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Drivers who don't indicate at junctions

Blimey, the Coastliner 700 service takes about four and a half hours to get from Brighton to Portsmouth, I hate to think how long it took them from Nottingham.
It was a good few years ago but if I remember correctly it took them all day, they set off first thing in the morning and rang him late night, He told me about it the following Monday after he had spent his Saturday on a long drive. My son and his fiance often drive from Nottingham to Southampton to visit her parents and it takes them 3-4hrs each time factoring in a stop to stretch legs go for a pee etc. They always stop overnight but I would imagine a round trip in one day must be soul-destroying.
I did most of the training to do my IAM test, then moved to somewhere there wasn't a local group, so never went any further.

I'd absolutely take issue with the "smug complacent bellends" comment - that wasn't remotely the impression I got from those running the training. They were serious - sometimes to the point of earnestness :hmm: - but if anything, the advanced training was about reducing complacency and smugness. I guess there wasn't much about being a bellend, at least not specifically.

And I still use a lot of the stuff I learned 25 years ago in my driving now, and am absolutely certain that it has improved my driving and ability to be courteous and safe on the road as a result.
It was a good few years ago but if I remember correctly it took them all day, they set off first thing in the morning and rang him late night, He told me about it the following Monday after he had spent his Saturday on a long drive. My son and his fiance often drive from Nottingham to Southampton to visit her parents and it takes them 3-4hrs each time factoring in a stop to stretch legs go for a pee etc. They always stop overnight but I would imagine a round trip in one day must be soul-destroying.
I've done Chesterfield to Winchester round trip in a day it was ok.
I don't know because I don;t have a copy of that particular book rather than having a copy of the Standard roadcraft text to hand and access to the DTAG book
It would surprise me if they'd changed their stance. The excuse from the instructor I was chatting with was that it's too complicated to teach. You could teach it to a 4 year old child in minutes.
It would surprise me if they'd changed their stance. The excuse from the instructor I was chatting with was that it's too complicated to teach. You could teach it to a 4 year old child in minutes.
so despite any evidence tyou maintain a position

what kind of instructor BTW as it's a bit empty to not clarify that when talking oabut roadcraft given it;s not a definitive course book and while it now does include some response considerations , it is widely used for all sort of driver development activity as well asa being a core text for 999 service drivers
I remember being told by a friend that his mother and her mate had decided to see once how far they could go on their pensioner bus passes and they had managed to get from Nottingham to Portsmouth in a day, they had to stop overnight and he had to drive down and collect them in the morning.

When the English National free travel concession scheme came in (2008-ish from memory) doing the negotiations / complicated sums with bus operators for one of the local authorities was one of the final things a colleague did before he retired and handed that on to me. He spent the first two and a bit weeks of his retirement going as close as he could to round the coast of England / Wales / Scottish border by bus on his new pass.
I had two non-indicators nearly take me out on my commute home one lunchtime last week. Ffs, my whole commute is only a third of a mile.

One was a van that had positioned itself on the right of the road at a wide flared junction suggesting they were going right, no indicator (there is a straight on available into a car park of some flats in front so not unusual), then swung left as I passed to the left of them. I know sometimes vans will position themselves orthogonally at junctions as they might not be able to see in one direction if angled - where normal cars get some visibility through rear windows - but makes no sense for a RHD car turning left!
Everyone should drive like this chap. The bygone age of roadcraft when folk took pride in their driving.

Features a good road-rage incident 1960s style..

Bloke was head of the Institute of Advanced Motorists.. :thumbs:

Take me back to the 50s/60s please..

Full 23 minute version here..

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I guess it's still right that for the Advanced Motorists test you have to commentate on your driving ? Good video here on developing your road commentary skills.. kind of think this test should be mandatory for all drivers...

Everyone should drive like this chap. The bygone age of roadcraft when folk took pride in their driving.

It's illegal to flash your lights and/or sound your horn to intimidate someone into moving out of your way. I think it falls under due care and attention.
I guess it's still right that for the Advanced Motorists test you have to commentate on your driving ? Good video here on developing your road commentary skills.. kind of think this test should be mandatory for all drivers...

don't know about IAM but RoSPA/ROADA requires some commentary ( although not giving a commentary won;t fail you at the normal level) , CERAD you can pass your assessment without a commentary beyond the ' i'm doing my risk assessment and looking for pedestrians, vulnerable road users and obvious hazards' - when " the job comes down " and you are asked to put the blues and twos on but some some tutors will mark you better if you give a commentary especially on complex / higher risk sections when you are making use of multiple exemptions . For tutors and trainers commentary is an expectation, as it is for Police Drivers with Pursuit authorisations
don't know about IAM but RoSPA/ROADA requires some commentary ( although not giving a commentary won;t fail you at the normal level) , CERAD you can pass your assessment without a commentary beyond the ' i'm doing my risk assessment and looking for pedestrians, vulnerable road users and obvious hazards' - when " the job comes down " and you are asked to put the blues and twos on but some some tutors will mark you better if you give a commentary especially on complex / higher risk sections when you are making use of multiple exemptions . For tutors and trainers commentary is an expectation, as it is for Police Drivers with Pursuit authorisations
Must be tricky giving a running commentary whilst driving if you're deaf. :hmm:
In my mind no vehicle should ever have precedent over somebody on foot, but at the moment that is not the case.

It is really though, isn't it?

Peds now have preference if they're crossing a road that the driver is turning into or exiting; and obviously have always had priority at crossing points.

What would you like to see change?
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