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Drivers who don't indicate at junctions

This is clearly untrue judging by this new poster’s bullshit. It seems to engender a dangerous complacency instead.
interesting mis reading there

you have no idea about my complacency or otherwise with regard to driving and as a cyclist i suspect you'd approve of how i pss cyclists, without breathing down their back whell , and passing as wide as i physically can and treating the 1.5 metres as the absolute bare minima to pass , preferring to go fully into the opposing lane
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How many more pints are you allowed to drink before driving if you hold an advanced driver qualification?

And has someone who holds the qualification tried to use that as a defence in court?
interesting mis reading there

you have no idea aobut my complacency or otherwise with regard to driving and as a cyclist i suspect you'd approve of how i pss cyclists, without breathing down their back whell , and passing as wide as i physically can and treating the 1.5 metres as the absolute bare minima to pass , preferring to go fully into the opposing lane
Good for you. None of that invalidates my views though
Good for you. None of that invalidates my views though
oddly enough here i am applying the system of car control and treating cyclists as vehicular road users , yet apparently i'm wrong because of your ignorance of how 'civvie' driver development activities and Emergency Services driver training is conducted
The biggest impediment to seeing hazards when driving at night is other drivers' thermonuclear LED headlights.
This is a major issue imo, and for absolutely all concerned whether pedestrians, cyclists, or bikers/ car drivers. Surely it’s not beyond our technological grasp.
oddly enough here i am applying the system of car control and treating cyclists as vehicular road users , yet apparently i'm wrong because of your ignorance of how 'civvie' driver development activities and Emergency Services driver training is conducted
You’re definitely wrong about indicating and your use of jargon to flatter yourself diminishes and obfuscates any argument you are trying to make
This is a major issue imo, and for absolutely all concerned whether pedestrians, cyclists, or bikers/ car drivers. Surely it’s not beyond our technological grasp.
Another thing I’ve noticed in recent years is indicators becoming smaller and less visible.
so unthinking action taken wuithout consigeration of the action is better than Applying the Systme of car COntrol and in that first Phase , the information, applying TUG

Take information , use that information give information and signals if required ...

the blanket ' you should always indicate' statement is clearly wrong

those of us talking aobout applying the System of Car Control are not excusing the Steering wheel operatives who crusie around in ignorance...

but the 'always indicate' crowd are wving their Dunning-Kruger cards ina Gove-ian frenzy of ignorance
Oh, bore off you dopey sod.
Another thing I’ve noticed in recent years is indicators becoming smaller and less visible.

i'm not sure how the construction + use regulations define what's acceptable - i suspect it's measured in light output (however the heck you measure that) rather than actual size of the unit.

you can certainly get something that's much smaller in size with LEDs than traditional bulbs (from a niche angle, this means you can fit very discreet units to classic vehicles that never had indicators originally, but if you do it well you can hardly see them unless they are flashing)

i'm not sure if side (rather than corner) indicators are optional - i've seen some cars with quite tiny ones on the end of the door mirrors
InArduisFouette going on about the Dunning Kruger effect is next level irony.

For me it was post 213 above, complaining about a poster making judgements about them...about an hour after they'd accused littlebabyjesus of advocating child torture.

The advocating child torture bit was where they lost any respect and any right to be taken seriously about anything.

They also come across as a supercilious cunt.
For me it was post 213 above, complaining about a poster making judgements about them...about an hour after they'd accused littlebabyjesus of advocating child torture.

The advocating child torture bit was where they lost any respect and any right to be taken seriously about anything.

They also come across as a supercilious cunt.
would that be the user who advocated to proven Transphobe and demonstrated crank David Bell ?
I'm way too new to remember the oft-mentioned Tobyjug, but I remember a certain Border Reiver. Everybody else was always wrong on every issue.
Yes, they teach you that you always have more to learn and can always be better.
They're also quite fun. Getting to do ludicrous things on a track that are too dangerous to try out just for fun in reality. I've no doubt some of those emergency maneuvers could prove useful, but if you practiced them outside a track environment you'd be a major road hazard.

The one thing I completely disagreed with the instructor about was the signalling. Their approach is that you should think about everything before you do it, and that signalling by habit makes it too easy to be lazy about assessing your environment. I countered that that was a complete misassessment of human nature, and even the very best drivers process by habit rather than thought on a daily basis. So better to have a habit of doing something safe than not. Never mind that it's all too easy in a crowded urban environment to miss something, even when you're trying to pay attention. I was told that, despite what you might read here, the signalling thing was just a recommendation and not a rule and that if I felt safer signalling every move then go for it. I do and I did.

We're also completely ignoring the 99.8% of people who've never had any advanced driver training and who neither assess nor signal. A blanket rule of "just signal everything" seems much safer.
The one thing I completely disagreed with the instructor about was the signalling. Their approach is that you should think about everything before you do it, and that signalling by habit makes it too easy to be lazy about assessing your environment. I countered that that was a complete misassessment of human nature, and even the very best drivers process by habit rather than thought on a daily basis. So better to have a habit of doing something safe than not. Never mind that it's all too easy in a crowded urban environment to miss something, even when you're trying to pay attention. I was told that, despite what you might read here, the signalling thing was just a recommendation and not a rule and that if I felt safer signalling every move then go for it. I do and I did.

We're also completely ignoring the 99.8% of people who've never had any advanced driver training and who neither assess nor signal. A blanket rule of "just signal everything" seems much safer.
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