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Junior doctors strike back on

If nothing else, I think it is a very sound tactical move of theirs: it rather gives the lie to the inevitable "they're all militants, just striking for the shits'n'giggles, oh, and the Marxism, obvs" propaganda that will get trotted out. People striking for fun or the overthrow of the Establishment don't generally invoke the Establishment in support of their actions.

I just hope the Establishment delivers...which is by no means a certainty, though I imagine that by now even the judiciary are beginning to get a little tired of Call Me Dave's riding roughshod over the Established Customs of the Land as and when it suits him.
With a divided, pre-occupied party in 'pre-election' mode, it's also tactically astute to continue the challenge over the next few months.
Fair play to him for getting the point across.

I have been thinking recently about how frustrating it must be in parliament to not be able to just call someone a liar when they're lying.
you can. You just have to do so in paliamentary language. So no doing a big itchy chin and chanting 'pants on fire'.
you can. You just have to do so in paliamentary language. So no doing a big itchy chin and chanting 'pants on fire'.
What is the parliamentary language? Are you allowed to say "you're not telling the truth and you know it; it's a willful act to say something that isn't true, it's not a mistake"?
What is the parliamentary language? Are you allowed to say "you're not telling the truth and you know it; it's a willful act to say something that isn't true, it's not a mistake"?

I think you'd have to adress the facts with your own. So 'mr speaker, when the right hon says xyz and references 234 I must question the veracity of his research as I have here....and then maybe get away with 'one wonders if the honourable gent has not simply siezed upon fallacious data to fuirther his own agendas'

dunno if you could get away with that last bit. Probably. But parliamentary privilege means you can name and defame in the House without fear of libel proceedings or a duel. Say fuck or clap and your out on yer ear tho
I think you'd have to adress the facts with your own. So 'mr speaker, when the right hon says xyz and references 234 I must question the veracity of his research as I have here....and then maybe get away with 'one wonders if the honourable gent has not simply siezed upon fallacious data to fuirther his own agendas'

dunno if you could get away with that last bit.
That's the problem though - you can present counter-info but you can't just come out and say "you said something you know isn't true".

You can on QT though ;)
That's the problem though - you can present counter-info but you can't just come out and say "you said something you know isn't true".

You can on QT though ;)
well no, its that archaism of coming from a time when people offered each other out for duels over the slightest of insult, percieved or real. Same as adressing the speaker rather than your enemy on the other bench. Its not a direct insult if you parse it through posh speak and adress it to the speaker.

And these cunts have the gall to tell othersabout 'modernise! reform! streamline'
Passed them again on my way to work; nabbed a sticker but didn't have time for a selfie :(

Bit annoyed at myself as I meant to take some time off to go support them but wasn't organised enough. Hopefully will sort it out for April :)
Hunt being awarded Dick of the Year trophy...

I'm organising a screening of Pride in April and I'm starting to think this will be a good theme for a Q&A afterwards - how we should all be supporting each others' fights, not just tackling our own disputes. For example, I'm going to look into how my union can support the junior doctors.

This is slated for 27th April.
Mike Jackson from LGSM (i.e. one of the main "characters" in Pride) just confirmed :cool: :D

Now to find some good speakers from TUC and BMA.
Some tit today again talking about a seven day NHS. My mum saw her GP the other Sunday. Perhaps her GP has missed the memo. How awkward.

I felt my heart sink today. And not because of political spin, or an unkind article in the news.

Because I think some of us have lost hope.

When I set up the National Health Singers, we were all shouting and standing tall and strong.

When we recorded our single in November we found 50 amazing singers amongst the junior doctor to do it.

We had a viral music video with close to a million hits.

We've been at every industrial action day and protest, singing out loud and spreading public awareness.

But today it all changed.
How many people turned up this morning to sing?

4. 4 people.

I appreciate that morale is low.
I appreciate that you're battleworn.

But I'm begging you to help.

Our choir is a force for good. When we sing, our voices are heard. The public listen. It's powerful.

Please. Tomorrow is day 2 of IA.
Let's bring the noise.

Let's pick up the momentum again.
Come along.

You're angry. Sing. Shout. Make your voice heard, and have some fun with us.

We haven't made a solid plan of action for tomorrow yet, but we'll be singing in central London at several locations and will email once we know the definite plan.

It's not about having a great voice.
It's not about sounding pretty.
It's about protest.


I'll be there.

Will you come, and shout, and sing with me? Or if you don't want to sing, will you come and support, and speak to the public?

Become part of something. Join our gang.

Are you IN?
If you are, write something below this post, and I'll contact you with details about our plans tomorrow.

We've got a new gang member. My baby Willoughby was born 5 weeks ago. He came along today to support us, and he'll be there tomorrow too. Come and give him a cuddle!

So your jobs are:
1. Write below, telling me 'I'M IN'.

That's it! We'll contact you with tomorrow's plan. And we can't wait to meet you.

Doctors are the most resilient people I know. Don't feel hopeless.
We're all in this together.



‪#‎NHSYours‬ ‪#‎NHSSing2survive‬

Going by social media, (not just the above) morale is lowering, like with other strikes, there needs to be support groups, benefits, etc, all the energies on the left seem to going elsewhere.
Going by social media, (not just the above) morale is lowering, like with other strikes, there needs to be support groups, benefits, etc, all the energies on the left seem to going elsewhere.

I do appreciate how difficult it can be, but I fear this
We haven't made a solid plan of action for tomorrow yet
can't help matters. I know from experience that if you don't give people a clear idea of where/when/what then numbers will drop.

It's something I'm pushing with my own union, to set out a clear plan of how we can support the BMA in the next two rounds of IA. We meant to do it this time, but didn't, and so none of us were there. There's power in a union, so they say, and that includes security in numbers. We're not all warriors, and need a little bit of the comfort/security of a crowd to help us along.
BMA to escalate junior doctors' strike action

Junior doctors have agreed to ‘escalate’ their strikes around the contract imposition, which would include ‘considering all options’.

In an email to junior doctors today, JDC chair Johann Malawana said ‘the JDC voted today to move towards an escalation of its planned action’.

In a statement to Pulse, he said that the Government’s refusal to continue talks with junior doctors has left them with ‘no alternative but to consider all options open to them’.

There is no detail about what this escalation would involve, but they had planned earlier this year to withdraw all emergency cover, but did not go through with the action.


They will need lots of support, hopefully people will put on benefit gigs, defend them on media, etc.
full strike on the 26/27th April.

Dear all

Late last week I updated you on a decision JDC made to escalate future industrial action. I can now confirm the exact nature of that, namely full withdrawal of labour by junior doctors on the 26 and 27 April. This will be between 8am and 5pm on those two days and will replace the planned 48-hour emergency care only action. Other doctors and staff will continue to provide care during this time.
The 48-hour emergency care only action due to start at 8am on Wednesday 6 April and end at 8am on Friday 8 April will go ahead as planned. During the 6 and 7 April we will get across to Government our desire not to escalate our action given how historic full withdrawal of labour would be. A consultant and specialist delivered emergency cover is unprecedented in the NHS. The Government has been blind and deaf to our concerns and their intransigence has left us with little choice. We must prevent the exodus of staff and goodwill in the NHS that is directly linked to setting the precedent of imposition.

Throughout this dispute we have always given the NHS the maximum notice possible to prepare for action. We deeply regret disruption that this inevitably does cause but continue to hear from doctors across England saying they want everything done to oppose imposition. That is why there is a phased approach to April’s action, to give Government every opportunity to avoid this.
When 98% of you voted for action we invited Government to talks via Acas as we have always wanted a negotiated settlement. Since talks broke down we have still left the door open for talks. However, the Government is flatly refusing to engage with junior doctors, has done nothing to halt industrial action and is wilfully ignoring the mounting chorus of concerns over its plans to impose coming from doctors, patients and senior NHS managers.

We know there is a crisis in the NHS – it is buckling and junior doctors want to focus on solving these deep-rooted problems. We are the backbone of the NHS that truly delivers world class safe care and are ready to step up to the challenges – if the Government doesn’t push us away.

Best wishes

Right, so, how can other unions (from other industries) best support them? My branch has been frustratingly slow to mobilise, so I'm keen to make some suggestions myself.
Sadly a lot of the other unions have woefully under represented their own members in the NHS as great chunks of the service were allowed into private contractors hands.
Either by stealth or outright threats workers from cleaners and maintenance staff through to medical staff have been coerced into working on dodgy contracts that become worthless as TUPE agreements time out.
All governments are culpable, none are blame free.
I am not seeing much evidence of support other than marches and petitions to be sadly honest.
The anti trade union laws cause the situation were if a union did offer to come out in support of an all out strike they would have all their assets seized.
Maintenance workers in the north west NHS are going on a work to rule in the near future, as they are losing about £3.5k a year due to contract changes I wish them luck too.

Electricians and plumbers work-to-rule at two north west NHS trusts over ‘losing £3,500-a-year’
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