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London Anarchist bookfair 2020

WTF is with the ridiculous and tbh fucking insulting avoidance of the question?

And fuck off with the idiotic 'we're not a service industry' bollocks as well. If you put on an anarchist bookfair in London, and then refuse a well-established and respected anarchist group a stall (if that's what you're doing) you do owe them and other anarchists a decent public explanation as to why.
Oh, to be clear, that's not a real email from the bookfair organisers, that was just me copying and pasting an email the council sent me when I had a question about my council tax bill. The point being that it was a bit shit the council about a month to respond to me, but at least they managed to send me an email saying "we've received your query and will take ages to respond but we will respond at some point". Apologies for any confusion caused there.
OK, apologies for misunderstanding and responding as if it was from the organisers themselves.

I do still think if the real organisers focused a little more on their "core mission" of actually organising the bookfair and a little less on trying to cunt off phantom enemies with incoherent gibberish like many of Rhyddical 's posts on this thread, the wider movement might be better served.
It's a bit shocking and a sorry reflection on them and their politics that revolutionaries who desire to destroy the State and capital seem scared or are too incompetent or for some unknown other reason are refusing to answer a simple question from other anarchists. Quite weird tbh.
OK, apologies for misunderstanding and responding as if it was from the organisers themselves.

I do still think if the real organisers focused a little more on their "core mission" of actually organising the bookfair and a little less on trying to cunt off phantom enemies with incoherent gibberish like many of Rhyddical 's posts on this thread, the wider movement might be better served.

Whilst I might be one for tilting at windmills and spewing inherent gibberish on occasion, I'm not sure who you mean by phantom enemies.

I mean do you mean to say that transphobes, fascists, anti maskers and other assorted folk are mearly incorporeal energies? I mean they exist mate, I've seen them. They are real I tellz you.
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Look at them, the transphobic monsters!​

Trans Rights Statement

We, the ACG, reaffirm our support for trans and non-binary people. We recognise the oppression faced by the trans community. In our aims and principles we stress the importance of ending all oppressions as well as an end to capitalism and the State.

In an anarchist communist society there will continue to be differences between people, a flourishing of diversity as people are freed from the indoctrination and limitations of this society. However, these differences will not mean new hierarchies or inequalities. We fight today against all oppressions and inequality both because of the hardship and suffering it causes and because we need to unite as a class if we are to be effective in our struggles.

We fully recognise that the experience of transgender people has been one of inequality, discrimination and violence. The struggle for equality is difficult and needs to be supported.

The particular relationship between trans women and some other feminists has been fraught and has resulted in extreme polarisation, making it very difficult to unite against patriarchy, gender oppression and capitalism. Sensitivity and understanding of the oppression that different groups experience – those socialised as women, trans women, trans men, and non-binary people – is needed in order to move forward.

We believe that it is unhelpful to set up a false dichotomy, as has widely been done, between “feminism” and “trans rights”. These are not struggles inherently in opposition to each other, but which are worth fighting for together, while working towards a wider understanding of both the shared issues and the differences.

We must come together to end all oppression as well as to help create a united working class movement which can effectively challenge capitalism and hierarchical society.
I was totally willing to put it down to an oversight or some other kind of incompetence, but Rhyddical being on here and repeatedly refusing to answer the question has made it pretty clear that the ACG don't seem to be welcome to have a stall at their bookfair. Wonder if this extends to them not being welcome to hand out ACG material or anything else like that as well? All we can do is wonder...

Also, what a really fucking sad state of affairs this is. Very depressing.
Whilst I might be one for tilting at windows and spewing inherent gibberish on occasion, I'm not sure who you mean by phantom enemies.

I mean do you mean to say that transphobes, fascists, anti maskers and other assorted folk are mearly incorporeal energies? I mean they exist mate, I've seen them. They are real I tellz you.
Or you could just answer the question: are the ACG invited to the Bookfair you’re running, and if not why not.

Whilst I might be one for tilting at windows and spewing inherent gibberish on occasion, I'm not sure who you mean by phantom enemies.

I mean do you mean to say that transphobes, fascists, anti maskers and other assorted folk are mearly incorporeal energies? I mean they exist mate, I've seen them. They are real I tellz you.
But the amount of time you spend cunting off transphobes, fascists and anti maskers on this thread suggests you think they are actually here in large numbers on this thread.

To that extent, you really are attacking phantoms, and coming across as a complete prick by doing so.
It's clear from the silence, they've got the ACG marked as transphobes, are blocking them from a stall, and don't have the courage to say that's why.
What a load of shite.
Whilst I might be one for tilting at windmills and spewing inherent gibberish on occasion, I'm not sure who you mean by phantom enemies.

I mean do you mean to say that transphobes, fascists, anti maskers and other assorted folk are mearly incorporeal energies? I mean they exist mate, I've seen them. They are real I tellz you.
You just can't go beyond this kind of stuff can you? You can't be specific, you can't demonstrate why the ACG breach your policy.

The anarchist movement in this country ain't up to much at the moment, but you've just firmed up a divided. I'd say you should be ashamed, but if I could get one straight response out of you I'd prefer you to say why you think the ACG are transphobes. Go on, give it a go.
But the amount of time you spend cunting off transphobes, fascists and anti maskers on this thread suggests you think they are actually here in large numbers on this thread.

To that extent, you really are attacking phantoms, and coming across as a complete prick by doing so.

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FFS.... Just spotted a typo.... FFS incompent anarkiddie! Lol it's not like I earn a living doing this or anything hahaha
Wilf hitmouse andysays it appears that Rhyddical is reading your posts (whereas he may have others on ignore), so please would you ask him to clarify:

Why the ACG has been denied a stall?
In particular, whether or not it is because the organisers consider the ACG to be transphobic (which he seems to be hinting at, but falls short of stating)?
It's clear from the silence, they've got the ACG marked as transphobes, are blocking them from a stall, and don't have the courage to say that's why.
What a load of shite.
Well, that’s just it isn’t it? We don’t actually know why we’re not invited, because nobody has had the decency to tell us. In fact that graphic from Rhyddical above is the first confirmation I’ve seen that we don’t have a stall.
Wilf hitmouse andysays it appears that Rhyddical is reading your posts (whereas he may have others on ignore), so please would you ask him to clarify:

Why the ACG has been denied a stall?
In particular, whether or not it is because the organisers consider the ACG to be transphobic (which he seems to be hinting at, but falls short of stating)?
Yep, I've asked that directly.

Rhyddical, as you know, the ACG were part of a long established anarchist group, pre split. Members have, and continue to, make a contribution to the workers movement in this country and beyond. They deserve better than this and the movement deserves better. Equally, putting an event on and actually inviting applications for stalls does come with the responsibility that you reply to those applications.

Maybe it's too late to get a decent answer from you, but I'll still try: is this still about exchanges around the afed/acg split or is there something else you have in mind that makes the acg transphobic?
Yep, I've asked that directly.

Rhyddical, as you know, the ACG were part of a long established anarchist group, pre split. Members have, and continue to, make a contribution to the workers movement in this country and beyond. They deserve better than this and the movement deserves better. Equally, putting an event on and actually inviting applications for stalls does come with the responsibility that you reply to those applications.

Maybe it's too late to get a decent answer from you, but I'll still try: is this still about exchanges around the afed/acg split or is there something else you have in mind that makes the acg transphobic?
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