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Ireland Election 2020

How did McDonald do?

eta all she has to do is say these two are the same and look what they've done. Although I don't think she's a great performer or orator.
yeh i think she made the same calculation as tony blair, namely which party can i get further in. and decided her options in fianna fail were limited.
yeh i think she made the same calculation as tony blair, namely which party can i get further in. and decided her options in fianna fail were limited.
I'm really not sure about that. She is a career politician, that's for sure, but when she joined SF I'm not sure it would have seemed like that good a bet. I think at the time of the GFA and immediately after, a lot of the establishment assumed that SF would follow the pattern of Clann na Poblachta or the PDs - flare up for a few years, then wither and collapse. Doesn't look like it's going to turn out like that for the Shinners.

But could MLM or anyone else have predicted this?
I'm really not sure about that. She is a career politician, that's for sure, but when she joined SF I'm not sure it would have seemed like that good a bet. I think at the time of the GFA and immediately after, a lot of the establishment assumed that SF would follow the pattern of Clann na Poblachta or the PDs - flare up for a few years, then wither and collapse. Doesn't look like it's going to turn out like that for the Shinners.

But could MLM or anyone else have predicted this?
if they could have i'm sure they'd have stood more candidates
I wonder what damaging 'revelations' the Indo et al will pull out of their arses before next Saturday. They already seem to be at peak loonery.

Everyone from south Armagh knows that Paul Quinn was a scumbag and was definitely involved in criminality so what Conor said was actually true. But it’s one of those situations where you have to lie in order to save face. That being said he didn’t deserve to be killed.

What happened to him was absolutely barbaric. Of that there is no doubt.

Nor is there any doubt that nobody local would claim to be surprised that the ongoing situation in that area, over many years, had (as they say round here) 'A bad end'.

I don't know how many 'That will all end in tears'/shaking of head conversations I heard over the preceding 5 or 6 years.

The parents are just being used.

A conversation about Paul Quinn’s death
by Jude Collins on February 5, 2020

Person 1: What’s all this about Paul Quinn? Who is he?

Person 2: He’s a young man from South Armagh who was brutally murdered by a gang of men in 2007.

Person 1: Yuck. Sounds ghastly.

Person 2: Apparently it was. I could give you details but I won’t.

Person 1: Thanks for that. But why is it in the news now?

Person 2: Sinn Féin’s Conor Murphy at the time asked the local IRA if they were involved and they said they weren’t.

Person 1: Did anyone else agree with him?

Person 2: Yes indeed. The Taoiseach at the time, Bertie Ahern, said he believed it was part of a criminal feud.

Person 1: Did he base this belief on anything?

Person 2: He did. Reports from from both the gardaí and the PSNI, he said, who judged it was part of a criminal feud.

Person 1: Well, that’s that, then.

Person 2: Not quite. Paul Quinn’s mother has called on Conor Murphy to apologise for suggesting her son had any criminal links, to give the names of the people he spoke to back then to the PSNI, and to resign as Finance Minister.

Person 1: Crikey. Doesn’t seem to believe Bertie, then. Or the cops.

Person 2: It appears not.

Person 1: But all this happened in 2007, you say?

Person 2: It did.

Person 1: So why this sudden attention to the case? Has it anything to do with the election coming up on Saturday?

Person 2: Pass.

Person 1: But presumably Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have scrupulously avoided making this young man’s death an election issue?

Person 2: Au contraire. They’ve been using it like there were just three days to voting day and Sinn Féin were top of the last opinion poll.

Person 1: Yuck. A bit distasteful, that.

Person 2: But not unique.

Person 1: How’d you mean?

Person 2: Well, when Martin McGuinness was running for president in 2011, a man jumped in front of the TV cameras and accused him of knowing who killed his father.

Person 1: Oh.

Person 2: And in 2014, just before voting day, Gerry Adams was arrested about the death of Jean McConville.

Person 1: Mmm. Something of a pattern emerging then.

Person 2: There were those who predicted the kitchen sink would be thrown at the Shinners this week.

Person 1: But I’m sure Leo and Micheál are purely motivated by compassion for Mrs Quinn.

Person 2: You may be right. Both men have big hearts. Which ache over carefully selected tragedies.

Person 1: So housing and health are no longer top of the agenda in this election?

Person 2: Well yes. Except Leo and Micheál and the media both sides of the border seem to have largely shelved those issues.

Person 1: So are Leo and Micheál hoping to make political capital out of this tragedy?

Person 2: What a shocking thing to say. Leo and Micheál are honourable men. As are the members of their parties. They are all honorable men. And women.

Person 1: That sounds like Shakespeare. Julius Caesar?

Person 2: Correct. Mark Antony’s speech at Caesar’s graveside. He used Caesar’s death to whip up the mob.

Person 1: But that was just a play. Not real life.

Person 2: Of course.

Person 1: Are the voters raising the Quinn case at the doorstep?

Person 2: Don’t think so. More houses and jobs and health, really.

Person 1: But Leo and Micheál are – you surely don’t mean Leo and Micheál are using this death – which happened thirteen years ago – as a way of halting Sinn Féin’s rise in the polls?

Bolshies give their view.
Marxists can only advise workers in this election to spoil their ballots
The looming shadow of spunkingcockism prompted the SF man here to confirm categorically that he is not a shrieking conspiraloon.
Varadkar banging on about Venezuela and East Germany again, and even more bizarrely, Trump. Utterly incoherent.

If Sinn Féin is profligate in advocating €2.4bn a year in tax cuts, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil will need to explain why their mooted cuts, of €2.81bn and €1.85bn, are prudent. If the contention is that Sinn Féin will never deliver 100,000 public homes, Fianna Fáil will need to explain why and expand on how it intends to deliver the same amount.

Sinn Fein are lying cunts
Fianna Fail are lying cunts
Fianna Gael are lying cunts
Every single politician is a lying cunt.
I'm not voting.
Sick of lies.
I was just talking to someone at home, and apparently there's a rumour going around that Leo is in danger of losing his seat. Bit too good to be true. But still. . .
The bookies have FF/SF coalition as most likely outcome. FG people saying another election. Indo man says FF/Lab/Green/SD/Inds.
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If Charlie Blackandtanagan gets in I’ll never speak to another Laois or Offaly person again.
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