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Nigel Farage

Doesn't cancelling his appearance play into the image of valiant outsider he's cultivated over the years? He and others can market themselves as "speaking the truth they don't want you to hear".
bit of hard sell when you have you own TV station that bugger all people tune into

problem with being a one issue man when it's done you stock goes down

more than likely at this point is more annoyed brexit happened it was his meal ticket for 30 years
Doesn't cancelling his appearance play into the image of valiant outsider he's cultivated over the years? He and others can market themselves as "speaking the truth they don't want you to hear".

Yeah, but apart from his tiny loyal following of loons, no one will be listening.

He was a one trick pony, that trick is done, for most people he's irrelevant now.
From the GB News thread...

Interesting comparison, BARB figures w/e 6/3/22 -

Gbeebies - Farage takes 4 out of the top 10 viewed shows, with between 65,400 & 90,600 viewers.

CBBC - Newsround takes 4 out of the top 10 viewed shows, with between 100,936 & 195,300 viewers.

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Yeah, but apart from his tiny loyal following of loons, no one will be listening.

He was a one trick pony, that trick is done, for most people he's irrelevant now.
That's always been the case, yet he's long been booked on mainstream channels. 35 appearances on Question Time, the second highest of any right wing politician, after Ken Clarke (for the purposes of this stat neither Labour or the Lib Dems are relatively right wing).
That's always been the case, yet he's long been booked on mainstream channels. 35 appearances on Question Time, the second highest of any right wing politician, after Ken Clarke (for the purposes of this stat neither Labour or the Lib Dems are relatively right wing).

That was when he was fairly mainstream as leader of UKIP/BP & winner of EU elections, and before his one trick came to an end with the Brexit vote, when has he been on mainstream channels recently?
So, whilst the Flying Fucking Farage launces his new campaign against net zero with 'Vote Power Not Poverty', it turns out...

Nigel Farage will secure a payday of €19m if he can help revive the fortunes of a Dutch green energy company riven by a dispute between its directors and a major shareholder.

The former Ukip leader owns 1m share options in Dutch Green Business, which can be redeemed if the company’s share price leaps from its current level of €1 to €20, netting him €18.5m, an investigation by Greenpeace found.

The little shit, but it gets worst...

Mr Farage announced last year that he had become chairman of the advisory board to DGB, which is listed in Amsterdam, but his appointment was delayed following a dispute between John Mappin, Mr Farage’s friend who introduced him to the company, and DGB’s board.

Mr Mappin, a pro-Putin Cornish hotelier and leading conspiracy theorist who offers discounts to anti-vaxxers, owns a 30pc stake in DGB with his wife, according to Bloomberg data.

Meanwhile Mr Mappin has expressed pro-Putin views on his Twitter account in recent weeks.

On Feb 24 he said: “What President Putin has done is a gift for the freedom of the world. Those who love freedom have a duty to back him up.”

Jesus H Christ on a Bike. :facepalm:

Paywall busted Telegraph link - Nigel Farage in line for £16m windfall from green energy company
It's feels unlikely that a company's share price would leap from $1 to $20 over a very short period of time. I mean I know it happens but it's not common.
It's feels unlikely that a company's share price would leap from $1 to $20 over a very short period of time. I mean I know it happens but it's not common.

It doesn't mention a time period.

But that's a side issue anyway, I posted it because of his hypocrisy in campaigning against net zero whilst being involved in a green energy company, and his friendship with a pro-Putin conspiracy theorist.
The former Brexit campaigner's 18-month run of back luck gaining followers on social media appears to align exactly with Britain’s departure from the European Union's single market at the start of 2021.

Well that's hardly surprising, he was a one trick pony, people got bored of him and moved on.
The Frog Lord lost out big time when people voted for Brexit since it took leaving the EU into the political mainstream. He built a political presence and made a steady living out of something he probably thought would never happen.
Then it did and suddenly no-one gave a shit about what he thought and he became completely irrelevant. He tried to hitch his wagon to Trump's rising star but Trump is King Midas in reverse so that didn't work out.
So now he is the frog that did indeed get kissed by the princess but remained a frog and no-one cares.
It would be sad if he wasn't such a complete tosser so it's actually funny.
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I was joking but the whole austerity immiserater to Strictly Come Dancing trail has already been blazed by Ed Balls and Big Brother by the 'I salute your indefatigability' gobshite. Who knows.
Truth is, really, Farage would have a higher profile and more attention now if he was still an elected politician. Which he's not, because of Brexit.
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