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London Anarchist bookfair 2020

Quickly checked those streams. First one was some bloke strumming a guitar and going on about anarcho-folk. Second one looked like Tom Robinson (strumming a guitar). It's like a bad house party in 1985. I'm out

Fair, not everything is for everyone ofcourse, tho I hope amongst the some 40 hours of content you might find something you enjoy. It will all be uploaded onto the website in the coming week so you can pick and choose.

For those who do enjoy a bit of strumming, Steve White and The Protest family will be on at 10:30 followed by James Bar Bowen (who gave that talk) at 11:30.... I mean if you don't get into a bunfight at weatherspoons per tradition.
paypal only. you can download it as a jpg on the main page
(I think it's paypal only because they blagged a space in someone else's webshop rather than setup their own)
having been involved in setting up a local food project, getting banking in place is a nightmare, and getting a webshop that isn't a nightmare is a couple of hundred quid a year, so i totally understand why they are "paypal only", even if it's a PITA...
I checked out a few things on Saturday. (I was going to go and get pissed in Brighton but decided to be responsible and Tier 2 instead like the sad sack I am).

DPAC was ok - it was good to hear about the background to their campaign against the Metro newspaper.
Twin Rabbit - quite cool quirky lecture style with a bit of animation. Was a bit distracted so zoned out.
The Jean Weir session was a reading group led by a young man with his hood up and a mask on and a load of attendees with their screens off. Bit odd. Not my sort of thing anyway.
Mayday Rooms - Arrived late to find the presenter bigging up the Radical History of Hackney website, which was nice. A bit stilted but an interesting discussion about radical spaces of old and the difficulties recording their histories. There was a lot of "does anyone remember [this thing]?" and basically I did remember it because I am 51 years old but didn't want to make an exhibition of myself. So there was a bit me writing in the chat.
D Hunter - Just read Chav Solidarity so good to put a face to a name. Mainly readings which were pretty full on (abjectly shit childhood). Q&A was brief iirc.
12 Rules For What. Basically a pre-recorded episode of their podcast with an overview of the book they are doing. I like the podcast and I liked this but there was obvs no chance of interaction. You can check it out on their soundcloud/podcast feed now anyhoo.
Eco-fascism - was ok but unmemorable?

I think as others have said on here, it was pretty good given the circumstances. The best bit would have been catching up with people (including people on this thread) and books and beer, so it was always going to be a different kettle of fish.
I checked out a few things on Saturday. (I was going to go and get pissed in Brighton but decided to be responsible and Tier 2 instead like the sad sack I am).

DPAC was ok - it was good to hear about the background to their campaign against the Metro newspaper.
Twin Rabbit - quite cool quirky lecture style with a bit of animation. Was a bit distracted so zoned out.
The Jean Weir session was a reading group led by a young man with his hood up and a mask on and a load of attendees with their screens off. Bit odd. Not my sort of thing anyway.
Mayday Rooms - Arrived late to find the presenter bigging up the Radical History of Hackney website, which was nice. A bit stilted but an interesting discussion about radical spaces of old and the difficulties recording their histories. There was a lot of "does anyone remember [this thing]?" and basically I did remember it because I am 51 years old but didn't want to make an exhibition of myself. So there was a bit me writing in the chat.
D Hunter - Just read Chav Solidarity so good to put a face to a name. Mainly readings which were pretty full on (abjectly shit childhood). Q&A was brief iirc.
12 Rules For What. Basically a pre-recorded episode of their podcast with an overview of the book they are doing. I like the podcast and I liked this but there was obvs no chance of interaction. You can check it out on their soundcloud/podcast feed now anyhoo.
Eco-fascism - was ok but unmemorable?

I think as others have said on here, it was pretty good given the circumstances. The best bit would have been catching up with people (including people on this thread) and books and beer, so it was always going to be a different kettle of fish.
Mayday rooms: were you writing or writhing?
I was going to say it would have been nice to have Veggies, but I have a big bag of their burger mix on my shelf waiting for me to make it so that's no-one's fault but my own. (Their nut roast mix is pretty awesome)
I checked out a few things on Saturday. (I was going to go and get pissed in Brighton but decided to be responsible and Tier 2 instead like the sad sack I am).

DPAC was ok - it was good to hear about the background to their campaign against the Metro newspaper.
Twin Rabbit - quite cool quirky lecture style with a bit of animation. Was a bit distracted so zoned out.
The Jean Weir session was a reading group led by a young man with his hood up and a mask on and a load of attendees with their screens off. Bit odd. Not my sort of thing anyway.
Mayday Rooms - Arrived late to find the presenter bigging up the Radical History of Hackney website, which was nice. A bit stilted but an interesting discussion about radical spaces of old and the difficulties recording their histories. There was a lot of "does anyone remember [this thing]?" and basically I did remember it because I am 51 years old but didn't want to make an exhibition of myself. So there was a bit me writing in the chat.
D Hunter - Just read Chav Solidarity so good to put a face to a name. Mainly readings which were pretty full on (abjectly shit childhood). Q&A was brief iirc.
12 Rules For What. Basically a pre-recorded episode of their podcast with an overview of the book they are doing. I like the podcast and I liked this but there was obvs no chance of interaction. You can check it out on their soundcloud/podcast feed now anyhoo.
Eco-fascism - was ok but unmemorable?

I think as others have said on here, it was pretty good given the circumstances. The best bit would have been catching up with people (including people on this thread) and books and beer, so it was always going to be a different kettle of fish.

Cool, thanks for coming along and for the notes.

I definately agree that we should of provided more QnA time for sessions and had more "window" space between sessions.
To be honest I think were surprised a little by how many folk wanted to get involved and had to pack things a bit tight, not just for the session themselves but the back stage technical support too.

Perhaps we should of had a "pre-recorded room" and Two workshop spaces with much wider time windows which may or may not be filled as per the interest of the host and audiance.

The "knitting circle" aspect of Bookfair is why we made the Discord space, but inherently that draws in a hum, a different audience that U75.
Entirely forget it was on this weekend. :facepalm: I will though look at stuff when it lands on the website.

I might not be entirely lined up with everything that lead from the old collective to the new, But great job in getting this done. Feels like everything has been on hold for the last 6 months whereas, in reality it hasn't. The world's been getting grimmer and the powerful have been fucking us over at every step through the pandemic. Really need to fight back, so nice work.
Entirely forget it was on this weekend. :facepalm: I will though look at stuff when it lands on the website.

I might not be entirely lined up with everything that lead from the old collective to the new, But great job in getting this done. Feels like everything has been on hold for the last 6 months whereas, in reality it hasn't. The world's been getting grimmer and the powerful have been fucking us over at every step through the pandemic. Really need to fight back, so nice work.

I'd say it's worth having a look at the GAF/Green Anti Cap talk if they recorded it. They did quite a good job of subverting Mutual Aid in the area they were in...

Includes details of a London Bookfair 2021

Anarchist Bookfair in London and Antiuniversity
September 4th-11th

LAB: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Contact
Anti-Uni: Website | Facebook | Contact: antiuniversitynow at Gmail.com

The Antiuniversity and the Anarchist Bookfair in London are joining forces to bring together a week-long Antiuniversity Festival from the 4th to the 10th of September, followed directly by the Anarchist Bookfair on the 11th of September. To book a stall or a workshop for the Bookfair day, please get in touch with the Bookfair Collective early, as spaces might be limited. The physical event has been scaled down in order to be Covid responsible, and depends on the ongoing situation.

Antiuniversity events will be programmed in the usual way, directly through the Antiuni website. Submissions will be open between 3-24 July and the programme will go live in early August. The entire festival, 4-11 Sept, will take place in-person (when possible) and digitally. Please check out the Antiuni and the Bookfair websites for more information.
From my recollection previous Anti-University events took place at the Conway Hall, at the White Building on Fish Island, at the May Day Rooms, etc. Don't remember any
university venues, but if so, that's because they're sometimes more available than other venues
From my recollection previous Anti-University events took place at the Conway Hall, at the White Building on Fish Island, at the May Day Rooms, etc. Don't remember any
university venues, but if so, that's because they're sometimes more available than other venues
when there was the squated house belonging to soas on russell square iirc there were similarly titled things put on there and i think - tho without my vast archive of bookfair programmes to hand - that things along this theme happened when the bookfair was at ulu and queen mary's
Anarchist Communist Group have a public meeting at the Anti-University :
But for some reason which eludes us, have had no response to a request for a stall at the London Anarchist Bookfair.
Anarchist Communist Group have a public meeting at the Anti-University :
But for some reason which eludes us, have had no response to a request for a stall at the London Anarchist Bookfair.

I hope that's an oversight and not a deliberate position....? Have you chased it up?
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