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I think that might be the final straw for me at the RailUK forums

I'm curious about something, Bungle73. You were very quick to condemn the employee you interacted with as 'telling a pack of lies', in effect assuming the worst. You seemed unable to have the common decency to give her the benefit of the doubt and consider she made an honest mistake, and decided she was for some reason trying to make a criminal out of you and wrote a letter of complaint against her, fuck knows in which terms.

That is a deeply regrettable thought process to have IMO, but aside from that I also noticed from your account of the events that the ticket barrier itself had first thought your ticket was invalid, or at least there was something to be queried about it. As well as writing irate letters to LU complaining about this woman and probably getting her in a spot of trouble for what it was clearly a mistake, did you also fired off angry letters to London Underground Ltd and or TFL also accusing their computer networks of lying and trying to paint you as a criminal? Or are your rants and zero tolerance towards mistakes reserved for human beings only?
Let’s not bully Bungle off the boards though. I actually quite like him and he adds a level of interest/humour to the place.

Bollocks, he seems to enjoy trying to get transport workers sacked; first the bus driver and now the LU gate woman. Wanker’s a cunt.
I think if you surveyed a sample of the UK population only a very very small percentage would think that getting off the underground system at a slightly different station to the one on your ticket ( even, if that HAD been against the rules) would make you a criminal.

She claimed that my ticket was not valid AT ALL! I believe I already said that in my account....

I'm curious about something, Bungle73. You were very quick to condemn the employee you interacted with as 'telling a pack of lies', in effect assuming the worst. You seemed unable to have the common decency to give her the benefit of the doubt and consider she made an honest mistake, and decided she was for some reason trying to make a criminal out of you and wrote a letter of complaint against her, fuck knows in which terms.

That is a deeply regrettable thought process to have IMO, but aside from that I also noticed from your account of the events that the ticket barrier itself had first thought your ticket was invalid, or at least there was something to be queried about it. As well as writing irate letters to LU complaining about this woman and probably getting her in a spot of trouble for what it was clearly a mistake, did you also fired off angry letters to London Underground Ltd and or TFL also accusing their computer networks of lying and trying to paint you as a criminal? Or are your rants and zero tolerance towards mistakes reserved for human beings only?

Did you actually type that with a straight face? The "mistake", as you put it, was actually her not knowing how to do the job she was there to do. This isn't some obscure ticketing trick, this is BASIC TICKET VALIDITY. Even a junior member of staff on their first day should have know it was a valid ticket. The fact that you think that such a person should be just left to continue challenging pax with perfectly valid tickets, and the fact that you're trying to turn this into my fault, shows you up for the massive hypocrites that you are.

And this may be news to you but ticket gates don't "think", they are programmed. And it's obvious to me that you have very little experience with using them, because if you had you would have know that they reject valid tickets left, right and centre.
She claimed that my ticket was not valid AT ALL! I believe I already said that in my account....

Did you actually type that with a straight face? The "mistake", as you put it, was actually her not knowing how to do the job she was there to do.
So ignorance or incompetence at worse, rather than deliberate lying or trying to slander your character, as you clearly implied earlier. I'm glad we've cleared that one out.

And this may be news to you but ticket gates don't "think", they are programmed. And it's obvious to me that you have very little experience with using them, because if you had you would have know that they reject valid tickets left, right and centre.
So have you challenged those in charge of programming the software that runs them in your letter of complaint?

And yes, on occasion a machine can fail to read a valid ticket. But often such mistakes are down to one's cardboard ticket or Oyster card being a bit knackered. I'm going to take a punt and suggest there was nothing physically wrong with your ticket as undoubtedly you would always ensure it is not damp, pressed or creased, and that the barrier's software decided it might not be valid or merit human scrutiny. It seems most likely that your ticket being flagged up by the barrier further reinforced the employee's belief that you might have not held a valid ticket for your journey particulars, rather than your fanciful claims about malicious lying or accusing you of being a criminal.

But no matter. Any employee who doesn't know *right away* the exact ins and outs of every last journey combination taken on one of the the world's largest and most complex metropolitan transport networks clearly deserves to be severely reprimanded if not fired altogether. Zero tolerance to that kind of shit.
And this may be news to you but ticket gates don't "think", they are programmed. And it's obvious to me that you have very little experience with using them, because if you had you would have know that they reject valid tickets left, right and centre.

Bollocks. I suspect you were travelling illegally, quite possibly accidentally so; (ie you bought, and attempted to travel on, what you thought was the right ticket but that was in fact invalid for your chosen route) and refused to accept your error when challenged, rightly so might I add, by the fine staff member of the railway and shown to be the criminal you in fact were. I can well understand that it's really difficult for you to admit your error here though.
So ignorance or incompetence at worse, rather than deliberate lying or trying to slander your character, as you clearly implied earlier. I'm glad we've cleared that one out.

So have you challenged those in charge of programming the software that runs them in your letter of complaint?

And yes, on occasion a machine can fail to read a valid ticket. But often such mistakes are down to one's cardboard ticket or Oyster card being a bit knackered. I'm going to take a punt and suggest there was nothing physically wrong with your ticket as undoubtedly you would always ensure it is not damp, pressed or creased, and that the barrier's software decided it might not be valid or merit human scrutiny. It seems most likely that your ticket being flagged up by the barrier further reinforced the employee's belief that you might have not held a valid ticket for your journey particulars, rather than your fanciful claims about malicious lying or accusing you of being a criminal.

But no matter. Any employee who doesn't know *right away* the exact ins and outs of every last journey combination taken on one of the the world's largest and most complex metropolitan transport networks clearly deserves to be severely reprimanded if not fired altogether. Zero tolerance to that kind of shit.


There is A CROSS! That means THE TICKET IS VALID CROSS LONDON TRANSFER! Surely that's not that fucking difficult to remember for someone whose job involves checking tickets?? As I've said about a million times, this is VERY BASIC TICKET VALIDITY! And yes I have "zero tolerance" for incompetence. Incompetence that causes me stress and to be unnecessary delayed at a ticket barrier.

There is A CROSS! That means THE TICKET IS VALID CROSS LONDON TRANSFER! Surely that's not that fucking difficult to remember for someone whose job involves checking tickets?? As I've said about a million times, this is VERY BASIC TICKET VALIDITY! And yes I have "zero tolerance" for incompetence. Incompetence that causes me stress and to be unnecessary delayed at a ticket barrier.
I think this post really needs multiple exclamation marks.

There is A CROSS! That means THE TICKET IS VALID CROSS LONDON TRANSFER! Surely that's not that fucking difficult to remember for someone whose job involves checking tickets?? As I've said about a million times, this is VERY BASIC TICKET VALIDITY! And yes I have "zero tolerance" for incompetence. Incompetence that causes me stress and to be unnecessary delayed at a ticket barrier.
The Ticket Inspector and the ticket machine were both wrong and you were right?

I hope you realise how preposterous that sounds. Imagine someone else making such outlandish claims in a post, and how you would respond.

There is A CROSS! That means THE TICKET IS VALID CROSS LONDON TRANSFER! Surely that's not that fucking difficult to remember for someone whose job involves checking tickets?? As I've said about a million times, this is VERY BASIC TICKET VALIDITY! And yes I have "zero tolerance" for incompetence. Incompetence that causes me stress and to be unnecessary delayed at a ticket barrier.

She did not accuse you of being a liar or tried to portray you as a criminal though did she?

I sincerely hope you didn’t claim as much in your letter of complaint.

There is A CROSS! That means THE TICKET IS VALID CROSS LONDON TRANSFER! Surely that's not that fucking difficult to remember for someone whose job involves checking tickets?? As I've said about a million times, this is VERY BASIC TICKET VALIDITY! And yes I have "zero tolerance" for incompetence. Incompetence that causes me stress and to be unnecessary delayed at a ticket barrier.
Oh Bungle. I do hope you're genuine. That post has given me a big smile at the end of a shitty day.
Not being able too ‘hack it’ on boards populated by social inadequate middle aged virgins probably won’t be a massive source of angst over here.
Why do you bring the suggestion of people being virgins into the question? How is this relevant to anything? Do please explain in full.
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