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Leeds uprising 18/7/24

cop car getting trashed by (white?) blokes in their 30s . not what you might expect.
Police said that on arrival officers found "an ongoing disturbance which involved some agency workers and some children".
Uprising lol. Seriously.

Some Roma family who had all five of their children taken away by social services kicking off with their neighbours. Yeah because they would really take that decision lightly... :hmm:

Far right are blaming it on "Muslims" of course.

Roma people are regarded by those in authority as a problem to be culturally and often physically eliminated.
Uprising lol. Seriously.

Some Roma family who had all five of their children taken away by social services kicking off with their neighbours. Yeah because they would really take that decision lightly... :hmm:

Far right are blaming it on "Muslims" of course.
Seeing the way some youngsters present are being allowed to behave and previous experience I can only despair.
Regardless of the real reasons and excuses for how you get to this it's fuckng disgracefull, these people aren't revolutionaries they are fucked up and with the knowledge that our prisons are full we will get more and more of this shit
Roma people are regarded by those in authority as a problem to be culturally and often physically eliminated.

Maybe, but do you have any evidence that this kind of prejudice is the key factor here? I only ask because calling child protection workers racists or nonces or kidnappers or whatever can make an already difficult job completely unbearable, to the point where nobody ends up wanting to do it at all. This would have grave consequences.

You don't get all your kids taken off you for nothing. You should hear about some of the families who don't have their kids taken away, despite a landslide of evidence that they shouldn't be left in charge of a stuffed guinea pig never mind vulnerable humans.
Seeing the way some youngsters present are being allowed to behave and previous experience I can only despair.
Regardless of the real reasons and excuses for how you get to this it's fuckng disgracefull, these people aren't revolutionaries they are fucked up and with the knowledge that our prisons are full we will get more and more of this shit

Fuck off cunt!
Seeing the way some youngsters present are being allowed to behave and previous experience I can only despair.
Regardless of the real reasons and excuses for how you get to this it's fuckng disgracefull, these people aren't revolutionaries they are fucked up and with the knowledge that our prisons are full we will get more and more of this shit

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Maybe, but do you have any evidence that this kind of prejudice is the key factor here? I only ask because calling child protection workers racists or nonces or kidnappers or whatever can make an already difficult job completely unbearable, to the point where nobody ends up wanting to do it at all. This would have grave consequences.

You don't get all your kids taken off you for nothing. You should hear about some of the families who don't have their kids taken away, despite a landslide of evidence that they shouldn't be left in charge of a stuffed guinea pig never mind vulnerable humans.

Prejudice is a factor in many interactions between Roma and state authorities both in the UK and Continental Europe. And Roma children have frequented taken into care because of who they are not because of what they've done. Whatever the particular familial situation, this clearly wasn't handled sensitively

Seeing the way some youngsters present are being allowed to behave and previous experience I can only despair.
Regardless of the real reasons and excuses for how you get to this it's fuckng disgracefull, these people aren't revolutionaries they are fucked up and with the knowledge that our prisons are full we will get more and more of this shit
come come, your posts may be utter shite but no one's suggesting you get sent down for them. some sort of community sentence might be in order.
From what I can gather from various social media, a 7 month old baby was thrown out of a window, sustained a serious head injury and was taken to hospital. Then social services took 5 other kids from that family into care. A right old shit show and no mistake.

Not confirmed obviously but apparently the kid was in hospital (having fallen out the window or been thrown possibly) and the gypsy family just went into the hospital and took their kid back. Like without doctor's full permission. That's when it escalated with social services/police and tbh you can see why.... because to have all 5 of your kids taken off you at once is quite a feat.

The whole thing is really quite depressing and fucked up.
Fuck off cunt!
Get grip on reality and try not falling for the Bigotry nurtured here as long as its against the appropriate foe, some parents are right little shits, perhaps you are one and defending such behaviour or more likely just can't think for yourself
Fuck off you say?, there's one sure way to make that happen and I'm sure that sad git houby is having another go at that right now
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