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Ireland Election 2020

Don't worry, the Healey-Raes are coming to the rescue.


They really encapsulate the term ‘gombeen shite’. I wonder if the drink driving limit will be raised to 4 pints after this?
FG saying there was way more money taken in this year in taxes etc than they had planned. But still 1 million people are on hospital waiting lists. .
The fire chief has told our local hospital that they will close it if there are trolleys blocking corridors. There are trolleys all along corridors. Patients get up to go to the loo and come back to find another patient in their trolley.

One 90 year old woman was left for 48 hours on a chair. :(

It's a fucking disgrace.

I’m not so sure I’d say them boyos have taken their fair share of brown envelopes in the past.

Oh absolutely. I'm just saying they're not thick ....gombeen implying they're a bit thick.
They're very cute...as in clever and calculating.
I don't particularly like them. But I dont like any politician.
FF screwed us over and then we were made foot the bill to save the banks. Something I'm still paying for. And they'll never pay people back for that. FG didn't help and fucked us over doubly by raising the age of retirement.
All of them.

The real victims.

“In terms of what the lord mayor has to say, I have never sought to make homelessness a party political issue,” Varadkar said.

It is a very complicated social issue that every country struggles with. I have never sought to make it a party political issue and I think, if anything, we have been on the receiving end of that rather than the perpetrators of it.

Look at the fucking state of this wanker:
Varadkar's mam is from Waterford but maybe, if we must go down that piss streaked alley, woman blood doesn't count.
Very interesting piece in the IT's business pages interviewing local capitalists and PMC types about the issues they see in the election, Ibec doing it's usual calling for more state spending to essentially supplement the private sector, although they seem to be acknowledging that the Market will not/cannot solve the housing issues, they want more money thrown at thrown at higher ed, curiously no mention of National nor Secondary ed.

The standout contribution comes some shit called Phelan who seems to be calling for greater flexibility in work only in so far as it must lead to greater exploitation

"Louise Phelan, the former vice-president of online payments company PayPal and now deputy chief executive at Phelan Energy Group, believes employers need to be more flexible on workplace arrangements, principally to allow their staff avoid congested commutes. But that also relies on government actively promoting locations outside the big cities to prospective employers.

“We as CEOs need to shift our focus to workforce outputs rather than workforce visibility,” she says. “We should be holding our teams accountable to deliver outputs as opposed to have them in the office every day; let them work from home, work from their local regional hubs,” she says."


The limit could be raised to 8 pints, a couple of naggins, a power car, and a forest or coast road for them and only them.

"Chappaquiddick - will we ever know the true spelling?"

The thing that surprisingly (or perhaps not so surprisingly) people aren't talking about at home is that surely the days of Ireland as a global tax haven are numbered. Brussels isn't going to stand for it much longer - IIRC Macron has made comments saying that things like "the Double Irish" can't go on. That being the case, what's going to replace it?
"Chappaquiddick - will we ever know the true spelling?"

The thing that surprisingly (or perhaps not so surprisingly) people aren't talking about at home is that surely the days of Ireland as a global tax haven are numbered. Brussels isn't going to stand for it much longer - IIRC Macron has made comments saying that things like "the Double Irish" can't go on. That being the case, what's going to replace it?
Fintan O Toole brought it up in the Inside Politics podcast, (which for what is, is worth a listen) suggesting that there are some seriously worried heads in the civil service about the future of multinationals in Ireland, especially when the 'Double Irish' finally goes. Might be why Leo is so keen on giving Tim Cook an award.

Also I see Stephen Collins is arguing for a grand coalition of FFG this time round.
Fintan O Toole brought it up in the Inside Politics podcast, (which for what is, is worth a listen) suggesting that there are some seriously worried heads in the civil service about the future of multinationals in Ireland, especially when the 'Double Irish' finally goes. Might be why Leo is so keen on giving Tim Cook an award.

Also I see Stephen Collins is arguing for a grand coalition of FFG this time round.
I think we can put the "FF/FG two great tastes that go great together" idea in the bin. After a century of their mutual row, there isn't going to be any great reconciliation.
I think we can put the "FF/FG two great tastes that go great together" idea in the bin. After a century of their mutual row, there isn't going to be any great reconciliation.

I think you're right but I find it intersesting that a mouthpeice for FF is making the suggestion. FF last time suggested that a GC would leave the door open to SF to be the opposition thus giving them the spotlight.

I think he's making the arguement that if SF lose votes, and there is a green surge, and a labour recovery (Collins thinks 10 seats) then FG will be loathe to have a three party coalition (unmanagable) while a 'Confidence and supply' arrangement would hurt FF, but he thinks that FF will find it hard to become the biggest party.

I'm not sure we'll see a labour recovery nor that we'll see a green party in coalition (with either FFG) without someone Saoirse McHugh walking away and splitting the greens (She talks a good game).

Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
Bad poll for FG. This doesn't take homeless mangling or their terrible videos into account.

It's the lowest ever rating for Fine Gael in the B&A series and comes after a bruising fortnight which included controversy over the now-postponed plans to commemorate the Royal Irish Constabulary and the hospital trolley crisis. The poll shows Fianna Fáil up 5 points to 32pc, with Fine Gael down 7 to 20pc.

Among the other parties, Sinn Féin is on 19pc (-1), the Green Party is on 7pc (+1), Labour is on 4pc (-2), Independent Alliance is on 3 (+1), Solidarity-PBP is on 2pc (-1), the Social Democrats are on 1pc (no change), Renua is on 1pc (+1), and Independents on 10pc (+1).

Trigger warning for cringe.

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Mary Lou understandably pissed off with RTE for excluding her from the head to head debates. Are Montrose still quivering over SF in this day and age?

Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has declared it a “farce” that she is being excluded from the RTÉ leaders head-to-head debate in the wake of a Sunday Times poll which puts her party within the margin of error of being the second largest in the country.

Speaking ahead of a canvass in the Liberties area of the Dublin South Central constituency, where party TD Aengus O Snodaigh is bidding to extend his 17-year-term in Dail Éireann, Ms McDonald said “what kind of debate is it to say to people that you can have Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil which really is no choice at all

Sinn Féin 'taking legal advice on' exclusion from RTÉ leaders debate
Bad poll for FG. This doesn't take homeless mangling or their terrible videos into account.

Trigger warning for cringe.

What about anti choice Sinn Fein do they have any reach other than Toibin?
Sometimes I think I should try and find some sort of gig at home. Then I read this sort of shite, and think I'm better off in the diaspora:

This doesn't even seem to be gangland related. Just gurriers being gurriers - except in my day even the roughest gurriers would have balked at this sort of escalation.

WTF is wrong at home?
New poll.

The state of the parties – when undecided voters are excluded – is:

  • Fianna Fáil – 25% (no change)
  • Fine Gael – 23% (down six)
  • Sinn Féin – 21% (up seven)
  • Labour – 5% (down one)
  • Independents/others – 18% (no change)
  • Green Party – 8% (no change)
  • Solidarity-PBP – 2% (up one)
  • Social Democrats 2% (up one)
The drop in support for Fine Gael is mirrored by a sharp decline in satisfaction with the government which has fallen from 42% in October to 27% now.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar’s personal satisfaction rating has fallen from 51% to 35%.
On SF was O'Broin in Gluaiseacht?

Dunno about Gluaiseacht, but Eoin is very much vocal on things like climate change, anti-racism etc, which draws ire from the right wing element. At least, from what I've seen on social media over the last couple of years.
What do we make of the latest twist in the "left unity" saga?

From that thread (the source of this alleged info is not specified):

Solidarity have cast iron 100% evidence, gathered by their own organisation, that there are NOT two seats in that constituency for the Left and that, furthermore, the one that is there is not at all secure. Go and ask them about it.​
Sandra Fay would not be running even if Paul Murphy had not been forced out of Solidarity and the SP.​
And, yes, she is being run ‘against’ him. The people running her campaign know she hasn’t a hope and that’s why they are trundling over the M50 to Dublin West every day to help out there.​
If she can skin 1000-1500 preferences from PM and put him in difficulty then that is job done.​

Personally, I'm not that sure that the Murphy lad will be damaged by this, given that he has a level of name recognition the other person doesn't.
Personally, I'm not that sure that the Murphy lad will be damaged by this, given that he has a level of name recognition the other person doesn't.
The other person got 3000+ first prefs in 2016 but won't get that again. Just the usual SP SWP gambolling. They're running against each other under the same battle flag even in places they struggle to get 1000 votes.
The other person got 3000+ first prefs in 2016 but won't get that again. Just the usual SP SWP gambolling. They're running against each other under the same battle flag even in places they struggle to get 1000 votes.
There was a AAA/PBP candidate in Mayo last time round. Any word on him running again?
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