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million women rise march and rally - today (5th march), central london

I didn't put it up because I am bored with the way that anything deemed as "political" on these boards is torn apart by certain posters, examined and, often, spat at, with attacks levelled against the person advertising the event, even if all they are trying to do is to share an event with others who might want to know.
I didn't mention it on this board because I get sick to death of TopCat's posts on the subject of violence against women tbh. I have spoken to a lot of women about it on other boards though :)

Nice attempted smear that. Says more about you though.
I didn't put it up because I am bored with the way that anything deemed as "political" on these boards is torn apart by certain posters, examined and, often, spat at, with attacks levelled against the person advertising the event, even if all they are trying to do is to share an event with others who might want to know.

if only we had a separate forum where events could be announced and any discussion was limited
I don't object to marches like this or find them offensive - quite the opposite, I think it's a good thing. :)

But I do think it's a shame, a missed opportunity maybe, to make it about 'violence by men against women', rather than a broader statement such as 'violence in the home'.

Anyway, I hope it went well and there was a good turn-out.
Nice attempted smear that. Says more about you though.

Really? I'm not the only woman who feels like that I can assure you. I've stopped posting on this board about violence against women or rape or anything like that because I get so sick of being belittled and silenced that I don't discuss those subjects on here any more.

However - it's not just you but you are one of the main perpetrators.

ETA and I don't know why you mentioned violence against children. That's not what this march is about
In Brighton the other day I saw two gay lasses having a right old punch up. This was outside the Sealife Centre. Gawd knows what they must be like at home.

This thread reminded me of that incident. It was a shocker!
Really? I'm not the only woman who feels like that I can assure you. I've stopped posting on this board about violence against women or rape or anything like that because I get so sick of being belittled and silenced that I don't discuss those subjects on here any more.

However - it's not just you but you are one of the main perpetrators.

ETA and I don't know why you mentioned violence against children. That's not what this march is about

from the OP 'Together and united we are ending male violence against women and children.'

This day and associated actions cause divisiveness every year. Plenty of blokes going 'Hold on a minute, I'm not a cunt etc etc this is man bashing stuff'

I can see that the wording and implications can lead to backs being put up but I don't think the aim here is to smear and slag off a whole gender.
Oh my.

In a month (or two) that has seen the attempted, and possible liberation of the Middle East and North Africa you guys decide to run a rally telling us that its ONLY men that are the harmbringers to families.

Fucks sake.

As an abused man, it disappoints me more that you cant galvanise yourself and organise this properly on the boards, but that you have to stick to the same old Dogma that its us men that are the cunts in UK society. its not. People cant be cunt regardless of sex - have a look at any town in the UK after closing time. I am not saying that you shouldnt be doing what you are doing, but just tarring all men with the 'shit' brush is counter productive.

Plus, who's going to be escorting you? Male police? The wife beating cunts eh...
from the OP 'Together and united we are ending male violence against women and children.'

This day and associated actions cause divisiveness every year. Plenty of blokes going 'Hold on a minute, I'm not a cunt etc etc this is man bashing stuff'

I can see that the wording and implications can lead to backs being put up but I don't think the aim here is to smear and slag off a whole gender.

Apologies :) and no, the aim is not to smear and slag off a whole gender at all. Most woman I know who've been on the march today are married or in heterosexual long term relationships so aren't at all the man haters that some people seem to think
Oh my.

In a month (or two) that has seen the attempted, and possible liberation of the Middle East and North Africa you guys decide to run a rally telling us that its ONLY men that are the harmbringers to families.

Fucks sake.

As an abused man, it disappoints me more that you cant galvanise yourself and organise this properly on the boards, but that you have to stick to the same old Dogma that its us men that are the cunts in UK society. its not. People cant be cunt regardless of sex - have a look at any town in the UK after closing time. I am not saying that you shouldnt be doing what you are doing, but just tarring all men with the 'shit' brush is counter productive.

Plus, who's going to be escorting you? Male police? The wife beating cunts eh...

And time to hide the thread
Do the figures bear out an equal level of femal on male violence as to male on female violence?

I'm not even a feminist by self description but perhaps male comrades should at least be wary of knee jerkish 'don't put it all on us!' stuff. Because thats not what this is imo despite some perhaps inflammatory language.
Do the figures bear out an equal level of femal on male violence as to male on female violence?

I'm not even a feminist by self description but perhaps male comrades should at least be wary of knee jerkish 'don't put it all on us!' stuff. Because thats not what this is imo despite some perhaps inflammatory language.

It's about 75% women murdered by male partners if you're talking about murder. And of course rape is used as a weapon in many conflicts. Every week, on average of two women are murdered by their partners in the UK.

I'm not defending any women who use violence against their partners Average Joe. But your horrible experience doesn't alter the fact that it's much, much rarer for men to be in the situation you were in. Violence is horrible and wrong. Whatever the gender of the attacker.
yes I was pretty sure the figures would bear out a disproportion. I think the beef here is a perception that all men are being tarred with the brush- something that probably rankles a lot more with leftist males because 'femenist' label or no we are holding political ideas that are against inequality and the gross expressions of violence that are part and parcel of unequal social or economic relations (as a whole). 'I'm not like that' doesn't change the reality of a situation of course, but in a moment of libdemmery I can see why the OP might wind people up- but then leftist language is often confrontational and challenging.
And of course rape is used as a weapon in many conflicts. Every week, on average of two women are murdered by their partners in the UK.

I'm not defending any women who use violence against their partners Average Joe. But your horrible experience doesn't alter the fact that it's much, much rarer for men to be in the situation you were in. Violence is horrible and wrong. Whatever the gender of the attacker.

I think you are wrong on 2 points.

1. the first comment you make is a global stat and not a UK stat.
2. The second one, whilst undoubtably accurate does count the number of women abused and punched about by men, and neither does it count the numnber of women that beat men, meet men in bars just to get them to buy drinks, the number of the new wave of 'cheat detectives' that entice men with their wares and then blackmail them etc etc etc, the number of Loose Women type "men are shit programs", the number of adverts on TV that show men to be the lesser species, the theories that men have a lower pain threshold, the theories that men are just after one thing, etc etc etc etcbloodycentra.

Dont get me wrong. I abhor violece of all forms. ESPECIALLY against women, but to just do this kind of thing - and I know I have a bee in my bonnet and may not be thinking as wisely as a lot of more educated people on these forums - its just fucking.....well, its not even wrong. Its just misguided.

In my opinion anyway, and if others think I am wrong then I apologise.

In the meantime I am off to rape my daughter - I mean, give her a bath.
And time to hide the thread

But why?

I'm genuinely sorry to hear that Joe has been the victim of abuse himself, but I don't see any such campaign blaming ONLY and ALL men, merely pointing out the specific problem of male violence on women. And there is a problem across all patriarchal societies of this, and it is disproportionate against women. A product of historical and continuing unequal power and inequality that exists between genders.

And at the same time, that does not negate any of the importance in my eyes of other forms and dynamics of violence either that TC or others describe. And I acknowledge why gender based analysis only goes so far in this stuff.

I certainly share trashy's frustration in that as someone who joined urban viewing it as a left-leaning political board, that discussion from woman's politic/feminist perspectives might be more possible, and yet more than few times unfortunately such discussions seem to be silenced or very difficult for various reasons :(
And of course rape is used as a weapon in many conflicts. Every week, on average of two women are murdered by their partners in the UK.

I'm not defending any women who use violence against their partners Average Joe. But your horrible experience doesn't alter the fact that it's much, much rarer for men to be in the situation you were in. Violence is horrible and wrong. Whatever the gender of the attacker.

I think you are wrong on 2 points.

1. the first comment you make is a global stat and not a UK stat.
2. The second one, whilst undoubtably accurate does count the number of women abused and punched about by men, and neither does it count the numnber of women that beat men, meet men in bars just to get them to buy drinks, the number of the new wave of 'cheat detectives' that entice men with their wares and then blackmail them etc etc etc, the number of Loose Women type "men are shit programs", the number of adverts on TV that show men to be the lesser species, the theories that men have a lower pain threshold, the theories that men are just after one thing, etc etc etc etcbloodycentra.

Dont get me wrong. I abhor violece of all forms. ESPECIALLY against women, but to just do this kind of thing - and I know I have a bee in my bonnet and may not be thinking as wisely as a lot of more educated people on these forums - its just fucking.....well, its not even wrong. Its just misguided.

In my opinion anyway, and if others think I am wrong then I apologise.

In the meantime I am off to rape my daughter - I mean, give her a bath.
As far as I see it, angel, it's using male privilege to effectively kill any such discussion on any specific problems there may be in society regarding male violence on women.

'All men are abusers'
'Those feminists are men haters'

As far as I see it, angel, it's using male privilege to effectively kill any such discussion on any specific problems there may be in society regarding male violence on women.

'All men are abusers'
'Those feminists are men haters'

It does seem a bit like any mention of male violence against women cannot be discussed because women can hit men too...
positions don't have to be that entrenched steph. I call a big healthy bolshevik self criticism on both sides. That always clears the air
meet men in bars just to get them to buy drinks, the number of the new wave of 'cheat detectives' that entice men with their wares and then blackmail them etc etc etc, the number of Loose Women type "men are shit programs", the number of adverts on TV that show men to be the lesser species,

hmm, quite revealing
It does seem a bit like any mention of male violence against women cannot be discussed because women can hit men too...

Yeah it does and that's why I am so tired of having this conversation over and over again. And actually I find it really offensive to be called a man hater because I'm a feminist. I'm a straight woman ffs. So either I'm a complete masochist or maybe I'd just like this to be an issue that isn't undermined and derided on a mixed, supposedly left-leaning board?
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