Originally posted by TheLostProphet
.....cleaning lady taken in for questioning.
That could be funny, if wasn't for the fact that chemical warfare manuals were found alongside the suspicious powders and liquids.
Originally posted by TheLostProphet
.....cleaning lady taken in for questioning.
Why in the world would the President of the United States subject himself to a face to face debate with out of control anti-war protestors.
Originally posted by Steve
he used to walk out of the White House and speak to anti Vietnam war protestors
Originally posted by Ice
I feal like this thread will be much busier pretty soon as night fall in Baghdad..
Originally posted by Lock&Light
Unexplained powders and liquids found in tunnels under Baghdad (officially no longer Saddam) Airport.
Originally posted by john x
And since when has Baghdad Airport been re-named?
Originally posted by Lock&Light
Since it was captured, as you ask so nicely.
The US military renamed the airport. Also, the reports of as-yet untested bottles of liquids and powders are very much in the news. Below is a link to an AP story.Originally posted by john x
What a ridiculous post!
If you want to put forward your theories about what chemical weapons Iraq may or may not have, then start a thread and post some evidence (though I doubt if you have any more idea than I do).
Don't just post up some half arsed statement that reads like a tabloid headline.
And since when has Baghdad Airport been re-named?
john x
Originally posted by john x
So it has been re-named by the americans then?
john x
Originally posted by Zacarus
This thread is for latest news not debate, please start a new thread if you are that bothered.
Positive test for terror toxins in Iraq
Evidence of ricin, botulinum at Islamic militants? camp
SARGAT, Iraq, April 4 ? MSNBC.com tests reveal evidence of the deadly toxins ricin and botulinum at a laboratory in a remote mountain region of northern Iraq allegedly used as a terrorist training camp by Islamic militants with ties to the al-Qaida terrorist network. ...
Originally posted by wizard61
Evidence of ricin, botulinum at Islamic militants’ camp
SARGAT, Iraq, April 4 — MSNBC.com tests reveal evidence of the deadly toxins ricin and botulinum at a laboratory in a remote mountain region of northern Iraq allegedly used as a terrorist training camp by Islamic militants with ties to the al-Qaida terrorist network. ...
Footage of saddam on the streets of Baghdad mingling with crowds and shaking hands, even kissing the inevitable baby.