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*IRAQ: latest news and developments

Ta Joe Dick for the links, especially the last. It proves the USuk haven't really thought out the next step once they depose Saddam, as in installing a semi-credible leader. At least in Afghanistan they had Hamid Karzai.

A US general in charge of administering Iraq, for anything more than a few weeks would be bound to cause huge friction in the arab world.

And this is a weird one:
The Washington Post quoted US officials as saying that they might just declare victory even if Saddam Hussein has not been overthrown.

Meanwhile Saddam rallies Iraqis on TV
The Washington Post quoted US officials as saying that they might just declare victory even if Saddam Hussein has not been overthrown.

US: (2001) "We'll not rest until we get Osama bin Laden."

(after months of trying)

US: (2002) "Getting Osama bin Laden is not important anymore!"

US: (2002) "We'll not rest until we get Saddam Hussein."

(after months of trying)

US: (2003) "Getting Osama bin Laden is not important anymore!"

Deja vu anyone?

john x
follow-up to johnToThis -x's post

This evening's news...the US claims that they really don't care if Saddam is alive or dead.

Hello....wasn't this one of their objectives :confused:
follow-up to johnToThis -x's post

Originally posted by sub
This evening's news...the US claims that they really don't care if Saddam is alive or dead.

Hello....wasn't this one of their objectives :confused:
Regime change.
Re: follow-up to johnToThis -x's post

Originally posted by wizard61
Regime change.

doesn't that imply liberating the population - not just the oilfields?
'No way to make this look good'

Whatever America's intentions, it is sending the wrong message


"The dispute as to the shape of postwar Iraq is ... a battle between the cynicism which so often characterises foreign and defence policy, and the idealism which is the only way the world can be changed for the better ...

What is won on the battlefield can be lost entirely thereafter if the countries attacked are not turned into better and safer places. Unfortunately, while America is very likely to win in the first, it is in grave danger of systematically losing the second.

"The Bush administration seems determined to convince cynics their worst fantasies are real.

"Reports that the Bush administration is moving aggressively toward unilateral control of the reconstruction of Iraq reflects a hubris that sets a troubled course both for US foreign policy and for the future of Iraq ...

"The US must face up to anti-US sentiments in the Arab world. To ensure that these negative sentiments don't stand in the way of securing the peace, the US will have to reduce its visibility and put together a multinational coalition of European and Arab allies who can help to rebuild and govern Iraq until such time the Iraqis themselves are in a position to take over. Unfortunately, there are no signs that the US is thinking or has any plans along these lines so far ...
we have all read this before and I will re-itterate (sp?)

Please leave this for news...not personal battles...do it some-else!!!

Collectively, we (U75) can debate...but this thread is for news...not commentary!!!

Yes, I am as guilty as anyone else.

Joe Dick....pm

Wiz...read the threads and will now continue on the appropriate threads.

AND NOW that our fingers have been slapped....Please....only use this thread for updates!!!!
US troops are said to be "in the center of Baghdad".

Lots of small arms fire, as well as larger explosions are being reported.
Following the same pattern as before (for example with the airport) the Pentagon claims it has taken areas well before they have. Presumably part of their PsyOps. But it does appear they're in the centre, or at least very near...

on the BBC they're saying it was probably an initial probing manoeuvre and not having encountered much resistance they are now moving larger amounts of forces into Baghdad

PS sub I can't see anything wrong with a bit of commentary or analysis, as long as it doesn't degenerate into flames :)

(edited for hideous typos)
Iraqi information minister claims on state TV that the Republican Guard are in full control of Saddam International Airport
... which is plainly bollocks (although the BBC is reporting they're coming under sustained artillery fire at the airport)
you decide

http://www.borsaitalia.it/fwa-cgi-b...he war - 1033 GMT&type=internazionali&ling=IT

* U.S. military says "significant number" of troops battle
into heart of Baghdad; Iraq says "everything okay" in capital
* No U.S. troops visible in central, southern Baghdad
* Iraq says retakes Baghdad airport killing several U.S.
troops; U.S. officers say still control airport, under heavy
artillery fire

1000: Western correspondents attached to the US mechanised infantry division at Baghdad airport say heavy fighting has been taking place as units move against Iraqi defenders on the highways leading to south-west Baghdad.

washington post:
Officials at Central Command said that when they spoke of the "center of the city," they did not mean that U.S. troops had reached downtown Baghdad, but that they had crossed the city limits into Baghdad proper.


The BBC's Andrew Gilligan in Baghdad says the US has a history of premature claims in this conflict and that it is clearly in the American interest to create psychological momentum in the hope that the defenders will give up.
FFs - you don't 'know' its bollocks - you think it is ! You think our reporting is correct, but often its boolocks aswell. Lets not debate it here - this is the news thread. The Iraqi minister 'claims' that the airport is in their hands - that is true.
Originally posted by Lock&Light
US troops are said to be "in the center of Baghdad".

Hmm. Funny. Both BBC and ITN reporters say they have seen no sign of US presence in the cantre of Baghdad.

I suggested on another thread that you blindly believe everything that the US military and government put out. You got very narky! Looks like I was right!

john x
Originally posted by john x
That just about sums up your attitude to the city and its people.

Silly billy.

Edited to add some news. 200 bodies, apparently dating from 1991 found near Basra.
A Sky news report on those bodies found in southern Iraq.

"The remains, including bundles of bone in strips of military uniform, were found in an abandoned Iraqi military base on the outskirts of Az Zubayr.
A neighbouring building reportedly contained catalogues of photographs of the dead, most of whom had died from gunshot wounds to the head.
A reporter from the PA news agency at the scene described what appeared to be a "purpose-built shooting gallery" outside.
A tiled plinth, about a foot high, stood in a courtyard and the brickwork behind it was riddled with bullets.
Behind it was a drainage ditch."

Why would the Iraqi's keep the bodies, if they are soldiers executed for desertion?
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