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Iranian President suggests 9/11 foul play and cover up

fela fan said:

Blagsta, you're a wee kid, at least you talk like one. Maybe one day you'll be able to cut the mustard. Good luck.

That's right, keep telling yourself how fucking superior you are. One day you might even believe it.
snorb paranoid conspiracy theory, the editor is in the pay of the cia:rolleyes:

no the 9/11 terror was an excellent excuse to go to war:)
and what a war it's been
will bush become the hitler of the 21st century, we don't think so, this is no reichstag, this is real, keep.it locked to U75, for your reality check fela:D
Johnny Canuck2 said:
He's just asking for it, isn't he?
A chap's allowed to ask questions. It's the only way to get answers :)

But, considering he has the researches of his own secret services to hand ("just an educated guess" - the guy cracks me up), one suspects the enquirer already knows the answer to at least one of his questions...
September eleven was not a simple operation. Could it be planned and executed without coordination with intelligence and security services – or their extensive infiltration? Of course this is just an educated guess. Why have the various aspects of the attacks been kept secret? Why are we not told who botched their responsibilities? And, why aren't those responsible and the guilty parties identified and put on trial?
It's been suggested the answer is because the consequences were so congeneal to New American Century project.

Oh! How we laughed!

But what's your answer to these questions?
JHE said:
No, it's not. There may well be non-nuclear strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities, but there is no proposal to nuke Iran except in the weird imaginations of people like you, Jazzz.

Seymour Hersh might disagree with you there.
The conspiracists must be fucking desperate if they're willing to hail Ahmedinejad as some kind of visionary truth-seeker.
editor said:
See? You're too smug and arrogant to take any criticism.

QED. Case proven. You lost.

Incidentally if you think criticism is what blagsta has posted my way, then you're way out of step.

It is nothing else but abuse. And your forums have a lot of this these days, yet you seem to do nothing about it except ban/bin/close 911 forums.

My arrogance, or blagsta's abuse? Think again mate. That's if you have an open mind, but you demonstrate anything but with your postings.
Jonti said:
Perhaps because his style can be abrasive; and he sometimes has a dig at folk when he could make his point without getting personal.

Jonti, if you were at the end of half the stuff i get, you'd also find it difficult to not reply in kind.

I make a very successful effort at being polite on these forums. The only time i get derailed is when i face a barrage of abuse. It seems to happen about three times a year.

I often regret it, but no great shakes. I just won't accept crap without speaking out against it. In terms of getting personal, i give out a fraction in reply to what i receive.

I often speak up on favour of other posters, many of whom i disagree with, when i see the dreadful levels of abuse that british posters, yes always british, give out to those that have the 'wrong' opinions.
Yossarian said:
The conspiracists must be fucking desperate if they're willing to hail Ahmedinejad as some kind of visionary truth-seeker.

Can you show us one urban poster who fits this description? Or are you dreaming?
Jazzz said:
Iran is currently in the crosshairs of perhaps the first ever entirely unprovoked nuclear strike. Is it not respectful to let their president speak?

Ahmedinejad's a holocaust-denying, genocide-advocating cunt whose opinions don't deserve any more respect than David Icke's.
Yossarian said:
Ahmedinejad's a holocaust-denying, genocide-advocating cunt whose opinions don't deserve any more respect than David Icke's.

Can you expand on how you managed to arrive at this conclusion? Anything to back up what you're saying?

Pretty damning accusations, is there any objectivity behind them?
Yossarian said:
Ahmedinejad's opinions have been widely reported, google them yourself.

No. You've just made some extreme accusations about one of the world's leaders. In the west there is very little reportage about this man. Go on, back up your description of the man.

And get out of the passive voice. Who did the reporting, where is it?

The onus is on you.
Yossarian said:
What are you, his solicitor?

Here's the collected speeches of Ahmedinajad - enjoy! :D


As it happens, i'm just off out. But i perused the list of speeches titles, and i read the first one, and i'm having trouble squaring the fact he's a "holocaust-denying, genocide-advocating cunt"

Can you point me in the direction of any of that put him in this light? Coz what i've read so far of the man indicates he's a bright chap, and i can quite see how he might upset the hegemonic objecives of the US, and the lapdog UK.
OK then...

President: Real holocaust to be sought in Palestine, Iraq

Tehran, Feb 11, IRNA

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Saturday that the real holocaust should be sought in Palestine, where the blood of the oppressed nation is shed every day and Iraq, where the defenseless Muslim people are killed daily. Stressing that these crimes mark western liberalism, he noted that the Zionists are about to be annihilated and that the era of occupation of Palestine is over. The chief executive added that meanwhile, the destruction of colonial and Zionist culture is quite obvious. Turning to the fact that Zionism has lost its philosophical foundations, he called on the Western states to resume worshiping God Almighty rather than selling the glory of enlightenment to the disgrace of being subject to the Zionists. In another part of his speech, he referred to the recent Palestinian election as an example of the will and determination of Muslim nations and called upon the Zionist occupiers not to hinder the Palestinians' path to solve the issue, adding that the referendum in Palestine will serve as a guideline to them. Stressing that the Zionists are panicked by the Palestinians presence on the scene and democracy, Ahmadinejad called on the Zionists to respect the people's rights to determine their own fate rather than being stubborn in countering the Palestinians. "Some western governments, in particular the US, approve of the sacrilege on the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), while denial of the `Myth of Holocaust', based on which the Zionists have been exerting pressure upon other countries for the past 60 years and kill the innocent Palestinians, is considered as a crime.
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