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Just when I thought the Olympics couldn't depress me further....

First fuck up of the olypmics. Apparently the south korean flag was used instead of the north korean one in the womens football game. The team walked off the pitch.

Here's the BBC article in full:

They stayed off the pitch for over an hour. Honestly, how hard is it to get a final check done? Really? There's even a few Korean businesses in the area if wikipedia was proving too difficult to use. Not enough facepalms in the world...

Here's the BBC article in full:

They stayed off the pitch for over an hour. Honestly, how hard is it to get a final check done? Really? There's even a few Korean businesses in the area if wikipedia was proving too difficult to use. Not enough facepalms in the world...

If they had any lol's in 'em they would have just turned round to the nearest local head organiser honcho and started "You bloody English idiots..."
It was a mistake. Would any other country have stamped its feet like that?

If you refuse to play you should forfeit the match

Just get on with it like adults.
its fair enough to have the right hump. Not like 'dishouner to my people' or any of that- at the sheer laziness displayed 'I thought this was supposed to be a world class event :mad: '
its fair enough to have the right hump. Not like 'dishouner to my people' or any of that- at the sheer laziness displayed 'I thought this was supposed to be a world class event :mad: '

Yes, some biting sarcasm might have been more appropriate.
how can you even begin to claim that? :confused:
or are you just of the "and football is the winner here" mentality?

You think the English team would walk off in a similar situation? Of course, they would.

Anyway guys - don't forget to enjoy the opening ceremony. Im reliably informed that it's very good from those that saw it yesterday.
I'm going to compare and contrast it with the opening ceremony performed by our cousins in the PRC. And I know theres will still piss on ours from a great height
It was a mistake. Would any other country have stamped its feet like that?

One or two others, perhaps. Shame they couldn't do their research first or at least find someone who isn't a complete fuckwit to edit the video packages. The North Koreans are highly sensitive about their national symbols, calling DPRK 'North Korea', etc.
I'm not sure English players would have had the balls to walk off. Wouldn't want to upset the sponsors.

Wow, that was cynical, even for me.
The London 2012 Olympics will show the world "beyond doubt that Britain can deliver", the prime minister has said.
"Look at what we're capable of ... even at a difficult economic time," he said, after US presidential candidate Mitt Romney raised doubts about the Games.
He added: "In terms of the country coming together, I think the torch relay really demonstrates that this is not a London Games, this is not an England Games, this is a United Kingdom Games.
"I think we'll show the whole world not just that we've come together as a United Kingdom, but also we're extremely good at welcoming people from across the world."
Yes we know, the whole thing is a marketing opportunity.
What is being called the "British Business Embassy" is a chance for the UK to show off what it has to offer to investors.
It will run throughout the Olympics. It has started with the Global Investment Conference, opened by the prime minister.
It is a sea of smart cars and smarter suits. Snazzy pamphlets and snazzier videos.
The speeches and discussions are thoughtful and detailed. In short, they amount to this: yes, things are pretty rough economically, but Britain is very much open for business.
The cast list here is impressive. Boardrooms and government cabinet tables have been plundered.
One minute the president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, is addressing the audience. The next it is Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google.
It is, of course, pretty much impossible to put a value on the business these sort of events generate.
But there is no doubt ministers are trying to make the most of plenty of business leaders with deep pockets passing through London.
But speaking at the Global Investment Conference on Thursday, Mr Cameron said: "We've taken bold decisions to sort out our public finances and earn credibility with the markets.
"Be in no doubt: we will go on and finish the job. We will deal with the deficit. We will keep UK interest rates low.
"And we will continue to take the tough decisions that are necessary for business leaders and investors to have confidence in the long-term future of the British economy.
"My message today is very simple: Britain is back open for business."
Its funny, I would have thought the time for such speeches would be after the games have passed without terrorist incident or widespread doping of elite atheletes. Making such a statement now, "look what we have delivered" seems a bit silly since we have actually not delivered anything yet.
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