to idiocy.
Not a racist? You're doing a good job of one.

Typo? That's a refreshingly new get out clause. :D

Nevertheless, the BNP policy on immigration is to repatriate all black people, "voluntary" they say :hmm: and only let whites in.

If you do agree with this then you are indeed a racist fuckwit? :)

So anyway third time now I've asked

Why can you say this country is in a state and give the reasons you believe it to be but i'm not allowed to when I have given my reasons for believing so aswell?Is it because my theory is different to yours or what?Come on now mate

Is that the whole of the BNP immigration policy?Or are you qouting out of context again
Families with children have a high priority over single people.

Children "at risk" not the children of "ordinary working people" in your eyes I take it?
beginning of council housing.

they could be the children of anyone but the chance of a pair of working parents getting a council house is rather slim .

I think you are well aware of the difference in policy between 1960 and today so why are you being obtuse ?
So anyway third time now I've asked

Why can you say this country is in a state and give the reasons you believe it to be but i'm not allowed to when I have given my reasons for believing so aswell?Is it because my theory is different to yours or what?Come on now mate

Is that the whole of the BNP immigration policy?Or are you qouting out of context again

I've given you the BNP policy on immigration. If you think it's something else, then clearly you are a fool.

Your "reasons" for the country being in a state are based purely on xenophobia and racism.

Btw, I'm not your "mate", now fuck off.
beginning of council housing.

they could be the children of anyone but the chance of a pair of working parents getting a council house is rather slim .

I think you are well aware of the difference in policy between 1960 and today so why are you being obtuse ?

I'm not, I work in the field.

Massive house building programme in the sixties and not a situation with hundreds of thousands on the waiting lists and decades of a 'right to buy' policy. Nevermind the huge cost of owning a home.
Is that the whole of the BNP immigration policy?Or are you qouting out of context again

BNP manifesto 2005 said:
Our proposals:
1. We would repeal the Race Relations Acts and all other restrictions on freespeech in Britain.

2. We would abolish all targets and quotas for ethnic representation in all areas ofemployment, public and private.

3. We would abolish all politically-correct indoctrination of the police, teachers, andother public employees.

4. We would abolish all government-sponsored ethnicity-specific professional bodies, housing associations, and other organisations.

5. We would abolish all departments, agencies, or other units of government whosesole and specific purpose is to deal with ethnic issues, grievances, or crimes. Such organisations deliberately seek out the maximum quantity of "racism" inorder to justify their own existence and expand their power and budgets. The law is the law and must be enforced equally upon all without being politicised overethnic differences.

6. We would abolish all laws against racial discrimination in employment and thegovernment bodies associated with enforcing them.

7. Except for purposes of teaching foreign languages to native speakers of English, the only languages permitted in official documents, government business, andschools will be English, Scots, and Welsh. The use of other languages by ethnicminorities in their own homes, school and institutions will also be encouraged.

8. A Clause 28-style proscription against the promotion of racial integration inschools and the media would be introduced.

9. In order to make it clear that the “celebration of diversity” is something in whichthe native peoples of our islands can share, each of our traditional Saints Dayswould be made Public Holidays in the nations in question, with Trafalgar Daybeing an additional Public Holiday throughout the entire UK.

10. A massively-funded and permanent programme, using and doubling Britain ‘scurrent foreign aid budget, will aim to reduce, by voluntary resettlement to theirlands of ethnic origin, the proportion of ethnic minorities living in Britain , for as long as the majority of the electorate are willing to fund such expenditure. Since the chief impact of such a programme would be the assistance it would renderto Developing Countries in the Third World, this is described further in Section 16– Britain and the World.

11. While accepting the right of law-abiding minorities, in our country because they or their ancestors came here legally, to remain here and to enjoy the fullprotection of the law against any form of harassment or hostility, we will alsoseek to emphasise the importance of the prior status of the aboriginal people.This would be a national extension of the ‘Sons and Daughters’ policy in priority on housing and school places lists which BNP councils seek to implement at local level.

We will publish a list of these British nationals preference proposals before the next major election.

Your "reasons" for the country being in a state are based purely on xenophobia and racism.


Now,I've answered all the bullshit questions you've put to me

As said i've answered every question you have asked me!!!Why will you not answer my question to you?Are you a coward or are you embaressed about your political views?

You answer my question otherwise I suggest its you who needs to fuck off with your tail between your legs
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