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An American's observations about his visit to England go viral

It's great mulled with spices and served hot. I remember going to hayrack rides as a kid and it would always end with a cup of hot cider cooked on an open fire.

It's not cider though is it. It's just hot apple juice with stuff in it.
So do I. Orang Utan how do you use a carving fork? A fork holds the food still whilst you cut it with a knife the stuff it in your gob. Why not just use a spoon if you only use your fork as a shovel?
'Cos then you'd have to eat your pudding with a fork. :)
eh? carving forks are for serving, not eating, aren't they?
A carving fork is to hold what you are carving still so that you can cut it. How do you hold your fork when cutting food? Do you cut it all up first & then turn the fork over & shovel it in or do you eat as you cut?
A carving fork is to hold what you are carving still so that you can cut it. How do you hold your fork when cutting food? Do you cut it all up first & then turn the fork over & shovel it in or do you eat as you cut?
do you use different forks for meat than for other foods?
i dunno, if i'm eating a roast i'll hold the fork upside down to cut it, but i'll eat the rest of it with the fork in the usual way. if i'm eating a sausage casserole like i just did, i'll use it like a shovel the whole time.
do you use different forks for meat than for other foods?
i dunno, if i'm eating a roast i'll hold the fork upside down to cut it, but i'll eat the rest of it with the fork in the usual way. if i'm eating a sausage casserole like i just did, i'll use it like a shovel the whole time.
No I use one type of fork but if eating meat will cut it & put it in my mouth with other bits squashed on 'upside down :D'. As mentioned earlier I eat spag bol with my fork either the right way up or upside down depending on when all the spag has twirled round the fork.
No I use one type of fork but if eating meat will cut it & put it in my mouth with other bits squashed on 'upside down :D'.
yeah, that's how my mum used to do it. peas were a problem! seems perverse when you can just flip it around and scoop it
yeah, that's how my mum used to do it. peas were a problem! seems perverse when you can just flip it around and scoop it

But that's how most people do it! (in Britain, not US).

As for peas, that's where honey comes in obviously. :D

ETA - I see that fishfinger had already mentioned honey. Oops. (Now my head is in turmoil at the idea of fishfingers with honey. Then again, honey is the work of the Evil One, unless it has been turned into mead).
But that's how most people do it! (in Britain, not US).
:hmm: really? i don't watch other people eat much and can only call to mind my family, but out of the six of us, i can only remember her doing it. The kids I know don't do it either.
How do people eat if they're eating with a fork and a spoon? do they still hold the fork upside down?
Hmm. You're right about not watching other people eat. I generally don't and from now on (until I forget this thread), I'll be fighting a temptation to watch other people eat. OK, when I said "most people", I suppose that was an unproven assertion. :)
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