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    Lazy Llama

Johann Hari admits copying and pasting interview quotes

Richard Seymour, the bloke who does lenins tomb confirmed that he knew David Rose in the middle of this. Not that he had met a David Rose, but the David Rose. The one who had done all the stuff Hari has today half-admitted to and who wasn't at that time actually Hari.
Here's an idea, fund out what he actually did.
He lifted quotes from other articles and inserted them in to his own. Perfectly normal behaviour in the world of mainstream journalism.

He also, and this I suspect is your gripe, cherry-picked quotes to suit his desired narrative. But he's a shite columnist, not a substantive reporter. And I'm the naive one?
He lifted quotes from other articles and inserted them in to his own. Perfectly normal behaviour in the world of mainstream journalism.

He also, and this I suspect is your gripe, cherry-picked quotes to suit his desired narrative. But he's a shite columnist, not a substantive reporter. And I'm the naive one?
No he didn't.Yes you are. You're too late pal. See his teary lying apology.
He lifted quotes from other articles and inserted them in to his own. Perfectly normal behaviour in the world of mainstream journalism.

He also, and this I suspect is your gripe, cherry-picked quotes to suit his desired narrative. But he's a shite columnist, not a substantive reporter. And I'm the naive one?

I actually enjoyed some of his columns, if not always his views on matters. But it isn't difficult to say, "Jo bloggs met him and discovered blah blah" and form an argument around it rather than disingeniously shoving Joe Bloggs out of the equation and pretending it was himself instead. In fact, I don't understand why he did it. Does he want to impress his readership with lies about his imagined derring-dos?
Loads of people do, even on here. But it's standard accepted etiquette to credit the original authors. Anything else is plagiarism.
well, his plagiarism was slightly different to the usual kind. he kind of did credit the originial authors, but suggested that they'd said these things directly to him.
well, his plagiarism was slightly different to the usual kind. he kind of did credit the originial authors, but suggested that they'd said these things directly to him.
There was no kind of credit to the people who had elicited those answers full stop. And this was only half of his thievery the rest was usual plagiarism -see his Orwell winning article on multi-culturalism. He did both.
well, his plagiarism was slightly different to the usual kind. he kind of did credit the originial authors, but suggested that they'd said these things directly to him.

Sorry, made it clearer in an edit. But perhaps I was wrong anyway, I was under the impression that he lifted the quotes from books that were written in other languages. Can anyone clarify this?
During this the New Statesmen were presented with evidence that Hari was David Rose by two different writers. They refused to publish -why?
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