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Facebook hires Nick Clegg

It's an odd move because it means Facebook is only one question away from destruction.

'Are you going to start charging a fee?'

It'll be like one of those films where the corporate baddies know the end is coming, but one poor sap can't get in the helicopter and is left on the roof of the skyscraper.
I'm a bite bemused by his choice of Clegg out of Osborne and Milliband, If I was Zuckerberg scheming to expand my influence and bolster my evil empire, I would have gone with Osborne, twat though he may be he has an air of competence about him that Clegg just doesn't. Not least because he was instrumental in screwing Clegg over.

Osborne is a bit busy making money out of that Russian guy, and making trouble for May, to be bothered by taking money from a yank.
The Steve mclaren of politics - why the fuck people keep giving him work despite having a cv consisting entirely of gold plated fail, astounds me

There's a bit on his CV that'll ensure he has a lifetime of doors opening for him.

Hint - It's not his employment history.
£9000 a year for access to Facebook.
I have 13 nieces and nephews, I use Facebook to check in occasionally on their busy lives and post the odd like on their holiday pics, it give me a warm feeling knowing they realise that their uncle thinks about them once it a while after all I may need their help to escape when my own kids shove me in some crappy rest home.
I can't imagine myself paying even £9 a year for a warm fuzzy feeling never mind anymore
I'm not sure this is quite true. They've come to somehow completely dominate mass communication in the 21st century, and I'm fairly sure that's not totally down to blind luck.

And my dead dog has an account, as does BB1's lost teddy, Pebbles. It's a place of miracles :cool:
I'm not sure this is quite true. They've come to somehow completely dominate mass communication in the 21st century, and I'm fairly sure that's not totally down to blind luck.

Yet the female breast is banned, & neo nazism is perfectly acceptable. Dominate is the right word.
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