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London Anarchist bookfair 2020

'Right, let's select a target. Something that embodies the very worst of private transport and it's contribution to climate change'

- what about bus stops?
Modern day anarchists. They probably left an apology and their name and address on an IOU.
Asking as someone who hasn't been involved for a couple of years, would it be fair to say that groups are still as divided as ever on trans issues? I'm sort of thinking about the AFED/ACG split, but the movement such as it is more generally? As an example I just found this on the AFED website, denouncing antifascist groups and the ACG. The language and divisions look to be exactly as they were 3 or 4 years ago.

Thought I'd plonk the question down here rather than risk another thread. :)

“We called out many groups in the U.K. leftist scene for their shitty behaviour only for us to be attacked and ignored because of it.”

bless them
The bus stop wankers episode suggests the anarkids ambitions have gone downhill even since the Battle of the Coronet ('we want to play our music daddio'):

The bus stop wankers episode suggests the anarkids ambitions have gone downhill even since the Battle of the Coronet ('we want to play our music daddio'):

the battle of holloway road
“We called out many groups in the U.K. leftist scene for their shitty behaviour only for us to be attacked and ignored because of it.”

bless them
Not as obviously funny as some of the other highlights, but their bit on their relationship to anarcho-communists is also quite dryly amusing:
"We quickly recognised that our politics are quite different from the other groups in the U.K. left. We have stated many times throughout this project that we are not a revolutionary group. We do not care about the revolution... We made it very clear we were neither anarcho-communists or anarcho-syndicalist and we have wondered if maybe this was the reason our local ancoms chose to ignore us... [We] received almost no support from anarcho-communists in the scene. Ancoms have repeatedly ignored us and our achievements just because we do not do it in the name of communism."
'Right, let's select a target. Something that embodies the very worst of private transport and it's contribution to climate change'

- what about bus stops?

I'm sure there was talk of Chris Morris doing a 'Four Lions' take on anarchists at some point. It'd be ripe for it, especially some of the insurrectionists...

When I was in my late teens and first getting involved in political activity I recall taking part in some fairly pointless and dumb activity, and almost certainly said some stupid shit as I did so. I also recall encountering quite a few older and more 'seasoned' militants who I thought were not just patronising gits but useless patronising gits. Looking back decades later I don't think much of some of the stuff I got up to but I still don't see any reason to revise my opinions about some of my 'betters'.

Hadn't looked at the AFED sites for a long time. When I got to the Organise site just now I was greeted with this.


Between that and the ACG wanting me to pay to read stuff I guess I'll just have to continue wallowing in blissful ignorance :D
I note that Rhyddical has visited since that question was asked on Friday. They are presumably checking.

It's really short notice for them to be coming back to the ACG and saying whatever it is they're going to say either way. Surely if you're putting on a Bookfair you'd notice they were missing and chase them up asking if they want a stall or something? Or you answer the emails and explain what's going on either way, like all the stall slots have been booked or whatever?
Only pamphlets, you freeloader!
I'm not really criticising. (Although I do notice that despite highlighting the extremely serious issues facing us pensioners in your Grey Panther bulletin, the ACG doesn't offer a pensioner discount on its pamphlets).

Actually my thinking doesn't start from the cost but from the consideration that I have too many hard copy publications already, and seriously need to reduce their number. In any decision to add to the problem the primary question is how much I want to read the text in question. I guess it's a bit like music that's only released on limited edition vinyl. I also have too many vinyl records. In practise I know that interesting stuff will eventually get bootlegged somewhere in a digital format. There is a vinyl only album of unreleased James Brown tracks that hasn't turned up yet, and I've felt myself weakening a little. But James Brown music, which generally puts me in a good mood, is one thing. The ACG on Identity Politics, a subject that generally succeeds in making me very grumpy, is another.
Actually my thinking doesn't start from the cost but from the consideration that I have too many hard copy publications already, and seriously need to reduce their number. In any decision to add to the problem the primary question is how much I want to read the text in question. I guess it's a bit like music that's only released on limited edition vinyl. I also have too many vinyl records. In practise I know that interesting stuff will eventually get bootlegged somewhere in a digital format. There is a vinyl only album of unreleased James Brown tracks that hasn't turned up yet, and I've felt myself weakening a little. But James Brown music, which generally puts me in a good mood, is one thing. The ACG on Identity Politics, a subject that generally succeeds in making me very grumpy, is another.
FTR I think most of the pamphlets are actually available in digital format - certainly the Compendium of Capital is.

Totally agree with you about hard vs digital though. I'm more and more in favour of digital, not only with space but also readability, being able to change text size (and more) is great
I suppose there could be another big point of contention at the upcoming bookfair, I've just checked their covid policy and it says:
As a result of uncertainty and the constantly changing situation with regards to Covid related risks, we will be monitoring the scientific advice regularly and updating this page. Please check this page again closer to the date.

Our priority is to manage the risk of COVID-19. As such we might have the completely cancel the in-person event at very short notice, or introduce varying degrees of restrictions and limits.

Our policy will be based on the scientific advice available at the time and our assessment of the risks involved in running such an event.

We will monitor the advice coming from the following bodies: NERVTAG, Independent SAGE, WHO/STAG-IN, SAGE, as well as our own independent advisors.

The bookfair will be scaled down and we will restrict the event to mostly London based groups to limit unnecessary travel and exposure. There might be exceptions to this, but this year's bookfair will not be on the same scale as previous bookfairs.

There will be a strict indoor mask policy and hand sanitiser stations which we encourage you to make use of.

We encourage everyone who is able to have a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as they can.

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, have tested positive, or have been made aware that you should self isolate due to exposure, we request that you do not attend.

The event will not be open to any misinformation, anti-masking, anti-vaccine, or Covid denialism in any form. If we spot these kinds of messaging in any stalls, workshops or leaflets we will request that you leave.

We will restrict indoor numbers according to the rules at the venue available closer to the date.

We are looking into moving some parts of the bookfair to outdoor space near the venue, and this will be confirmed soon.

The anarchist movement has a long and proud history of grounding itself on solid scientific understanding and empathy. We believe this extends to including and respecting those at greater risk in this pandemic.

Please respect this and don't contribute to unnecessary risks to each other.
That all sounds pretty reasonable to me, but I would guess there might be some potential attendees who might differ. It will be kind of funny if there are anarchists kicking off about not wanting to wear masks though.
We're just trying to do our best the THOUGHT POLICE everyone as best as we can and as we know THE REAL ANARCHISTS are these EDL come Freemen of the landders who think masks are a conspirocy to psycologically oppress us, vaccines are a plot to mutute us into lizard people (truly) and that rebellion is defined by loudly pontificating about how ignorant you are, how all of medical science is a lie and that you know better coz that one youtube video that red pilled you. There is by the way, a massive cross section with Incels, Terfs and Alt-Right cockwombles... so yeah, they ain't welcome x
We're just trying to do our best the THOUGHT POLICE everyone as best as we can and as we know THE REAL ANARCHISTS are these EDL come Freemen of the landders who think masks are a conspirocy to psycologically oppress us, vaccines are a plot to mutute us into lizard people (truly) and that rebellion is defined by loudly pontificating about how ignorant you are, how all of medical science is a lie and that you know better coz that one youtube video that red pilled you. There is by the way, a massive cross section with Incels, Terfs and Alt-Right cockwombles... so yeah, they ain't welcome x
Using the formula for Pi, I've worked out that if you take the third, first and fourth letter of the third, first and fourth word, then run it through the Enigma Machine and the Cerne Particle Accelerator, that says 'no, the ACG can't have a stall'.

The poster for the Anarchistbookfair in London 2021 for those curious.

BTW The Enigma Machine is only for twelth dan Anarchists and I don;t recall seeing your name in the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night big book of members... Bloody anarckiddies can't keep their anarsecrets. Thank fuck we sorted out the red guard everyone was concern about last year ;p
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