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Kevin Spacey trial underwhelming


Gateway to the South
Is anyone else finding the Kevin Spacey trial underwhelming so far? I mean yes he is gay, and comes on to other men too strongly, but so far, it seems to be stuff that would be ignored in yesteryear.
Is anyone else finding the Kevin Spacey trial underwhelming so far? I mean yes he is gay, and comes on to other men too strongly, but so far, it seems to be stuff that would be ignored in yesteryear.
It looks like you've lost your remote control.

It might be in your arse crack.

Failing that maybe throw your keyboard at the screen. Then you won't be able to watch or post.

A win win.
If it happened to me, I would definitely report it to the police. I would just be pleasantly surprised if they decided to prosecute.
The police fail to prosecute so many rapes, and yet they are prosecuting this.
Maybe it will get worse as more is revealed in the trial.
The police fail to prosecute so many rapes, and yet they are prosecuting this.
Maybe it will get worse as more is revealed in the trial.

Get worse? You seem to be almost salivating at the prospect of more salacious details. I don't want to disappoint you but it is a trial about one of the more serious and long lasting (for the victim) assaults. It's not for titillation or entertainment. Perhaps reality tv might be more your purview?
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