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London Anarchist bookfair 2020

View attachment 285478

The poster for the Anarchistbookfair in London 2021 for those curious.

BTW The Enigma Machine is only for twelth dan Anarchists and I don;t recall seeing your name in the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night big book of members... Bloody anarckiddies can't keep their anarsecrets. Thank fuck we sorted out the red guard everyone was concern about last year ;p

Thanks for that. Any idea what's going with a stall for the ACG though? They've been in touch and had no reply apparently. Missed their email?
Pamphlets... Spats...
What, have the Spatacist League got a stall now?

There's a part of me that's still wondering if the bookfair collective will eventually come out with "Dear The ACG, in line with the best traditions of anarchism, we have committed to only stocking material that has a maximum of one title and one subtitle. It has come to our attention that you have published a pamphlet that essentially has three different titles, and therefore..."
View attachment 285478

The poster for the Anarchistbookfair in London 2021 for those curious.

BTW The Enigma Machine is only for twelth dan Anarchists and I don;t recall seeing your name in the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night big book of members... Bloody anarckiddies can't keep their anarsecrets. Thank fuck we sorted out the red guard everyone was concern about last year ;p
You might not want to do another public round on this thread, but I'd have thought that comrades in the ACG deserved a straightforward reply.
Yeah, there is a part of me that thinks that ultimately, it's the bookfair organisers' event, so up to them who they want to invite or not invite, people who would like a differently-run event are free to organise a different one and so on. But if they have actually made a decision that the ACG aren't compatible with the politics they want to promote, they should be able to explain and defend that decision.
Not just the ACG, if the Anarchist Bookfair are refusing an established anarchist group a stall they need to explain why publicly. And why they haven't replied to their repeated emails.

Not just the ACG, if the Anarchist Bookfair are refusing an established anarchist group a stall they need to explain why publicly. And why they haven't replied to their repeated emails.
Yep. I didn't want to make this a 'generational' thing, but the ACG is a group of people with a long history of working class activism. Depressing and shabby.
What, have the Spatacist League got a stall now?

There's a part of me that's still wondering if the bookfair collective will eventually come out with "Dear The ACG, in line with the best traditions of anarchism, we have committed to only stocking material that has a maximum of one title and one subtitle. It has come to our attention that you have published a pamphlet that essentially has three different titles, and therefore..."
Just popping by to say thanks for this statement: Statements - Anarchist Communist Group. It means a lot in the current environment.

Perhaps next year we'll get to meet up at a bookfair again properly, not really keen on making the journey to London this time around, and well, whilst I'm true to my politics as always, this last few years has somewhat soured how I feel about stuff x
Just popping by to say thanks for this statement: Statements - Anarchist Communist Group. It means a lot in the current environment.

Perhaps next year we'll get to meet up at a bookfair again properly, not really keen on making the journey to London this time around, and well, whilst I'm true to my politics as always, this last few years has somewhat soured how I feel about stuff x
Hi stethoscope Good to see you around. Keep strong! 🤜🤛
Rhyddical , it's hard putting on big events and it's hard dealing with groups who might or might not be acceptable. But treating the ACG like this is a bit shabby, unless of course you've already replied to them. Working class politics is fucked at the moment and things are really stuck. You need to at least communicate if you are refusing an established group the right to participate in the bookfair. You might be busy, but you did log on today so you know there are questions for you.
You ain't gonna get an answer out of him.
Suspect you are right, it's just a bit shit that things have come to this.

Last year Rhyddical you posted this. I'd have thought your view of the ACG should be the underlined. But in refusing them a stall, you seem to be including them under the bolded bit in the first paragraph. If that's your position, you could at least say so.

I mean I'm sorry you seem not to be aware but trans rights acitivsts and anarchist comrades in general are talking to people within the class, arguments are (rather obviously) being had, people are being convinced and shown the error of their ways. In short, we are working together and struggled together within our class, at work and in everyday life... Just af National Front puppets were excluding from the arguments on race, the bigots at the prominance of transphobic abuse arn't welcome. that is literally the be all and end all of our policy and I'm not sure why for some that is so difficult to grasp and is being reduced down ya'll are sudo anarchist authoritarian liberals youth spoiling da scene on a thread which numerous times has had outright transphobia and a scary tolerance for dogwhistles and bigotted talking points that too few of the U75 community seem keen to counter act.

If you aint a prominant bigot well known for atagonism and abuse, even if you have opinions and beliefs we might disagree with, provided you can respect the space and saftey of your anarchist comrades, you are welcome.

Not sure how many times I can repeat this.

Hopefully not going to come back for this talking point again, I'm a busy cat. If you want to learn more about why so many people are calling some of y'all pals bigots and why the science and social reality is on the side of the trans folk, here is some further reading Help! I’ve been called a transphobe! | Reading List – Organise Magazine

Love and Rage x
It's hard to not think that they have excluded the ACG on some level (even if informally) but they're struggling to admit that as the obvious next question is why they've done this, and they'd be unable to justify it as they've done it themselves from some vague personal feeling rather than any actual good political reason they can argue in public.

E2A: Be very happy to be proved wrong, and this is just some nuclear level incompetence or some weird teenage scene drama that they aren't able to manage.
In my experience which is admittedly out of date anarchist groups dont respond quickly to other far left groups for 2 reasons.

1. The people dealing with correspondence are shit and unreliable (and that was often me.)
2. There is an internal disagreement on how to respond. I imagine that some people in the collective want ACG at Covidfest, some don't want you there and some don't care and neither pole has won the majority yet.
In my experience which is admittedly out of date anarchist groups dont respond quickly to other far left groups for 2 reasons.

1. The people dealing with correspondence are shit and unreliable (and that was often me.)
2. There is an internal disagreement on how to respond. I imagine that some people in the collective want ACG at Covidfest, some don't want you there and some don't care and neither pole has won the majority yet.

1) Would be understandable, but Rhyddical has been on here and typed long stuff since this question has come up.
2) Then fucking explain that situation, it's pretty simple and normal behaviour to do so.

So neither are good reasons imo.
In my experience which is admittedly out of date anarchist groups dont respond quickly to other far left groups for 2 reasons.

1. The people dealing with correspondence are shit and unreliable (and that was often me.)
2. There is an internal disagreement on how to respond. I imagine that some people in the collective want ACG at Covidfest, some don't want you there and some don't care and neither pole has won the majority yet.
You'd think that they'd adopt minimum standards for communication and customer care in this day and age
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