Trumpeting is good for you...
How could you a) possibly 'know this'? and b) why would you believe it?
As comforting as some may find it, it's pure propaganda pish. All the evidence point to the leaders of ISIS/ISIL being ideologically motivated.
I know this because I am not naive and it's in no way comforting for me to think this.
Money and power is always present somewhere and the extent of wealth taken is subjective (Even Pol Pot and his cronies were better off than the masses, they didn't starve, his surviving daughter had a nice European style wedding last year), the 2 go hand in hand, the politics and ideology often become the sideshow and the vehicle for the power and wealth grab.
What evidence points to this absolute pure ideological motivation you refer to of ISIS? Why would you believe that? Do you honestly believe that this organisation ISIS/ISIL are not trading billions of dollars of oil and it's leaders are not syphoning some off for themselves and their families? I really don't buy that.
Where did Russia's ogliarchs come from? Ex communist KGB in the main. What's happened to China's Communist ideal... why are there so many communist officials who are now billionaires?
Go look at Islamist leaning Erdogan's billions and how it got it. History is littered with the corruption and greed that such power brings, its a human gene, we can't help ourselves. There is no such thing as pure equal political or religious utopia because human greed will always work it's way in, It may start from a point of ideology... but it doesn't take long for that to be corrupted.
Just my cynical view of course