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Laurence Fox. The twat.

If you fancy another poke at him for that tweet - Funny enough I've not met anyone that voted for you last time, but that's hardly surprising as you only got 47,634 votes, narrowly beating Count Binface, and a 'little' behind the over 1m votes for Khan in the first round.

I might have said something of the sort in a previous reply to one of his anti-Khan diatribes.
Those Christians weren't just 'silently praying', Lozza, they were doing it outside an abortion clinic, and they knew exactly what they were doing. They could have silently prayed at home, but instead they had to do it near an abortion clinic. Then again, the twat thinks abortion is as bad as rape so not surprised he's saying this.

Also, if Labour had introduced ID at polling stations, he'd be screaming about MUH FREEDOMS. It's OK when the Tories do it though.
Didn't take him long...

For those not on Xitter.

A Looza said:
Ok. This is a bit annoying, I’d rather be preparing supper for grandpa and the boys, but here are the facts. I invite
to respond to them, should she so wish.And I will not stay silent in the face of outright lies.In the nearly a decade now that I have been separated from my ex wife, she has taken me to court more than a dozen times, with allegations ranging from physical and emotional abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, attempted poisoning of our children and other such fantasies. She has abducted the kids for months on end and reported me to social services. Her desire has always been and remains to be to deny our kids a present father. Why she would do this in the first place, and continues to pursue me through the courts to this day, when until recently she had a new family to look after, is anyone’s guess.

I have my suspicions, but that would be speculation.Most importantly, each time she has triggered a new and crippling round of litigation, forcing us to hand over more money which really should be going towards the children’s future, she has failed comprehensively to convince any judge in any court of any of her baseless allegations, and each time the children return home a little bit less secure and a little bit more damaged and upset.The children remain to this day, as they have done since we divorced, in a shared care 50/50 split between each parent.The reality is that not all marriages work out and the world isn’t perfect. Billie had an affair with the father of her daughter and that was that. It was heartbreaking at the time, but as the years passed I have no malice towards her personally at all. I am very happy in my relationship and I wish her happiness too.I do however take great exception to the assertion that co parenting with me is enormously difficult.

I have never tried to deny our boys access to their mum and I would never wish her anything other than a stable family, which it seems continues to elude her. My only focus these past years has been to be present in their lives and be a loving dad. I’m not perfect, but I’ve done my absolute best to put the kids first.The reason co parenting is hard is because the secretive family court system is hugely weighted towards the mother. It is a system totally unfit for purpose. I myself have not once in these years taken her to court, tried to deny her access to the kids, or accused her of anything. In fact I have instigated 4 rounds of family therapy, and each time she has withdrawn just at the moment when the rubber meets the road.I take full responsibility for my role in the breakdown of our marriage. It takes two to tango, as they say. My only desire is to raise the boys with her and not face bankruptcy for doing so.To play the victim in the face of these facts and to mention my sister and her husband in any way, when all they did was love and support her, is craven and manipulative.There are tens of thousands of fathers with similar stories to mine. So when they say “believe all women” Don’t.Everyone can be shitty. All of us are.
Don’t bother reading the comments. As usual people dumb enough to pay eight bucks appear at the top, you have to scroll a long way down for a morsel of wisdom.
I know! The misogynists were really coming out of the woodwork to support this manbaby. And Billie hasn't even said anything bad about him, just "Ask his family". Also, I bet they were already separated when she started seeing Johnny Lloyd, and Fox is clutching at the "technically still married, therefore infidelity" straw. Although considering the way he treated her during the marriage, I wouldn't really blame her even if she did have an affair.
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I'd lay money on the 50-50 custody arrangement and the "no judge has ever agreed I was abusive" shit being an outright lie, albeit one he possibly j has convinced himself of, same as he left court after having conclusively lost his racism libel case claiming that he'd won.
I'd lay money on the 50-50 custody arrangement and the "no judge has ever agreed I was abusive" shit being an outright lie, albeit one he possibly j has convinced himself of, same as he left court after having conclusively lost his racism libel case claiming that he'd won.
Yeah, you'd think being taken to court by Billie, Mukhtar AND Thorp/Crystal/Blake on separate occasions would give him a hint. Most of us learn as kids that if multiple people have a problem with you, they can't all be wrong. Obviously all the cocaine has dimmed the light in his brain that should be coming on and alerting him "Uh-oh, people don't like your style!" He really is deluded.
Bullshit. He's totally DARVO-ing. Billie's made it clear she doesn't want to talk about him and wants as little to do with him as possible. I do not think Fox is the victim here with his track record. Plus he's playing to his right-wing MRA fans. Remember this is the guy who posted the 'hard times make strong men' quote. He's appealing to a certain audience.
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