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Major power outages across the UK

All sorted, allegedly...

A Government spokesman said the issue is "now resolved". The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy said: "We are in contact with National Grid and Energy Distribution Networks. The issue is now resolved and the system has returned to normal."

Traffic lights out and trains disrupted as mass power outage hits UK

Yet, breaking news from Network Rail - they have closed King's Cross station.
National Grid said it was caused by issues with two power generators but the problem was now resolved.

From BBC breaking news ^^
I hate linking to The Sun,

Then don't do it then.

Then don't do it then.


I don't buy it, I even refuse the free copy the cashiers at the local Spar shop tries to give out, 'no thanks, I have better bog paper at home'.

But, that link was handy for checking local areas, and I couldn't find another source listing the links to all the different maps.
I don't buy it, I even refuse the free copy the cashiers at the local Spar shop tries to give out, 'no thanks, I have better bog paper at home'.

But, that link was handy for checking local areas, and I couldn't find another source listing the links to all the different maps.
You know the drill. A boycott is a boycott even if it's a Geoffrey.

"Yeah I know he was a Nazi but he was the only friend who knew where I could procure some kosher salt" .
Yes, we had a brown out before the proper cut. My lights went off and the clock reset itself but my pc remained running. Then a little while later the whole lot went off for about 30 minutes.
Interesting difference in responses North vs South (admittedly a very small sample)

Harriet Jackson, 26, said she realised that “nothing was open and there was hardly any phone signal” when she emerged from Clapham Junction station at about 5pm.

She added: “All the traffic lights were down, but there were no police present, which meant it was dangerous to cross – cars weren’t stopping either. It was like witnessing something out of an apocalyptic film.

“No one knew what was going on and, given it’s a Friday afternoon, it’s the last thing you want to encounter.”
Slight overreaction...and basically she is describing life in many places outside of SE, like Kidderminster which kebabking can probably confirm.

Newcastle Airport was also plunged into darkness when the power cut out for about 15 minutes, according to one traveller.

Scott McKenzie, 31, from Cardiff, said: “It was a bit worrying to start - more so because various alarms were going off and staff clearly didn’t quite know what was going on either.

“Some of the spaces in the airport have little daylight – we were literally plunged into darkness and people were using their phones as torches to see and get around.”
Just getting on with it. :thumbs:
Interesting difference in responses North vs South (admittedly a very small sample)

Slight overreaction...and basically she is describing life in many places outside of SE, like Kidderminster which kebabking can probably confirm.

Just getting on with it. :thumbs:

To be fair anyone who needs traffic lights to cross a road and doesn't just rely on 'there's loads of us and we can't all get run over' isn't proper London. Much like Clapham in general in fact.
Was it Hazel O'Connor gig?

Nah, it was The Madeleine Rust and a bunch of other dudes. (they might have been called something different back then - think it was the singer’s 18th birthday)
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To be fair anyone who needs traffic lights to cross a road and doesn't just rely on 'there's loads of us and we can't all get run over' isn't proper London. Much like Clapham in general in fact.
You're probably right. They must be fucking nesh to worry about traffic lights.
Surprisingly for this area we didn't have ant problems. I think we get a couple a year at least. Longest one four hours I think. We know where torches and candles are.
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