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Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes

Ah, I was under the impression rose was hari. Or that he'd been using his name to do the editing - didnt read that he'd actually owned up. I should probably read what people post eh? :facepalm:
They are. When hari was caught out she suggested people pointing out his lies were motivated by homophobia.

It's the whole criticism & intersectionality thing all over again - the answer to legitimate criticism seems to be to suggest the critic is motivated to 'oppress' the writer in some way, in this case by using his sexuality as a stick to beat with with. Never mind that he has no integrity as a writer and he's blatantly ripping off others, the critics must be homophobes :facepalm:

No wonder mainstream media is struggling.
Wasn't it Hari?

That seems to be the conclusion although we have no solid proof.

He also wrote that odd article winking towards "consensual incest" back in 2002:

Consensual incest has been portrayed sympathetically in popular fiction for centuries, from John Ford's masterful 17th-century play 'Tis Pity She's a Whore to Ian McEwan's novel The Cement Garden and Steven Poliakoff's film Close My Eyes. The writer Kathryn Harrison caused a sensation in 1997 when she published The Kiss, a memoir of an affair with her father, and even in the popular medium of TV, from Jerry Springer (who has featured incestuous sisters on his show) to Brookside (which featured a love affair between siblings Nat and Georgia), incest has been depicted in a not unsympathetic, if somewhat salacious, manner.

... snip ... All existing studies of inbred populations show that incest increases the rate of appearance of negative recessive genes.

We should, however, be wary of damning incest on these grounds alone. To prohibit two people from having sex because their offspring may be "defective" or "inferior" is to adopt the standpoint of a eugenicist. Indeed, Dr Sean Gabb has clearly shown that the impetus behind the 1908 Punishment of Incest Act was just that: the proponents of the act were exactly the same figures who advocated the "sterilisation" of the "feeble-minded". If we prohibit incest on the grounds that it risks producing "defective" children, we must also prohibit reproduction by haemophiliacs and the carriers of a host of other "defects".

In any case, we must acknowledge that, with the rise of contraception, we have succeeded in separating sex from reproduction. Another unashamed participant in incest discovered in a chatroom, "daddysgirl", insisted: "We would never have a baby, it would be all screwed up and wrong. I use the coil." So has a window opened for "safe" incest?

He also wrote an article 'Legalise Prostitution now' interviewing a male sex worker 'rent boy' which has bizarrely disappeared from his website :hmm: used to be here:


Brett once told me, "When I was seventeen and I dropped out of school I went to work in a call centre. It was the worst three months of my life. I was stressed, miserable, constantly being told what to do, running around all the time and I never had any money. Then I started doing rent, and suddenly, when I was working just one or two hours a week, I was earning a fortune. I could buy nice clothes, give money to my mum, and chill out. And I get treated with far more respect by my clients than I ever was in that call centre."

His sock-puppeting on Wikipedia was sensational, a user had tagged 'David R' as being an extreme Hari fan constantly deleting references to poor journalism and stuff, this was Hari's response as 'Dave':

I am also concerned to stop Felix-Felix's persistent personal attacks suggesting that I am somebody else (and presumably libelling Hari in the process); Felix, please do e-mail me at methuselahproductions@hotmail.com and I can send you my phone number so we can talk and you can be assured that I am real and not Hari (I am five stone lighter and ten IQ points lower for a start). Either way, you should stop casting aspersions on me and on Hari, as Charles suggests - Dave
A bit of Hari nostalgia...

Recently Space Hijackers has been tweeting links to old event reports; tonight it was the turn of the opening of the Leicester Square branch of Starbucks (2001).

As noted:

Incidentally this story has since appeared in the New Statesman Magazine in an article written by Johann Hari. Click here to read it

Curiosly Johann has managed to quote what we said without either being there or having contacted us, unsurprisingly there are several mistakes in his take on what we did. My favourite being a quote from me saying:

""You piece of commie s**t! You f***ing anti-globalisation scum! Why don't you go back to f***ing Soviet Russia!"

Slipping a few of your own views on the anti-capitalist movement in there are we Johann?
And I always trusted what the media said.


cc Bristly Pioneer
Tell them the link to the NS story doesn't work. It's here.


It's not even a very interesting, exciting, empowering or titillating article. What's the point in making shit up if it's only to churn out a bog-standard, bland filler piece? Where's the aspiration? The ambition? The reaching for the stars? In fact those were the very words Buzz Aldrin said to me after I showed him the article, as he shook his space-worn salt-and-pepper topped head in scorn.

Precariat journos gotta bump up the wordcount somehow. :(

In a way, by diddling his employer like this, he was a kind of brainworker hero. And we crucified him.
Precariat journos gotta bump up the wordcount somehow. :(

In a way, by diddling his employer like this, he was a kind of brainworker hero. And we crucified him.
Because he was ripping off other writers left right and centre. Sure he got one over on his employer but at someone else's expense. He's no hero of the proletariat.
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