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Nick Cohen and the Observer

Must be tough. But at least he has feminist friends who stick up for him and who blame the true criminal here, the NYT, for reporting on seven women complaining about sexual harassment that the mainstream UK press seemingly does not think is a story for unspecified reasons.

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Whoa. He has NOT apologised. This is so messed up.
That'd be the same Hadley Freeman who's been defending Woody Allen for years, I assume. One of the few good decisions the Graun's made in recent years was canning her. Seems like a dreadful person and was always a genuinely terrible feature writer - massively self-referential, loads of "I" and personal ego stroking in her interviews.
Must be tough. But at least he has feminist friends who stick up for him and who blame the true criminal here, the NYT, for reporting on seven women complaining about sexual harassment that the mainstream UK press seemingly does not think is a story for unspecified reasons.

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tanya seems to be assuming that yer man had a personality worth having before the drink. some people say in vino veritas. i say, by contrast, that drinking distorts your character so that some things which might otherwise pass without notice become exaggerated but there's nothing there that wasn't there without the addition of alcohol
I don't know what world that makes sense on but ok...
it's really very simple. there is no point me telling you the point you made. if discussion was other posters repeating back to you the point you made there'd be er no point in it. so my reply is developed from you said in your post. i don't understand why you find this basic point so very difficult to comprehend.
it's really very simple. there is no point me telling you the point you made. if discussion was other posters repeating back to you the point you made there'd be er no point in it. so my reply is developed from you said in your post. i don't understand why you find this basic point so very difficult to comprehend.
Oh I get that I just didn't see how your post added much to mine.
That'd be the same Hadley Freeman who's been defending Woody Allen for years, I assume. One of the few good decisions the Graun's made in recent years was canning her. Seems like a dreadful person and was always a genuinely terrible feature writer - massively self-referential, loads of "I" and personal ego stroking in her interviews.
My take on Hadley Freeman can be made in pictures alone

Yes she cited a so-called "culture of fear" (at the Guardian :rolleyes:) against gender critics as her reason for moving to the famously fluffy/unbiased Murdoch press.
shortly after she had completely misrepresented Amia Srinivasan's argument in an interview, where she claimed the exact opposite of what AS said. And walked out of the interview rather than attempting to challenge her. Almost as if she were a shit journalist who just has an English degree, some opinions and a massive sense of entitlement.
Being an enthusiastic amateur piss artist or a full blown card carrying raging alko monster isn’t much of defence for much tbh.

Saying that, the majority of my scrapes with authority have been when leathered. Still my own doing tho
There's an obvious solution if you physically can't keep your hands to yourself when you've had a few (assuming this lack of conscious motor control is a reality rather than a pretense for a moment) - don't go to parties and drink heavily. If you can't drink responsibly then fair enough, you can still get plastered while staying away from places where you might be tempted to grope people. If you can manage to stay sober then it's even easier – go to the party and don't drink.

There's a lot of excuse-making from Cohen types which essentially treats a solveable issue as though it's some sort of impossible situation comprising an ineffable force of nature, with the great unspoken being "I wanna drink heavily and have fun (ie. grope people)".
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Saying sorry for being a cunt repeatedly over decades presumably is rather hard but if he would even just do that. But he doesn't so why should we have any sympathy
Saying sorry for being a cunt repeatedly over decades presumably is rather hard but if he would even just do that. But he doesn't so why should we have any sympathy

We all know that one person who always says sorry for the shit they do or say when drunk, but who is never sorry enough to change their behaviour or slow down with their drinking. Sorry just becomes a reminder that this person doesn't care about the consequences of their actions. The meaning of sorry ends up being completely backwards.

A phrase I used to use a lot back when I spent more time around drinkers was, 'don't apologise for something you're going to keep doing'.

But people who don't even apologise, or even pretend to apologise, until the consequences of their actions affect them for once; we know those people as well. I hope we've all learned to avoid them, and to warn others about them every chance we get.
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There's an obvious solution if you physically can't keep your hands to yourself when you've had a few (assuming this lack of conscious motor control is a reality rather than a pretense for a moment) - don't go to parties and drink heavily. If you can't drink responsibly then fair enough, you can still get plastered while staying away from places where you might be tempted to grope people. If you can manage to stay sober then it's even easier – go to the party and don't drink.

There's a lot of excuse-making from Cohen types which essentially treats a solveable issue as though it's some sort of impossible situation comprising an ineffable force of nature, with the great unspoken being "I wanna drink heavily and have fun (ie. grope people)".
The 'I was an alcoholic' non-apology could perhaps be construed as an attempt to misguide people into thinking he had a few too many and got a bit handsy in the pub after work - I mean, media folk, what are they like, amiright? - but it conveniently overlooks the situation Lucy Single has previously described, ie being groped by him by the photocopier, so at work, in the office, not in a social setting with colleagues.
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