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Ireland Election 2020

Cedar Lounge thread on the results:

That one raises the possibility of MLM forming a bloc with other left parties which could then be used to bring in FF as the junior partner. . . well it would avoid SF turning into the mudguard, I suppose. And it would be better than another FF/FG lash up (things have got so bad that there has to be change of some kind). But is it even remotely realistic?
Cedar Lounge thread on the results:

That one raises the possibility of MLM forming a bloc with other left parties which could then be used to bring in FF as the junior partner. . . well it would avoid SF turning into the mudguard, I suppose. And it would be better than another FF/FG lash up (things have got so bad that there has to be change of some kind). But is it even remotely realistic?
I don't think it's viable to have FF as a minor party, in a SF led govenment. They would wreck it. And then present themselves victim of a mad bunch of lefties while they tried to keep it sensible, which is a narrative the media in all it's forms would be happy to propagate.

But as an aside if that was the option I think Labour and the greens would join a SF/FF lash up. The SD have done well and would be throwing away their voters if they were to join. Sol/Pbp won't touch anything with FF in it.

I think we'll se a FFG lash up on the basis that they would be saving the country from itself. Either that or an election in two months.
Dublin NW is looking interesting Conor Reidy of SolPbp up against Paul McAuliffe of FF for the final seat. Waiting for Noel Rock's vote to be distributed...
Dan Finn sort of arguing that SF should govern or lose their voters. Not sure he’s right but it is a sign that pressure is ramping up on SF.

A mate of mine said a none ffg SinnFein gov could have 78 TDs. I think he’s wrong as that include the Kerry boys Danny and mickey who have come out with a fuck the planet position. And freakish Noel Grealish.
Dan Finn sort of arguing that SF should govern or lose their voters. Not sure he’s right but it is a sign that pressure is ramping up on SF.

A mate of mine said a none ffg SinnFein gov could have 78 TDs. I think he’s wrong as that include the Kerry boys Danny and mickey who have come out with a fuck the planet position. And freakish Noel Grealish.
The HR-pufn-stuf boys will do and say literally anything to serve their fell purposes. I could easily see them coming up with some figleaf to justify getting their feet under the table.
The tradedy of this election was Ruth Coppinger not being re-elected, this time. A genuine class fighter who played a superb role in the debate over equal manage and repealing the 8th Amendment.

She’s out but she’ll be back, she’s got a solid base although I suspect though that she didn’t have good relationship with the local SF cumann for transfers. I’ll have to have a look.
A mate of mine said a none ffg SinnFein gov could have 78 TDs. I think he’s wrong as that include the Kerry boys Danny and mickey who have come out with a fuck the planet position. And freakish Noel Grealish.
DHR backtracked on that today. He said he does not actually believe that the planet should burn to a crisp - he conceded that "there are people on it". There are so many of them.

Probably in case he gets a call, Grealish dialled down the freakishness and sidestepped questions about his controversies by saying that housing health childcare etc were the issues on the doorsteps and that's what he'd focus on.
Ruth got 1800 from the SF surplus, she got little from the rest. It’s was Joan fuckin Bruton that did her in with only 589 compared to the 1200 plus each for two above her, Chambers and O Gorman.
Ruth got 1800 from the SF surplus, she got little from the rest. It’s was Joan fuckin Bruton that did her in with only 589 compared to the 1200 plus each for two above her, Chambers and O Gorman.
I dunno if it had any bearing but Coppinger's "nationalise the construction industry" gambit was a little bit wildcard. FF keep sending Chambers onto the telly. A weirdo childman who knows nothing about anything. Today he was saying that he opposes coalition with SF because FF has a lot of cop members/voters and they wouldn't stand for it. It's as counterproductive as FG's expectation that liberal lefties would flock to Varadkar because he ticked identity boxes. And they really thought this would happen.

Meanwhile in Waterford.

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"The Sinn Féin surge manifested itself in the first polls of the campaign and held up until election day. The broadcasters had to scramble to catch up: the first leaders’ debate, in late January, pitted Varadkar against Martin; but the Sinn Féin leader, Mary Lou McDonald, joined them on stage for the final debate on 4 February, changing the whole dynamic. Instead of sparring against one another with subtly different pitches (low taxes v. investment in public services; a strong economy v. ‘an Ireland for all’), Varadkar and Martin had to form a bloc against McDonald, reinforcing the image of them as two wings of the same bird. "

Two halves of the same shite more like :)
"5. tafkaGW - February 10, 2020
Let’s be thankful that beginning of the breakup of the neo-lib duopoly of FF & FG came without an appeal to the basest racist and xenophobic instincts. Quite the contrary.

The Irish electorate can congratulate themselves on that!"

Shoddy presentation by Ros Atkins on the BBC's Outside Source this morning. He went to a clip of Micheál Martin and introduced him as the "Fine Gael" leader. He also pronounced Fianna Fáil as Fianna "Fail" :D

Did many on here get to vote?
Anyone heard of a writer called Kevin Toolis? If so, how accurate is he?

Depends if you buy into hysterical hyperbole and are an avid reader of the Daily Heil, I suppose

From yesterday:

As a result, the very existence of the Northern Irish state is now more in peril since the aftermath of the 1916 Easter Rebellion.

And terrifyingly, the result has brought the IRA’s secretive Army Council close to power in Dublin.

Make no mistake, Sinn Fein – the political party of IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands, of Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams, of the bomb and the bullet – is still controlled by sinister shadowy figures from its recent terrorist past....

Democratic debate or the usual personal rivalry of a real political party remain utterly foreign to Sinn Fein’s own internal politics. Mary Lou McDonald and Michelle O’Neill might be poster girls for Sinn Fein, but they were appointed by edict to their position and then slavishly endorsed in North Korean-style votes by the party membership.

In a robotic fashion, they continue to parrot a line not that far from the IRA Army Council’s view that the 3,700 murders of the Troubles, and innumerable IRA atrocities, are all the fault of the British Government and that the answer to all of Ireland’s problems is the immediate re-unification of the island.

This rigid Stalinist control from the top bla bla bla bla fuckity fuck etc

Here's the link to his blatherings, although I suspect you've possibly already checked it out?

Kevin Toolis: Sinn Fein is controlled by sinister shadowy figures
Depends if you buy into hysterical hyperbole and are an avid reader of the Daily Heil, I suppose

From yesterday:

As a result, the very existence of the Northern Irish state is now more in peril since the aftermath of the 1916 Easter Rebellion.

And terrifyingly, the result has brought the IRA’s secretive Army Council close to power in Dublin.

Make no mistake, Sinn Fein – the political party of IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands, of Martin McGuinness and Gerry Adams, of the bomb and the bullet – is still controlled by sinister shadowy figures from its recent terrorist past....

Democratic debate or the usual personal rivalry of a real political party remain utterly foreign to Sinn Fein’s own internal politics. Mary Lou McDonald and Michelle O’Neill might be poster girls for Sinn Fein, but they were appointed by edict to their position and then slavishly endorsed in North Korean-style votes by the party membership.

In a robotic fashion, they continue to parrot a line not that far from the IRA Army Council’s view that the 3,700 murders of the Troubles, and innumerable IRA atrocities, are all the fault of the British Government and that the answer to all of Ireland’s problems is the immediate re-unification of the island.

This rigid Stalinist control from the top bla bla bla bla fuckity fuck etc

Here's the link to his blatherings, although I suspect you've possibly already checked it out?

Kevin Toolis: Sinn Fein is controlled by sinister shadowy figures
There is a somewhat strange article in today's Mail, stating quite categorically that the IRA control SF. Actionable if untrue one would have thought.

Very odd.

Toolis claims to have intimate knowledge of the IRA, hence my question. Other than that single article, I've never heard of the guy, hence my query as to how sound he was.
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There is a somewhat strange article in today's Mail, stating quite categorically that the IRA control SF. Actionable if untrue one would have thought.

Very odd.

Toolis claims to have intimate knowledge of the IRA, hence my question. Other than that single article, I've never heard of the guy, hence my query as to how sound he was.
Back in the late 90s, early noughties he wrote a book whose title I cannot now remember, but which was, I remember (actually maybe it was called Rebel Hearts?) very much in the school of up the 'ra.

Having failed to make it as a Hollywood screenwriter (really) he has inveigled his way into the Daily Male Online, Beryl, Berrryllll, and I bet you he doesn't believe a word of the piece you just read.
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