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Facebook hires Nick Clegg

I love the massive gap there is between Nick Clegg’s assessment of his own abilities and the reality. I think he went into government with the Tories imagining he could do good work: a powerful force for pragmatic liberal centrism and getting things done. But he got played, chewed up and spat out, and achieved fuck all. Now here he is bright eyed and bushy tailed, imagining he can be a force for pragmatic liberal centrism in a corporation even less human than the tories. Hilarious. Expect to see his charred corpse outside by the bins within the next couple of years.
He played himself, tbf. Instead of insisting on a govt department - health or education, perhaps - he succumbed to his own sense of self-importance to take the impressive-sounding-but-in-fact-powerless position of 'deputy PM'.
I can't really see what Facebook think they're getting for their (presumably loads of) money. Seeing as it's not an exaggeration to say they could walk into the street in that area and find someone more qualified to do the job in a minute, they presumably think he has access to some sort of sphere of influence. Were they not paying attention when he was Deputy PM?:confused:
Maybe they just want someone who's good at facing the media and talking bullshit.

Or perhaps Zuck is playing him and going to throw him in front of the US senate and the EU next time theres a data breach.
Stephen Bush reckons he has a lot of heft in Europe, especially with the regulatory bodies they're coming up against. He may well do I guess.
I love the massive gap there is between Nick Clegg’s assessment of his own abilities and the reality. I think he went into government with the Tories imagining he could do good work: a powerful force for pragmatic liberal centrism and getting things done. But he got played, chewed up and spat out, and achieved fuck all. Now here he is bright eyed and bushy tailed, imagining he can be a force for pragmatic liberal centrism in a corporation even less human than the tories. Hilarious. Expect to see his charred corpse outside by the bins within the next couple of years.
Nah, he'll be sitting in his office, finding different ways to count paperclips. Such a loser, they'll probably not even allow him on facebook.
I love the massive gap there is between Nick Clegg’s assessment of his own abilities and the reality. I think he went into government with the Tories imagining he could do good work: a powerful force for pragmatic liberal centrism and getting things done. But he got played, chewed up and spat out, and achieved fuck all. Now here he is bright eyed and bushy tailed, imagining he can be a force for pragmatic liberal centrism in a corporation even less human than the tories. Hilarious. Expect to see his charred corpse outside by the bins within the next couple of years.

Westminster pupil gets owned by Eton/St Pauls crew.

Not really news, is it. The no longer around legal monolith Diamond went to Westminster...
Which government though? He has no purchase here in the current govt, or any likely future tory govt - and no prospect of any if Corbyn wins the next election too.

I wouldn't be so sure of that. He sat round the cabinet table with May, mates with Gideon at the ES, Cameron and probably half the current sitting Tory party. They just knighted him FFS.
I can't really see what Facebook think they're getting for their (presumably loads of) money. Seeing as it's not an exaggeration to say they could walk into the street in that area and find someone more qualified to do the job in a minute, they presumably think he has access to some sort of sphere of influence. Were they not paying attention when he was Deputy PM?:confused:
They (mistakenly) think he's somehow embodies the things they are criticised for not doing or caring about. But they are absolutely right in thinking he'll be so piss wet as to do nothing to disrupt their core business. Basically, he's a pot plant.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. He sat round the cabinet table with May, mates with Gideon at the ES, Cameron and probably half the current sitting Tory party. They just knighted him FFS.
The Cameron/Osborne strand of the Tory party are dead, didn't you notice? He's got nothing here.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. He sat round the cabinet table with May, mates with Gideon at the ES, Cameron and probably half the current sitting Tory party. They just knighted him FFS.
Kicked upstairs. The sure-fire sign of the end of a political career. ;)

Sounds good to a certain kind of American, though.
The Cameron/Osborne strand of the Tory party are dead, didn't you notice? He's got nothing here.

Former PMs tend to get a lot of access no matter what party they were in. Look at Major just this week.

All I'm saying is he'll have all the right phone numbers.
Which government though? He has no purchase here in the current govt, or any likely future tory govt - and no prospect of any if Corbyn wins the next election too.
Is there some assumed access to the EU corridors of power post-brexit? dunno, it really is hard to think why anyone would appoint a clegg.
Stephen Bush reckons he has a lot of heft in Europe, especially with the regulatory bodies they're coming up against. He may well do I guess.
re: this

Facebook hiring Nick Clegg is down to Brexit and Remainers’ inability to stop it

The Financial Times has shocked Westminster with an astonishing scoop: Nick Clegg, the former deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democrats, is leaving the United Kingdom to take a job as Facebook’s head of global policy and communications - in other words, as its chief lobbyist.

It’s an astute hire on Facebook’s part. In Clegg, they are signing a politician who is both well-versed in the relevant policy issues, but is also intimately acquainted with the key power players in the European Union, the toughest regulatory area that the social media juggernaut has to operate in.

In addition to the connections acquired during his five years as a member of the European Parliament, Clegg has experience of how the European Commission operates - having worked as an aide to Leon Brittan when he was Commissioner for Competition (the same brief which is giving Facebook so much grief now) - and he is well-connected to the flavour of rightish liberalism that, thanks to the proportional systems that dominate the politics of most European countries, is guaranteed a presence in the corridors of power even if it is only as the junior partner in a coalition.

The one arena in which Clegg is not a major asset to Facebook is in his domestic market: the parts of the Conservative Party which didn’t resent coalition with him are in perhaps permanent eclipse , while Labour’s distaste for Liberal Democrats in general, and Clegg in particular, is still strong. But after Brexit, the United Kingdom will be a peripheral player in the games of global regulation that Facebook plays and Clegg’s Europe-wide connections are far more valuable than any negative comment the hire will attract in the British media.

For Clegg, the job will be a well-paid opportunity to experience work in another country and to throw himself into a new challenge. His frustration at the direction of the Liberal Democrats, who are at present ruling out a return to coalition in any shape or form had grown in recent months according to allies of the former deputy prime minister. But it is a disappointment considering the aims he had when he resigned as Liberal Democrat leader. Then, he hoped to play an influential role in the United Kingdom’s drugs policy debate, something he considered unfinished business from the coalition. (It was a source of frustration to drugs policy reformers in the Liberal Democrats that they felt that David Cameron was privately with them on the need to rethink the drug war but never had the courage to face down his party’s own authoritarians.)

Now he is quitting British politics entirely and it is difficult to see how he will ever be able to finesse a return. It is also a sign of a lack of confidence in the prospects for Brexit to be stopped. As one close ally of Clegg’s recently remarked to me, it took the shock of Brexit to break Clegg “out of his PTSD [at the coalition and the loss of so many Liberal Democrats]” and his opposition to the vote was one of the few animating causes where his voice still carried weight. His decision to jump sticks will be seen as a lack of faith in the ability of the People’s Vote campaign to reverse Brexit – though perhaps, if they could stop Brexit, Clegg might not be quite such an asset to Facebook.
Which government though? He has no purchase here in the current govt, or any likely future tory govt - and no prospect of any if Corbyn wins the next election too.

They're all chums really. They just have to pretend otherwise in public in order to create a veneer of democracy.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. He sat round the cabinet table with May, mates with Gideon at the ES, Cameron and probably half the current sitting Tory party. They just knighted him FFS.
Fuck, I forgot they'd knighted him. The sword probably didn't meet much resistance when it was placed on his shoulder.
It is just me, or does the world seem to get more bonkers by the day?
Nope it's not you
I love the massive gap there is between Nick Clegg’s assessment of his own abilities and the reality. I think he went into government with the Tories imagining he could do good work: a powerful force for pragmatic liberal centrism and getting things done. But he got played, chewed up and spat out, and achieved fuck all. Now here he is bright eyed and bushy tailed, imagining he can be a force for pragmatic liberal centrism in a corporation even less human than the tories. Hilarious. Expect to see his charred corpse outside by the bins within the next couple of years.
I'm a bite bemused by his choice of Clegg out of Osborne and Milliband, If I was Zuckerberg scheming to expand my influence and bolster my evil empire, I would have gone with Osborne, twat though he may be he has an air of competence about him that Clegg just doesn't. Not least because he was instrumental in screwing Clegg over.
Isn't this how it always ends for inept politicians? They land a big job at a big company, where they may or may not have used their power and influence to facilitate positive outcomes for said company?
It's an odd move because it means Facebook is only one question away from destruction.

'Are you going to start charging a fee?'

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