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Manchester City 22/23

This has got to stop, there’s absolutely no reason that two clubs with a shared hatred of Man United can’t have a friendly rivalry

There are a lot of City fans who hate them more than United. I've been in that boat ever since they stampeded police horses into us at Maine Road one night in the early 80s.

Anyway good result today - those teams fighting to stay in the Premier can often be tricky.
Been a brilliant few weeks but as my duty as a City fan, I'm preparing for the disappointment of getting beaten by VAR Madrid and losing the league to Arsenal by a point.
In the meantime let's all just be in awe of Nathan Ake - he's everywhere.
Nathan Ake - he's everywhere.

And it’s no accident that he’s always at or in important places at the right time.

Such intelligence combined with sheer athleticism.

Grealish looking good, Alvarez. Rodri best player in the world in his position. Bernado just standardly being good at doing everything. And some striker who’s good for a goal or two from Norway.

We’re gonna do the treble !!!

Mark my wordzzz

Any word on Kev and John I haven’t read anything?

And it’s no accident that he’s always at or in important places at the right time.

Such intelligence combined with sheer athleticism.

Grealish looking good, Alvarez. Rodri best player in the world in his position. Bernado just standardly being good at doing everything. And some striker who’s good for a goal or two from Norway.

We’re gonna do the treble !!!

Mark my wordzzz

Any word on Kev and John I haven’t read anything?

View attachment 370348

MEN saying Pep said it was a tactical substitution and that de Bruyne was pissed off with him. No word on Stones.

Dunno what is being said here that hasn’t been repeated a hundred times already, and what nakes him feel the need to give us a shoe’ing after a memorable night for Englis football? He’s getting to be a bit of a prick tbh
"arguably the best the Premier League has ever seen"
Hmmmm. When Yaya, D Silva, Aguero, Kompany and the mighty Zaba were at their peak is hard to argue against.
My favourite City team though will always be the one under Mancini's watch.
"arguably the best the Premier League has ever seen"
Hmmmm. When Yaya, D Silva, Aguero, Kompany and the mighty Zaba were at their peak is hard to argue against.
My favourite City team though will always be the one under Mancini's watch.

leathered in Europe all the time though and it was more fun when Pelligrini immediately took-over after his sacking and just said ‘lad’s, go out and play and enjoy’.

Toure was outrageously good that year.

Mine is the Keegan 2001-2002 team with: Benarbia in Div 1, Berkovic, the Goat, Ti-ah Ti-ah Tiatto, Wanchope, and some other people like…

Mine is the Keegan 2001-2002 team with: Benarbia in Div 1, Berkovic, the Goat, Ti-ah Ti-ah Tiatto, Wanchope, and some other people like…

...SWP and the mighty Kevin Horlock. I missed most f that season as I was abroad but Bernabia was just beautiful to watch.
...SWP and the mighty Kevin Horlock. I missed most f that season as I was abroad but Bernabia was just beautiful to watch.
I was in a pub for a lunchtime kick off and it happened to be Bernabia's debut . I was gob smacked. He ran the midfield and was totally outstanding. I'd never heard of him and I'm thinking how the fuck have City managed to sign someone as good as that?
I was in a pub for a lunchtime kick off and it happened to be Bernabia's debut . I was gob smacked. He ran the midfield and was totally outstanding. I'd never heard of him and I'm thinking how the fuck have City managed to sign someone as good as that?

Keegan effect wasn’t it, he had great connections and an eye for a player.

My uncle brought a copy of L’equipe back from France for me and he was on the front playing for PSG. When I heard we signed him I knew it was on, big-time.
So, he's equalled Salah's goals per 38 game season record but he only ever plays about an hour per match. And it was half-day at work today.
He's not going to beat Messi's 73 in 60 games (2011-12). but is scoring at something like the same rate. :eek:
he's almost certainly going to beat Shearer and Cole's record of 34 goals in a Premier league season, despite playing 4 fewer games , in his first season, at the age of 22.

i think it's pretty damn impressive
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