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Iranian President suggests 9/11 foul play and cover up

laptop said:

That'd be easy to conceal.

well actually from the depth of the WTC and the use of a specific device there would be very little radiation afterwards , no more than background level readings.

the 200,000 gallon water tank on the roof, would create a steam explosion and thus enough energy to throw matter in the way seen on the picture.

I think this new 911 Eyewitness Hoboken will be well received.

also notice the brown strips in the smoke, mixed with the bright white dust, and dark smoke. Indications of three separate events simulataneously occurring
Jazzz said:
Did you have a look at the videos I linked to? Or better still have you read Steve Jones' paper?

question to all those who arent sure about Prof. Steven E Jones scientific claims.

why is he still in a job?
He has stepped out and is making very serious claims, why havent his University suspended him? Why havent the authorities charged him?

Could it be that his science is spot on and unchallengable?

Hes not just some bloke, he is a University Professor, employed by the University, puts the Universities name under his and still he is employed.
zArk said:
why is he still in a job?

I don't know. Has he got tenure? Do you know what "tenure" means in the US university system? Do you know how hard it is to sack someone who has tenure? Dou you care, or are you asking a piss-poor rhetorical question?

zArk said:
He has stepped out and is making very serious claims, why havent his University suspended him?

No, you don't care.

If you'd taken the trouble to follow one little link provided above and one click from there, you'd have seen that he is doing no teaching this year.

zArk said:
Why havent the authorities charged him?

Charged? With what?

zArk said:
Could it be that his science is spot on and unchallengable?

Are you tripping again? Do you have memory problems?

No, it could not be.

No science is unchallengeable. That's the whole point of science.

zArk said:
He's not just some bloke, he is a University Professor, employed by the University, puts the Universities name under his and still he is employed.

There are tens of thousands of university professors in the US. Statistically, it would be surprising if some weren't barking.
zArk said:
ermm actually no he didnt.
"The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons," bin Laden's statement said. "I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.

Very topical quite. This was what he said several days after the attacks, and before the US invaded Afghanistan. See if you can use you open enquiring mind to make any links between the bold sentences.

zArk said:
please post me the quote where Usama admits it. thanks
Well here's something in that direction from 2004 after 5 minutes on Google. I obviously haven't done the extensive research you have.

"I say to you, Allah knows that it had never occurred to us to strike the towers. But after it became unbearable and we witnessed the oppression and tyranny of the American/Israeli coalition against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, it came to my mind. "
Jazzz said:
I don't know crispy: but I stated that was speculation.

But, this is all the wrong way around. We have the molten metal. We know it was there dripping off the tower. We know it was there six weeks later. The official theory simply has no explanation for this.

We must find one. Aside from thermite, we just don't have one.

Did you have a look at the videos I linked to? Or better still have you read Steve Jones' paper?
That's fair enough, i think i saw an answer for it in a link somewhere, i think it might have been the editors' ones a few pages back, might go find it sometime.
Jazzz said:
No wonder you never pick up anything from these threads and post like a rabid dog with alzheimer's. Again, offices are not maintenance shafts.
I'll ignore the personal insults in the hope that you'll have the courtesy to finally answer my questions:

Who did William Rodriguez work for? On what floor?
And did you ever visit the WTC?
nick1181 said:
And if you had a reasonably high up job in IT support, smuggling tons of something into a building would be easy. Just take a large delivery of new computer equipment at about 6pm in the evening.
Err, you seem to be confusing your quiet office (which was where, exactly?) with a 24 hr business centre in the heart of Manhattan.
editor said:
I'll ignore the personal insults in the hope that you'll have the courtesy to finally answer my questions:

Who did William Rodriguez work for? On what floor?
And did you ever visit the WTC?
Why not listen to the insult?

I very rarely make them. You might just have done something to deserve it, like not pay any attention to anything I have posted, or not click on any links. Had you clicked on the name 'William Rodriguez' you would have found the answer to your questions. Instead you make the same points over and over again, ask the same questions over and over again, and then you will have the utter chutzpah to complain that the thread is going round in circles.

Here's the link for you AGAIN

William Rodriguez
Jazzz said:
Had you clicked on the name 'William Rodriguez' you would have found the answer to your questions.
I know who he is but AGAIN, where does it say who he worked for (a "maintenance worker at the World Trade Center" is a bit vague) and where does it say what floor he worked on?
Those are the questions I asked you.

Do you know the answer?

Oh, and how come he didn't notice all these explosives stockpiled in the maintenance shafts like you claimed?

And did you ever visit the WTC?
Jazzz said:
Why not listen to the insult?

I very rarely make them.

You have often said this, and once it could have been believed. But as you grow desperate, you have increased your use of (mild) insults, and you do yourself no favours by denying it. :(
William Rodriguez:p

ps i've learnt tp post images:)
zArk said:
... a University Professor, employed by the University, puts the Universities name under his and still he is employed.
That word Professor in an American context, has the same meaning as does the word Lecturer in an English context.

So probably not too smart to be impressed. There are plenty of strangely thick academics. Few of them obtain University Chairs, I'm happy to say.
A mate of mine worked for Enron - in one of their buildings in New York (they had the entire tower apparently) they had two whole floors devoted to "moves and changes".

If you haven't worked in a big tech reliant office, you probably won't get a grasp of the scale of this. Moves and changes is simply shifting people's desks around - but with it goes all their phones computers etc etc. I've worked in this area myself - and the reason it's given importance is that you're general IT lacky doesn't have the eye for detail to actually get things running properly in time for the people working the next day.

Additionally - the average corporate PC life-span is two years. If you have a building with 10,000 people in it, then the swapping in/out of PCs (and monitors) will be a continual process - and one that will often happen after hours. Piles of monitor and PC boxes a common sites, as are deliveries.

So. I'm not sure what the situation is like in a post 9-11 world, but getting tons of anything into a big office building without anyone noticing would be easy.

I think the explosives idea is bollocks by the way. This whole argument is a red herring.
Jazzz said:
... one poster around here has highlighted the lack of accusations from the governments of muslim countries regarding USG involvement in 9/11. So, you'll have to forgive me for producing the first one.
Actually, read it *very* carefully.

He could be suggesting elements of the ISI or GSA knew -- that those services had/have been heavily infiltrated. That could be his "educated guess". He's no reason to feel thrilled with either Pakistan or the Saudis.
editor said:
I know who he is but AGAIN, where does it say who he worked for (a "maintenance worker at the World Trade Center" is a bit vague) and where does it say what floor he worked on?
Those are the questions I asked you.

Do you know the answer?

Oh, and how come he didn't notice all these explosives stockpiled in the maintenance shafts like you claimed?

And did you ever visit the WTC?

Right, since you are wilfully not reading the links I put up for you, I am going to C&P a relevant section

William Rodriguez, formerly an American Building Maintenance employee for twenty years, was responsible for inspection and maintenance at the World Trade Center and held the master key for the stairs. He was the last person to leave the building on September 11 and has been credited with saving many lives.
There you go, there's your company, he worked at the WTC for twenty years, and the answer to 'what floor did he work on' is all of them. He held one of five master keys for the whole WTC complex - if anyone was familiar with the whole building it was him.

That's why he took it upon himself to help the firefighters and save many lives way beyond any call of duty as a civilian.

I've heard him explain that it would have been very easy for maintenance workers to come and go and if they were inside the building to do pretty much as they pleased. Further that one entire floor of the complex was unoccupied, and many other offices were also. I haven't been to the WTC, but if he said it was possible I have absolutely no reason to doubt him. I don't think you do.

If you want to disagree, fine, but I'm not going to keep repeating myself. If you do, well we know who is repeating themselves.
Jazzz said:
Further that one entire floor of the complex was unoccupied, and many other offices were also.
Which floor?

And - again - did he - with his master keys to the whole complex - ever see, find or witness huge batches of explosives being loaded in and deposited all around the place?

You see, the more omnipotent you make him sound, the more it works against your barking explosives theory. If he had the run of the place, then he would have definitely seen the tons and tons of explosives being stockpiled.
editor, I think you are talking nonsense, but we will have to agree to disagree on that, because plainly we are going nowhere on that question.
Jazzz said:
editor, I think you are talking nonsense, but we will have to agree to disagree on that, because plainly we are going nowhere on that question.
So the man with access to the entire WTC didn't see any explosives at all anywhere in the building? Nothing?

Surely one of his co-workers would have mentioned it to him? No?

And seeing as you brought up the empty floor like it was somehow significant, I'll ask again - what floor was it please?
Can I look at this a different way?

Suppose you were engaged in a state conspiracy to create an atrocity that would justify (etc etc etc). Would you really send teams of operatives into a previously-bombed building with explosives? Given how many people would need to be involved, or the amount of time it would take, or both - wouldn't the risk of detection be just too great?

(By way of contrast, the Watergate burglary, a basic in-and-out affair, used what - four to six people? - and they still got caught.)

It only works if you have Hidden Powers. And only the Man From Atlantis has them.
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