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million women rise march and rally - today (5th march), central london

It's wearing actually - you feel like a lone voice in the wilderness and I have to admit that I've given up on the whole because I'm so bloody tired of being shouted down.

If it's any consolation - it's not without purpose. I distinctly remember getting involved with one of those threads some years ago and making a total arse out of myself - partly because I expressed myself badly, but also partly because I didn't really understand the issue like I thought I did. By getting involved with these threads I've slowly learnt to some extent, and developed a better understanding.

I still feel like I'm walking on eggshells a bit, because I do have misgivings about some aspects of some feminism (the practice rather than the theory), but I've certainly gained a better appreciation for the complexities than I did have.
A lot of women care very passionately about feminist debate and discussion but don't tend to discuss them on mixed websites like this one. As I alluded to at the start of the thread, over the six years I've been here, women-only marches are derided and scorned, rape discussions always have men saying 'yeah but men get raped too' and while homophobia and racism is pretty much considered unacceptable, sexism is alive and thriving. It gets fucking boring having the same discussions with the same people over and over again. It's wearing actually - you feel like a lone voice in the wilderness and I have to admit that I've given up on the whole because I'm so bloody tired of being shouted down.

If, however, you would like to discuss feminism on an active board which welcomes men, then PM me :)

ETA: I think your perspective is really interesting and you would spark a very lively debate

PM sent!

Just seen a very timely story on C4 News about Int'l Women's Day. Jude Kelly, artistic director of the South Bank Centre (I think) said the world would be a better place for all if we had a mix of male and female values in peacekeeping and finance. Which pretty much mirrors my view that if we had gender balanced governments there'd be less war, corruption, greed and social inequality. Kelly's opponent in the studio debate was Cristina Odone, the well-known confused Catholic. Her take was that there should be room in the world for women who want to be women as well as women who want to be men. The latter are the ones who succeed in the world of work. Which pretty much mirrors the 'get your tanks off my lawn' response I get when I tell mums or would-be mums that feminists have let us all down by achieving so little in the last few decades. You can't win, can you? The only certainty is that on the next International Women's Day no progress will have been made.
Just seen a very timely story on C4 News about Int'l Women's Day. Jude Kelly, artistic director of the South Bank Centre (I think) said the world would be a better place for all if we had a mix of male and female values in peacekeeping and finance. Which pretty much mirrors my view that if we had gender balanced governments there'd be less war, corruption, greed and social inequality. Kelly's opponent in the studio debate was Cristina Odone, the well-known confused Catholic. Her take was that there should be room in the world for women who want to be women as well as women who want to be men. The latter are the ones who succeed in the world of work. Which pretty much mirrors the 'get your tanks off my lawn' response I get when I tell mums or would-be mums that feminists have let us all down by achieving so little in the last few decades. You can't win, can you? The only certainty is that on the next International Women's Day no progress will have been made.

This I disagree with, but it's too much of a tangent - starting a new thread. :)

Voila: http://www.urban75.net/vbulletin/th...ere-calling-the-shots?p=11579813#post11579813
If it's any consolation - it's not without purpose. I distinctly remember getting involved with one of those threads some years ago and making a total arse out of myself - partly because I expressed myself badly, but also partly because I didn't really understand the issue like I thought I did. By getting involved with these threads I've slowly learnt to some extent, and developed a better understanding.

I still feel like I'm walking on eggshells a bit, because I do have misgivings about some aspects of some feminism (the practice rather than the theory), but I've certainly gained a better appreciation for the complexities than I did have.

Thank you. That actually means a lot to me <comes over all Gwynnie> I really, really welcome debate (and have enjoyed your contributions on this thread). But I can't cope with rubbishing
If it's any consolation - it's not without purpose. I distinctly remember getting involved with one of those threads some years ago and making a total arse out of myself - partly because I expressed myself badly, but also partly because I didn't really understand the issue like I thought I did. By getting involved with these threads I've slowly learnt to some extent, and developed a better understanding.

I still feel like I'm walking on eggshells a bit, because I do have misgivings about some aspects of some feminism (the practice rather than the theory), but I've certainly gained a better appreciation for the complexities than I did have.

And it's appreciated Corax. Despite that I may come across a bit aggressive in some places on here, y'know I'm actually a quiet and nice person irl ;)

Ultimately, if some aspects of feminism and women's politics didn't upset men, then it wouldn't exist :)
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