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Manchester City 22/23

Think there's some truth in this especially when you think that this investigation has apparently managed to take four years

If there's a ruling that leads to Liverpool winning the Premier League title twice in one day I might just turn my phone off for a while
Be hilarious if City were relegated over this, the owners took offence & pulled out, and they then went back to being pre-financial doping City, rescuing themselves from relegation to League One, after a shambolic campaign, via an injury time header from some Andy Morrison-type jobber, away to Rotherham, in the last game of the season….

…parallel universe stuff sadly.
Be hilarious if City were relegated over this, the owners took offence & pulled out, and they then went back to being pre-financial doping City, rescuing themselves from relegation to League One, after a shambolic campaign, via an injury time header from some Andy Morrison-type jobber, away to Rotherham, in the last game of the season….

…parallel universe stuff sadly.
I read or imagined or perhaps was at one point going to write a great description of Andy Morrison as a portly village policeman cheeks puffed desperately chasing after kids who had been scrumping apples.
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As well as Liverpool, Mourinho and Ole might end up having won a league title for United as well after all :D
Be hilarious if City were relegated over this, the owners took offence & pulled out, and they then went back to being pre-financial doping City, rescuing themselves from relegation to League One, after a shambolic campaign, via an injury time header from some Andy Morrison-type jobber, away to Rotherham, in the last game of the season….

…parallel universe stuff sadly.

I wouldn't mind Mario Ballotelli as player-coach in that case.
I wouldn't mind Mario Ballotelli as player-coach in that case.
'We're going down with a billion in the bank... '

'We never win at home and we never win away, we lost last week and we lost today. We don't give a fuck 'cos we're all pissed up...'

Fucking looking forward to these things that will never happen. The Mickey Mouse Sky four league has gone forever. Hopefully, this will bring the whole protectionist cartel down. That isn't what City as a club want, but I do.
'We're going down with a billion in the bank... '

'We never win at home and we never win away, we lost last week and we lost today. We don't give a fuck 'cos we're all pissed up...'

Fucking looking forward to these things that will never happen. The Mickey Mouse Sky four league has gone forever. Hopefully, this will bring the whole protectionist cartel down. That isn't what City as a club want, but I do.

The Prem is a battleground between American and Arabian interests - a long cry from the days of a loo roll manufacturer vs a dodgy butcher. But that's capitalism.
The Prem is a battleground between American and Arabian interests - a long cry from the days of a loo roll manufacturer vs a dodgy butcher. But that's capitalism.
They hate being given a black eye by the Arabs.
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